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ACA Code of Ethics
Section by section review of ethics code

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What is the title of Section A?
The Counseling Relationship
Section A.1. describes the Welfare of Those Served by Counselors. What are the 5 areas covered in this section?
1. Primary Responsibility is to client welfare
2. Maintain Records
3. Work with clients in developing Counseling Plans
4. Recognize the meaning of Support Networks.
5.Client's Employment Needs should be congruent with abilities, limitations etc.
Section A.2 covers Informed Consent in the Counseling Relationship. What are the 5 areas covered?
1. Informed Consent-freedoms and obligations
2. Types of Information Needed-explain exactly to client
3. Developmental and Cultural Sensitivity-Be sensitive to the individual special needs of clients.
Section A.4 covers Avoiding Harm and Imposing Values. What are the 2 areas covered?
1. Avoiding Harm- don't harm client,and others
2. Personal Values-Be aware of your own and avoid imposing them.
Section A.5 covers Roles and Relationships With Clients.What are the 5 areas covered in this section?
1.Current Clients-NO SEX or romance
2.Former Clients- 5 years waiting period to do the deed.
3. Nonproff. Interactions (not romantic)- Should be avoided except when the interaction could be potentially beneficial to client
4. Potentially Beneficial Interactions- Should be help client and obtain client consent
5. Role Changes in the Proff. Relationship- Obtain informed consent if changing proff. roles with client
Section A.6 covers Roles and Relationships at Indiv., Group, Instit, and Societal Levels. What are the 2 areas covered?
1. Advocacy-Examine potential barriers that inhibit growth for client
2. Confidentiality and Advocacy- Obtain client consent before engaging in advocacy efforts for client
Section A.7 covers, Multiple Clients.
What is the 1 topic covered?
Counselor must clarify at the outset which person or persons are the clients and the nature of the relationships the counselor will have with each individual person
Section A.8 covers Group Work. What are the 2 areas covered?
1. Screening- Look for those compatible with the goals of the group
2. Protecting Clients- Take resonable precautions to protect clients from physical, emotional, or psych. trauma
Section A.9 covers End of Life Care for Terminally Ill Clients. What are the three areas covered?
1. Quality of Care- Stress highest quality of care and self-determination of client
2. Counselor Competence, Choice and Referral-If a counselor is not familiar with this area or chooses to not work with this area, is is important to refer out.
Section A.10 covers Fees and Bartering. What are the 5 areas covered?
1. Accepting Fees From Agency Clients- Cannot double bill, personally and for the agency you work for.
2. Establishing Fees-Consider financial status of client or if established scale is in place, help client find comparable services at acceptable cost
3. Nonpayment of Fees-Give notice to client if they are late and that they may be sent to collection.
4. Bartering-Only if the relationship is non-exploitive or harmful.
5. Receiving Gifts-Consider the culture, the cost, the therapeutic value etc. in accepting small gifts as tokens of respect and gratitude.
Section A.11 Covers Termination and Referral. What are the 4 areas covered?
1. Abandonment Prohibited.
2. Inability to Assist Clients-don't enter ther. relationship if you can't help-refer out.
3. Appropriate Termination- Occurs when client no longer needs assistance, is not likely to benefit or being harmed by counseling relationship.
4. Appropriate Transfer of Services-follow through the whole process.
Section A.12 covers Technology Applications. What are the 7 areas discussed?
1. Benefits & Limitations-Inform clients of these
2. Technology Assisted Services-Ensure appropriateness of individual client for this type of service
3. Inappropriate Services-Consider Face to Face services in Tec. Assisted is not right for the client.
4. Access-If you technology with client, help with accessability issues.
5. Laws and Statutes-Make sure use is legal.
6. Assistance- If you don't understand the tech. get help.
7. Technology & Informed Consent-Be sure informed consent addresses special tech. issues like protection of personal information etc.
What does Section B Cover?
Confidentiality, Privileged Communication, and Privacy
Section B.1. covers Repsecting Client Rights. What are the 4 areas covered?
1. Multicultural/Diversity Considerations
2. Respect for Privacy
3. Respect for Confidentiality
4.Explanation of Limitations
Section B.2 covers Exceptions. What are the 4 areas covered?
1.Danger and Legal Requirements
2. Contagious, Life Threatening Disease
3. Court-Ordered Disclosure
4. Minimal Disclosure-Only reveal what is needed and to the extent possible inform client of disclosure
Section B.3 covers Information Shared With Others. What are the 6 areas discussed?
