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Ancient Non-Western Art 01
American continent
Art History
Undergraduate 3

Additional Art History Flashcards






  1. Clovis Point

      1. Prehistoric, 13,000 BP, Flint, Various Locations

      2. Proof that the Americas were inhabited by ancient peoples

      3. Shows the ability to craft tools for chipping stone and hunting



    1. Lanzón Stone
      1. Chavín, Early Horizon, limestone, Chavín de Huantar, Peru

      2. Blade-shaped natural, living stone, deep in the temple interior

      3. engraved with a god representation to honor the god residing in the stone

      4. Natural structures were seen as sacred and incorporated as sites of worship called Huacas.



    • Inscriptions

      1. Chavín, Early Horizon, limestone and gold, Chavín de Huantar, Peru

      2. Inscriptions found on stone architecture and gold artifacts

      3. Portrayed Gods, or dancers dressed as gods with the appearance of birds

      4. Stylized forms with strong geometry, repetition, and patterns resembling Chavín textiles


  1. Chavín Stirrup Vessels

      1. Chavín, Early Horizon, Ceramic and Gold, Various Collections

      2. Demonstrates very high quality Chavín ceramics and gold work.

      3. Dual path neck to allow smooth liquid pouring.



  1. Nasca Lines

    • Nasca, Early Horizon, Earthworks, Nasca, Peru

      1. Massive Geo-glyphs made by moving a darker basalt to reveal the pale surface beneath.

      2. Represent animals, giants, glyphs, and lines.

      3. Processional paths, likely ritualistic.

      4. Paths were created on top of older paths as new rituals began.



  1. Tomb of the Lord of Sipán

      1. Moche, Middle Horizon, Sipán, Peru

      2. Buried with his warriors, wives, dog, and food and riches.

      3. Buried in a box with multiple outfits, nose jewels (to contain the breath), necklace, ear plugs, a mace, and shields.

      4. Burial coverings were used to preserve the body (eyes, hands, face, etc).

      5. Multiple levels of dynastic burials, and some buried in a vigilant sitting posture.

      6. Those buried with him were believed to ascend to the upper Pacha.



  1. Gate of the Sun

      1. Tiwanaku, Middle Horizon, Basalt, Tiwanaku, Bolivia

      2. Ritual object, likely astronomical significance, possibly calendrical.

      3. Central figure represents Viracoca, surrounded by bird and human-headed figures and floating heads. The numbers suggest calendrical purposes.

      4. Carved from a solid block of stone demonstrating extreme stone working skill



  1. Macchu Picchu - Intihuatana Stone

      1. Inca, Late Horizon, Basalt, Macchu Picchu, Peru

      2. Natural, living stone Huaca, carved for ritual purposes-only surviving example.

      3. Represents the sun, believed to be inhabited by the sun.

      4. Used as a type of sundial.

      5. The Spanish saw that these stones were important ritual objects and destroyed them.



  1. Colossal Heads from La Venta & San Lorenzo

      1. Olmec, Preclassic, Basalt, La Venta & San Lorenzo, Mexico

      2. Intentionally damaged and buried, possibly to remove evil, or as votive sacrifice.

      3. Unique headdresses and extreme size likely represent important people, or gods..

      4. Possibly arranged burial sites.

      5. Possibly from a dismantled site of worship.



  1. “The Wrestler”

      1. Olmec, Late Preclassic, Basalt, Veracruz, Mexico

      2. Originally binding himself with real cloth.

      3. Demonstrates the cultural importance of wearing textiles.

      4. Shows attention to organic form, muscles, shoulders, pose, motion.

      5. Attention to facial hair shows high status.

      6. Elongated head hows evidence of skull binding.


  1. Olmec Were-Jaguar Mask

      1. Olmec, Middle Preclassic, Jade, Dumbarton Oaks Museum, Washington D.C.

      2. Upturned nose and curled upper lip shows merging of human and animal traits.

      3. Shows belief in divine power of the Jaguar.

      4. Ceremonial object, jade is a culturally important stone.



  1. Teotihuacán, Major monuments:
  • Temple of the Sun
  • Temple of the Moon
  • The Citadel, Temple of Quetzalcoatl
  • Avenue of the Dead
  1. Palace of Tepantitla Murals:
    • Great Goddess

