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8. Basis for Drug Action in the Cardiovascular System

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the reduction of a membrane potential to a less negative value. It is caused by the influx of cations, such as sodium and calcium, through ion channels in the membrane. In many neurons and muscle cells, depolarization may lead to an electric impulse called an action potential.
the process by which the membrane potential of a neuron or muscle cell is restored to the cell's resting potential.
threshold potential
 the transmembrane potential that must be achieved before a membrane channel can open; it differs among the various cardiac membrane channels.

Cardiac Action Potential - myocardial cells

 Phase 0 - the rapid depolarization phase



1.) Depolarizing current makes "fast" NA channel open-only for a short time.

2.) Na+ rushes in b/c there is a neg. gradient in the cell.

3.) Current is transmitted to adjacent cells.

Phase 0 is the depolarization phase.  It is triggered by depolarizing currents from adjacent cells.  If these currents raise the membrane potential to threshold (usually -70mV), voltage-gated sodium channels open.  These channels are called “fast sodium channels” because they quickly open in response to depolarizing currents, however, they only stay open for a few milliseconds before closing.  While the sodium channels are open, Na+ rushes into the cell due to the electrochemical gradient.  


The depolarizing current generated in Phase 0 is transmitted to adjacent cells.  These adjacent cells propagate the current by also undergoing depolarization.  Once cells depolarize, they need to return to a state of repolarization so that they can respond to the next depolarizing current.  Phases 1 through 3 restore the cell to its repolarized state


Cardiac Action Potential - myocardial cells

 Phase 1 - the partial repolarization phase 


1.) K+ channels open

2.) K+ moves out of cell to become more negative. 

K+ channels open and the outward movement of K+ causes the interior of the cell to become more negative 


Cardiac Action Potential - myocardial cells

 Phase 2 - the plateau phase


1.) Ca++ channels open & move into the cell.

2.) Slight decrease in membrean potential even though (+) Ca entering cell, 2* outwanrd flow of K. Shows a slight decrease in the membrane potential.

Ca++ channels open and calcium moves into the cell.  the calcium channels are slower to respond to the depolarizing currents that initiated Phase 0; they’re just now opening.

 there’s a slight decrease in membrane potential during this phase even though positively charged calcium ions are entering the cell.  This is because there is a slow outward current of K+ that slightly offsets the Ca2++ influx.  As a result, the membrane potential shows a slight decrease during the plateau phase. 



Cardiac Action Potential - myocardial cells

 Phase 3 - the repolarization phase 


1.) Phase 2 Ca channels close.

2.) K channesl open in phase 1 & 2 stay open.

3.) Causes outward flow of (+) charge inside of cell becomes negative.

4.) increase in the types of K channels open but don't need to know that.

-Repolarization may overshoot restimg membrane potential (hyperpolarization).

During this phase, the calcium channels that were open in Phase 2 close.  However, the potassium channels that were open in Phase 2 remain open.  The result is a net outward flow of positive charge, causing the inside of the cell to b ecome more negative 


Cardiac Action Potential - myocardial cells

 Phase 4 - Return of the cell to its resting membrane potential 

1.) Return of cells to its refractory period.
Nerve Cell are faster than cardiac cells. Cardiac cells use Ca++ which is longer but also also for filling time.
the effective refractory period (ERP), 

--During phases 0, 1, 2, & part of 3, the cell is refractory to new action potentials. 

--the cell cannot respond to depolarizing currents by propagating action potentials.  The ERP is a protective mechanism because it:


(a) limits the frequency of cardiac contractions,

(b) allows for adequate filling time, and

(c) prevents sustained contractions that can occur in skeletal muscle.    



Pacemaker cells -- SA Node

No true resting membrane potential-constantly cyling


-spontaneously generate action potentials. 

-sodium is not involved in the generation of pacemaker action potentials.



-Depolarizing currentl carried primarily by relatively slow, inward Ca++ currents


-No fast Na+currentls


Pacemaker cells -- SA Node


Phase 0 - rapid depolarization



1.) Depolarization occurs when voltage-gated Ca++ channels    open--> cause the interior of the cell to be less negative.