1. Subordinates- Do all you can do to ensure client confidentiality with sub.-training, policies etc.
2.Treatment Teams-Client needs to know who's there & what info. is shared & its purpose.
3. Confidential Settings- Discuss client issues in secure areas
4. Third Party Payers- Disclose info. only with client consent
5. Transmitting Confidential Info.- Be wise & watch what info. is shared in communication forms (faxes, e-mail, phone messages etc.)
6. Deceased Clients- Protect deceased confidentiality & be consistent with legal and agency requirements/policies.
Section B.4 covers Groups and Families. What are the 2 areas discussed?
1. Group Work- Explain importance & parameters
2. Couples & Family Counseling- Clearly define who is the "client" and discuss expectation & limitations of confidentiality. Get it in writing!
Section B.5 covers Clients Lacking Capacity to Give Informed Consent. What are the 3 areas discussed?
1. Responsibility to Clients- With minors/adults w/o capacity, adhere to fed./state laws, written policies, & applicable ethical standards.
2. Responsibility to Parents & Leg. Guardians- Explain what you would normally explain to client to them.
3. R.O.I.- Permission is from third party & inform client, to the extent they can understand, that there info. will be shared & why.
Section B.6, covers Records. What are the 8 areas covered?
1. Confidentiality of Records-double lock.
2. Permission to Record
3. Permission to Observe
4. Client Access-provide but limit when could cause harm
5. Assistance with Records-help interpret record
6. Disclosure or Transfer-Unless an exception, must get written permission
7. Storage & Disposal of Records-Procedures should be in line with fed./state laws and ensure reasonable future access.
8. Reasonable Precautions- Take. r.p., to protect confident. in case of counselor's termination, incapacity or death.
Section B.7 covers Research & Training. What are the 5 areas covered?
1. Institutional Approval
2. Adherence to State/Fed/Agency Guidelines.
3. Confidentiality of Information Obtained in Research-maintain security
4.Disclosure of Research Info.- Don't let i.d. of individual get out!!
5. Agreement for Indentification- Can identify only after participant has reviewed research and agreed to its publication or presentation.
Section B.8 covers Consultation. What are the 3 areas covered?
1. Agreements
2. Respect for Privacy
3. Disclosure of Confidential Information.
Section C covers what area?
Professional Responsibility
Section C.1 covers Knowledge of Standards. What is the 1 area discussed?
1. Read, understand, and follow ACA Ethics Code.
Section C.2 covers Professional Competence. What 8 areas are discussed?
1.Boundaries of Competence
2. New Specialty Areas of Practice
3. Qualified for Employment
4. Monitor Effectiveness
5. Consultation on Ethical Obligations
6. Continuing Education
7. Impairment
8. Counselor Incapacitation or Termination of Practice-have a plan for continued care of clients
Section C.3 Covers Advertising and Soliciting Clients.What are the 6 areas discussed?
1. Accurate Advertising
2. Testimonials can not be solicited
3. Statements by Others-be aware of what people are saying about your practice & clarify for accuracy
4. Recruiting Through Employment-Don't fish for clients where you work!
5. Products and Training Advertisements-ensure info. is accurate and consumer can make informed choice
6. Promoting to Those Served- Don't use your counseling as a chance to hock your products!
Section C.4 covers Professional Qualifications. What are the 6 areas discussed?
1. Represent yourself Accurately
2. Have current Credentials
3.Do not imply Dr. Competence if you are not a Dr!
4. State accreditation of your program
5. Differentiate between earned and honorary degrees
6. Hold current proff. memberships
Section C.5 covers Nondiscrimination. What is the 1 area discussed?
Do not condone discrimination based on age, culture, disability, ethnicity, race, religion/spirituality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status/partnership, language preference, socioeconomic status, or any basis proscribed by law.
Section C.6 covers Public Responsibility. What are the 6 areas discussed?
1. Sexual Harrasment-Avoid doing it and Report it if it happens to you
2. Report to 3rd Parties- ensure accuracy in reports to court, insurance co's and others.
3. Media Presentations-In media presentations, ensure statements are professionally & ethically sound, and that those hearing the statement won't think a counseling relationship has been established.
4.Exploitation of Others-Don't
5.Scientific Basis for Treatment Modalities-Use research based and client appropriate treatment
Section C.7 covers Responsibility to Other Professionals. What is the 1 area covered?
