Shared Flashcard Set


08 history ids and mc
ch 15- 16
9th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




30 years war
who- protestant german princes and catholic german emperor
what- a conflict between german protestants and catholics over religious and constitutional issues. started by the defenstration of prague which was when the diet threw 2 imperial officials out a castle window as a rebel against religious policies made by the emperor. soon spread into a struggle for the german territories by france, spain, sweden, and england. the war ended with the treaty of westphalia.
when- 1618- 1648
where- mostly fought on german territory
sig.- the treaty allowed german states to stay seperate with different laws and armies, etc. the empire was permanently weakened. an example of an empire that was not subject to absolutism and therefore suffered under countries who did.
hobbes/ leviathan
who- hobbes, english philosopher
what- hobbes proposed a solution to the crisis of europe's political order collapsing. he wrote the book called leviathan. leviathan was a study of political study but also a solution to its many flaws. solution was there to be one ruler, this solution was called absolutism.
when- published in 1651
where- england
sig.- opened europe's eyes to a whole different government and throughout the course of the 17th and early 18th centuries. countries such as france became overpowerful and booming with success in economy and power. absolutism brought a country together unified under one leader, giving one person enough power to almost do anything he/ she wished.
cardinal armand jean du plessis de richelieu
who- cardinal richelieu
what- a cardinal and louis XIV king's chief minister. he was responsible for lowering the power and independence of the nobility, restricting the power of the political assemblies and 8 regional parliaments. his main accomplishment was strengthening the system of intendents who made up the french local admisnistration. also modified the religious policy in the edict of nantes. he also had many achievements and helped the french monarchy greatly.
when- 1585- 1642
where- france
sig.- cardinal richelieu was the main reason that the french monarchy absolutism system worked so well and allowed louis XIV to grow so immensely. he supported the country by raising lots of money and giving ultimate power eventually to just the king.
phillip II
who- phillip II, spanish king
what- catholic king that led the spansh monarchy to be a powerful dominante country in europe, which was a contrast to the economic failure and decrease in the monarchy's power during the 17th and 18th centuries
when- r. 1555- 1598
where- spain
sig.- was an effective king compared to the failure of the 17th and 18th century rulers who failed with absolutism. phillip paved the pathway for following rulers but they didn't follow because spain became weaker and weaker especially compared to the reign of phillip II
don quixote
who- miguel de cervantes, writer
what- a book that described the story of and ideal wandering nobleman who followed his dreams of military glory
when- published in 2 parts in 1605 and 1615
where- spain
sig.- the book describes the difference between an fantasy and reality and was a commentary on how the nobility had lost confidence in itself and had become weak.
fredrick william/ great elector
ferdinand/ austria habsburg
fredrick williams the great elector
- was from the hohenzollern family
- began reconstruction of the german state to become powerful and unified country called prussia
- lessened the power of the nobility (junkers), by granting them special privileges (no taxes and legal confirmation)
- created a administrative bureaucracy
- taxes went to building a stable army
- was named king of prussia in 1701 (one main ruler)
ferdinand II/ austria habsburg
- several duchies, core of monarchy, modern austria
- 2 subordinating kingdoms north= bohermia, southeast= hungary
- never integrated ethnically, religiously, etc.
- never had an uniform taxation system
- ferdinand II was able to accquire some absolute qualities but not many, experienced limits of royal absolutism
who- sir isaac newton
what- english scientist, in 1680's formed a set of mathmatical laws that governed the operation of the world. 1687, he published his theories into, mathematical principles of natural philosophy. in these theories was his most famous law, law of gravitation (same force holding objects to the earth as planets in their orbits). also claimed that 2 bodies attract eachother with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. he also created many other theories than these 2.
when- 1642- 1727
where- england
sig.- he revolutionized science by discovering several theories. he set the path for many scientists to follow him and also expand in the field of science. some of theories are still used today and are accutrate.