-These Ca channels are much slower than the Na channels so the slope is less steep than non-pacemaker cells. 

-L-type Ca++ channels


Pacemaker cells -- SA Node


Phase 3 - repolarization

(no phase1&2)


1.) Depolarization opens voltage-gated potassium channels and causes a net movement of K+ out of the cell. 

2.) At the same time, the Ca++ channels that opened in Phase 0 begin to close. 

3.) The net result of these two events is to make the interior of the cell more negative, thus contributing to repolarization. 

-At the end of Phase 3, the K+ channels begin to close.


Pacemaker cells -- SA Node


Phase 4 - slow depolarization phase


1.) K channels close so no more K out of cell (cell becomes more negative)

2.) Ca channels open (T-type, transient) in response to low voltage→influx of Ca

3.) Threshold reached, phase 0 initiated.


Disturbances of Cardiac Rhythm

-Transformation of non-pacemaker into pacemaker cells

-Ectopic foci 2* hypoxia


-Damaged tissue (hypoxia) ↑ resting membreane potential. Depolarized cells b/c less negative. Cells don't work as well, damaged→can't maintain int/ext gradient.


-If Na channels can't work, K/Ca channels taker over.

-Non pacemaker action potentials start looking like pacemaker action potentials.


Steps of cardiac contraction:



In phase 1 & 2: K open, some Ca into cell to sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), which stores Ca

-Ca binds to rhyanodine receptors on surface of SR.

-When they bind, Ca is released from SR.

-Myocyte flooded w/ Ca d/c action potential generated from pacemaker stimulus.

-Ca flooding cell now knock trop off usu keeps activ and myosin from →causes contraction.


Adrenergic Stimulation


 Inotropic effects-myocytes


Catecholamines (NE&Epi) bind to B1




 NE and epinephrine bind to adenylyl cyclase-coupled G proteins

–Results in phosphorylation of Ca2+ channels and opens them
–Increases inward movement of Ca2+ and increases force of contraction

-Knock off more troponin ↑ the force of the contraction


Adrenergic Stimulation


Chronotropic effects-Pacemaker cells


-How do catecholamines ↑ HR?




-increases intracellular Ac2+ concentration and steepens the slope of phase 1.

-Increases the rate of depolarization.


-Same mechanism happening, ↑Ca, but now occurring in the pacemaker cells.


Adrenergic Stimulation


effects of catecholamines on- Na/K ATPase pump



-When people have ischemic injuries, reparative effects. 

-NE&Epi stim activity of working pumps & ↑activity.

-Repolarizes cell, brings it closer to its original resting membrane potential.


*So epi given in asystole to stimulate pumps that are working→helps restore systole.


Cholinergic Stimulation


Effects of Muscarinic (M2) receptors in heart

*PNS slowing HR


*M2 receptors work to slow the HR after stim actions by the SNS. 

-Slows the speed of depolarization, ↓conduction velocity of AV node.

1.) Ach binds to adenylyl cyclase-coupled G proteins that inhibit cAMP activation.
- Reduces opening of Ca2+ channels on the surface of nodal cells.

2.) Ach opens K channels and hyperpolarizes cardiac cells, moving them further away from threshold.
-G-protein different, INHIBIT cAMP. Inhibit protein kinase, no phosphorylation of CA channels. Slowing action potential, prolongs it, lowers HR, fewer action potential.
Main Phenomena Causing Pathological Disturbances in Rhythms:

4 Causes:

1.) Heart Block
1.) arises from fibrosis or ischemia damage in the conducting system - usually in the AV node.

→So atria & ventricles can be independent of each other.
Main Phenomena Causing Pathological Disturbances in Rhythms:

4 Causes:

2.) Ectopic Pacemaker

2.) pacemaker activity can arise from other tissue when there is ischemia or increased catecholamines.

-pacemaker potential from cell other than pacemakers

-↑ voltages, Na channels close quickly.