If making public statements, be sure that the audience understands the comments are your own and that you are not speaking on the behalf of other counseling professionals.
What does Section D cover?
Relationships With Other Professionals
Section D.1. covers Relationships with Colleagues, Employers and Employees. What are the 9 areas discussed.
1. Respect the Different Approaches your colleagues may use
2. Work to strengthen colleague relationships
3.In teamwork, keep the client as the focus
4. Confidentiality-if different roles, like administrative or judicial, clearly define parameters
5.Establishing Professional and Ethical Obligations-do for self and team work.
6. Select Competent people to work for you.
7. Review and agree to your agency's Employer Policies.
8. Alert employer of inappropriate policies and practices
9. Protection from Punitive Action-Don't fire people who have acted in a responsible and ethical manner to expose imappropriate employer policies or practices.
Section D.2 covers Consultation (the relationship defined). What are the 4 areas discussed?
1. Consultant Competency
2. Understanding Consultees
3. Consultant Goals
4. Informed Consent in Consultation.
What does Section E cover?
Evaluation, Assessment, and Interpretation.
Section E.1 covers General aspects of Evaluation. What are the 2 areas discussed?
1. Assessment-should be valid & reliable
2. Client Welfare-assesment should be done for client benefit and results should be explained.
Section E.2 covers Competence to Use & Interpret Assessment Instruments. What are the 3 areas discussed?
1. Limits to Competence-be trained!
2. Appropriate Use
3. Decisions Based on Results- understand the statistics of assesment and edu./psych/career measurements.
Section E.3 cover Informed Consent in Assesment. What are the 2 areas discussed?
1.Explanation to client
2. Recipients of Results-Must be in benefit of client to share, and have client consent. Data should be interpreted for those receiving it.
Section E.4 covers Release of Data to Qualified Professionals. What is the 1 area discussed?
Release information only to those who people recognized by counselors as qualified to interpret the data.
Section E.5 covers Diagnosis of Mental Disorders. What are the 4 areas discussed?
1. Proper Diagnosis
2. Cultural Sensitivity-Culture affects the manner in which clients'problems are defined.
3. Historical & Social Prejudices in teh Diagnosis of Pathology-Be aware of these influences in diagnosis
4. Refraining from Diagnosis-if a diagnosis may be detrimental to the well-being of the client, counselor may choose to not do so.
Section E.6 covers Instrument Selection. What are the 3 areas discussed?
1. Appropriateness of Instruments
2.Referral Information-Don't just do the test based on a referral without first reviewing and determining appropriateness for yourself
3. Culturally Diverse Populations-Select instruments that are congruent with clients' cultural needs.
Section E.7 covers Conditions of Assessment. What are the 4 areas discussed?
1.Admin. Conditions
2.Technological Admin.-make sure it works
3.Unsupervised Assessments-Not advised in most cases.
4. Disclosure of Favorable Conditions-Before testing, client should be informed what creates the most favorable conditions for testing (rest, breakfast etc.)
Section E.8 cover Multicultural Issues/Diversity in Assessment. What is the 1 area discussed?
Look for assessments normed on the type of population the client is a part of. Recognize the affects of a clients individual diversity on test admin and interpretation.
Section E.9 covers Scoring & Interpretation. What are the 3 areas discussed?
1.Reporting-Indicate reservation that may exist to validity or reliability
2. Research Instruments-Use caution with res. instrum. w/o sufficient technical data
3. Assessment Services- Confirm the validity of your findings.
Section E.10 covers Assessment Security. What is the 1 area discussed?
Maintain the integrity and security of tests and other assessment techniques
Section E.11 covers Obsolete Assessments and Outdated Results. What is the 1 area discussed?
Section E.12 covers Assessment Construction. What is the 1 area discussed?
Follow scientific standards and procedures, current professional knowledge, relevant standards in the construction of assessment instruments or techniques
Section E.13 covers Forensic Evaluation: Evaluation for Legal Proceedings. What are the 4 areas discussed?
1. Primary Obligation is to produce objective findings that can be substantiated on info. and techniques appropriate to the eval.
2.Consent to Evaluation explains that the purpose is not counseling but strictly evaluation.
3. Client Evaluation for Forensic Purposes is prohibited in person is a current or former counseling client of yours.
4.Do not get involved personally with those related to the case-these relationships could be potentially Harmful
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