who- johannes kepler, german astronomer
what- 1609, confirmed that the sun was the center of the universe after using copernicus's earlier model. in his treatise, new astronomy, he claimed that planets as well as earth orbited the sun in some sort of pattern
when- 1571- 1630
where- germany
sig.- he was able to better prove and modify the theories proposed by copernicus. he was more accurate and was able to confirmed his ideas, that the sun was the center of the universe so other scientists could benefit and build off of his theories.
who- nicolaus copernicus, polish cleric
what- was the first to challenge the ptolemaic system by saying that the earth isn't the center of the universe but the sun is, published in 1543, the revolutions of the heavenly spheres. he wasn't supported very much.
when- 1473- 1543
where- poland
sig.- he was the first to contradict ptolemy with his controversal theory of the sun-centered universe. this theory enabled later scientists such as kepler to verify his ideas and revolutionize science.
who- galileo galilei
what- a scientist, astronomer that was more successful than kepler in making the idea for a sun-centered universe more public and supported. used evidence from his telescope and his observations. published, dialogue concerning the two chief world system- ptolemaic and copernican, in 1632. the book cost galileo the patronage of the pope urban VIII. later he was tried and as a result the dialogue was banned and he was forced to abandon his model of the solar system.
when- 1564- 1642
where- italy
sig.- he was the first scientist to successfully publish and publicly spread his ideas to the public. he gained support for his ideas and also he discovered that motion of an object occurs only in relation to things that do not move.
mechanical philosophy
who- scientists and philosophers
what- a philosophy that nature operated in a similar way that a machine did except that we cannot observe the structures of natural mechanisms. it is believed by mechanists that everything in nature is a machine big or small, including a human body
when- during the scientific revolution
where- all over europe
sig.- it was a rough breakdown of the earth and everything on it. it might not be correct but it allowed scientists of the time to base their theories on something that was accepted by some.
who- rene descartes, french philosopher and mathematician
what- wrote, discourse on the method, in 1637 explained a method for deductive reasoning based on mathematics. supported and practiced rational deduction which was very limited and was proven limited when descartes claimed a false theory for the law of gravitation.
when- 1596- 1650
where- france
sig.- he provided a method that was greatly practiced and one of the main ways that theories were created and proved. many scientists were able to use his methods to create theories whether they were right or not.
primary document 1
- written in 1697
- by: jean domat
- describes an ideal absolutism
- called the "legal official statement on sbsolutism"
- pro absolutism
primary document 2
- written in 1679
- by: jacques bossuet
- bishop
- pro absolutism
- view from a church perspective
- uses examples from the bible
primary document 3
- by: louis XIV to his son Louis
- called "allow good sense to act"
- kind of like a memoir
- near end of louis XIV life
- advice on how to run the government and empire
primary document 4
- written october 22, 1685
- "revocation of the edict of nantes"
- by: louis XIV
primary document 5
- by: duke of saint simon
- member of the nobility
- called "vanity was his ruin"
- talking about louis XIV
- written after the death of louis XIV
3 features of research
1. observation and experimentation
2. deductive reasoning
3. mathematics and nature
5 factors that encouraged the scientific revolution
1. protestantism
2. patronage
3. printing press
4. military and economic change
5. voyages of exploration
paid crown officials that were hired from the proffesional classes and lower ranks of the nobility to become main agents of the French local administration. they collected taxes, supervised local administration, and recruited soldiers for the army.
- a pejorative reference to a parsian game in which children flung mud at passing cars
2 ways it was used
1. fronde of parlement
- members of parlement of paris refused to register and edict of the king that had required them to surrender four years' salary
2. fronde of princes
- prince de conde and his nobles allies waged war on the government and formed an alliance with spain
wars of louis XIV 1667- 1714
- designed to maintain internal peace but to also be able to wage war on other countries
- 4 seperate wars within the time of louis XIV's wars
- mainly on spanish and german territories
- came to an end when suurounding countries made a pack against louis XIV
james I
realized the problem which was that england was not totally was absolutist becasue of parlement
charles I
was willing to fight parlement for power, ended up being killed by beheading
civil war
absolutism vs parlement
- absolutism lost
reign of terror under cromwell who was a dictator
brought england back to where it started before james I
- england had gotten nowhere
glorious revolution
under william and mary
a struggle for power within england
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