Main Phenomena Causing Pathological Disturbances in Rhythms:

4 Causes:

3.) Spontaneous delayed after-depolarization

-Caused by: ↓K, ↑Ca, ↑dig toxicity.


During phase 2, Ca & K channels are open. But if hypercalcemia & Ca going into cell→protective mechanism.


-Ca/Na transporter- 3 Na in, 2 Ca out=net Δ is 1+ charge

-depolarizing cell→closer to threshold→more susceptible to firing in phase 3/4.

-No ATP neede as Δing na/ca closer to conc. gradient

-Net result of hypercalcemis=depolarization, moving closer th tohe threshold, normal stimulus may no make cell fire.


=Spontaneous depolarizations

=response to stimulus lower than normal threshold.

Main Phenomena Causing Pathological Disturbances in Rhythms:

4 Causes:

4.) Re-entry Phenomenon

1.) Loop

2.) Uni-directional block→damaged tissue lets signal through one way, blocks other.

3.) Conduction time around ring, must be long enough that it never encounters a cell in a refractory period.


*loop of impulse→tachy or a-flutter


*treat with ablation/cardioversion.


Class 1


Ligand gated Na+ channel blocker

-Bind to sites in the a subunit of the sodium channel. 

-Blocks some of them from opening→makes phase 0 longer→ ↓excitability of cell, may not reach threshold. May stop damaged cells that ar alread lower threshold from firing.

-Effect on the action potential is to reduce the maximum rate of depolarization during phase 0. 
Antiarrythmic drug classes
·Sodium Channel Blockers (Class I)
·Beta-Adrenergic Blockers (Class II)
·Drugs that prolong the cardiac action potential and increase the refractory period - Potassium Channel Blockers (Class III)
·Calcium Channel Blockers (Class IV)
Class 1a

-blocks activated Na channels, affecting the rise of phase 0.

-Ischemic tissue stays in the activated/inactivated refractory state for longer so class1a wants to bind to these states much more.

-Gets on/off Na channels with middle speed.

-also blocks K channels which prolongs repolarization & refractory period.


-Don't give often b/c prodysrhythmic

Class 1b
-Block the sodium channel in both the activated and inactivated state of phase 0
-Do not prolong action potentials because dissociation is rapid -quick on/off.→Will suppress ectopic beats, less likel to suppress normal beats b/c fast.
-Preferential effects in ischemic tissue
-Ischemic tissues characterized by depolarization
-They take longer to repolarize
-Thus, Na channels are in inactivated state longer than in normal tissue
Class 1c


-Minimal effects on action potential duration-don't lengthen action potentials→don't block K
-Dissociate from Na channel with slow kinetics
-Cause general reduction in excitability
-No preference for inactivated channels→bind equally in all 3 stages.


Class II- Beta Blockers

-Are beta blockers

-Prolong slope Phase 0 and Phase 4-prolong action potentials→↓HR

-Results in decreased heart rate

-Produce negative inotropic effects

Class II- Beta Blockers


-activate adenalyl cyclase

-↑phosphorylation of proteins→phosphorylation of ca channels→↑ca coming in


-Myocytes:↓ inotropic effects

Pacemaker cells:↓ chronotropic effects b/c blodking cells

Class III - K channel Blockers

-Prolong action potentials by blocking K channels 


-lengthening action potentials→ ↓HR

-Esp. phase 2&3, which prolongs refractory period→repolarization longer


-Increase the effective refractory period of the membrane action potential without altering the phase of depolarization or the resting membrane potential

Class IV- Ca channel blockers - L-type

-Block L-type calcium channels


-Slow conduction through SA and AV node and increase the duration of phase 0 depolarization 


-Can also cause dilation of blood vessels→↓BP b/c Ca dependent



Cardiac Glycosides - Dig

-Inhibition of the Na+/K+ ATPase of the cell membranes

-Therapeutic advantage of inhibiting Na/K pumps. ↑Na inside cell, not pumped out, slows the release of Ca.

-MOre Na in cell, ↑Ca, knock off more trop→↑inotropic effects

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