    • Paradise of Tlaloc



    • Pyramid of the Sun

      1. Teotihuacán, Late Preclassic to Early Classic, Architecture, Teotihuacán, Mexico

      2. Functioned as a ritual backdrop

      3. Would have been painted red with cinnabar

      4. Aligns with solar phenomenon, summer solstice

      5. The grid of the city is based on its position



    • Pyramid of the Moon

      1. Teotihuacán, Late Preclassic to Early Classic, Architecture, Teotihuacán, Mexico

      2. Slab construction suggests it was built all at once

      3. Acts as a burial site with a tomb inside

      4. Olmec influenced figures found in the burial suggesting reverence for the Olmec

      5. Likely a dynastic monument



    • Avenue of the Dead

      1. Teotihuacán, Late Preclassic to Early Classic, Architecture, Teotihuacán, Mexico

      2. Connects the major sites of Teotihuacán

      3. Three layers of construction show renovation

      4. Shows massive expansion, lined with pyramids and temples



    1. The Citadel, Temple of Quetzalcoatl
      1. Teotihuacán, Late Preclassic to Early Classic, Architecture, Teotihuacán, Mexico

      2. Tablero shows representations of the dieties Tlaloc and Quetzalcoatl.

      3. Nested construction reveals sacred nature of previous archetecture.

  1. Palace of Tepantitla Murals:

    • Great Goddess

    • Paradise of Tlaloc



    1. Great Goddess
      1. Teotihuacán, Early Classic, Wall-paintings, Teotihucán, Mexico

      2. Shows a focus on spiders the weavers of life

      3. Tree structure represents the essence of water, clouds, and life.

      4. Quetzal feather headdresses, green and blue associated with life and rain.



    • Paradise of Tlaloc

      1. Teotihuacán, Early Classic, Wall-paintings, Teotihucán, Mexico

      2. Demonstrates a paradise destination for dead taken by Tlaloc.

      3. Figures are taken up into the sky.

      4. Figures are dancing in line with the breath of life or song coming from the mouth.



    1. Sarcophagus Lid of Lord Pakal
      1. Maya, Classic, Limestone, Palenque, Mexico

      2. Uncommon burial artifact found beneath a corbeled arch tunnel.

      3. Represents the Huiz monster taking Lord Pakal to the underworld.

      4. The tree of life is born from Pakal’s body reaching up to heaven.



    • Jade Mask of Lord Pakal

      1. Maya, Classic, Jade, Palenque, Mexico

      2. Green stone or jade is sacred and used in burial furniture, like this mask.

      3. Green signifies life or water.



    1. Temple I & II
      1. Maya, Classic, Limestone, Tikal, Guatemala

      2. Shows influence from Teotihuacán pyramid construction.

      3. Dynastic monuments.

      4. Also used as tombs for rulers.



  1. Copan, Major monuments:

    • Altar Q

    • Stela of Eighteen Rabbits

    • Hieroglyphic stair

    • Ball Court



    1. Altar Q
      1. Maya, Classic to Late Classic, Copan, Honduras

      2. Clever use of glyphs as sitting cushions to provide names.

      3. Shows a succession of rulers.

      4. Dynastic monument.



    • Stela of Eighteen Rabbits

      1. Maya, Classic to Late Classic, Copan, Honduras

      2. Greater sense of the figure, deeper dimension vs incised technique.

      3. Shows the mandibles of the Huiz monster noting that he is dead.

      4. Represents the cross motif of the tree of life.



    • Hieroglyphic stair

      1. Maya, Classic to Late Classic, Copan, Honduras

      2. Unique stair construction with writing.

      3. Conveys the triumphs of rulers.

      4. Could be read while ascending the stair.



    • Ball Court

      1. Maya, Classic to Late Classic, Copan, Honduras

      2. Represents the mythology of the Maya.

      3. Relates to astrological phenomenon.

      4. The ball represents the movement of the sun through the sky.

      5. Sacrifice was part of the game, involving the winners.


  1. Chichen Itza Major monuments:

    • Temple of Kukulkan / El Castillo
    • Ball Court Tzompantli
    • Ball-player relief
    • Chac Mool, Temple of the Warriors


    1. Temple of Kukulkan / El Castillo
      1. Maya, Postclassic, limestone, Chichen Itza, Mexico

      2. Aligned with the equinox.

      3. Architecture uses light to create the illusion of a serpent descending the stair.



    • Ball Court Tzompantli

      1. Maya, Postclassic, limestone, Chichen Itza, Mexico

      2. Shows the custom of perforating skulls to create a display on posts.

      3. Likely the skulls of sacrificial victims from the ball game.



    • Ball-player relief

      1. Maya, Postclassic, limestone, Chichen Itza, Mexico

      2. Shows a member of the ball game being sacrificed by beheading.

      3. Blood serpents issue forth from his body’s neck birthing a gourd plant.

      4. The ball appears to be the fruit of the gourd.



  1. Chac Mool, Temple of the Warriors

      1. Maya, Postclassic, Limestone, Chichen Itza, Mexico

      2. Used during sacrifice to hold the beating heart of the victim.

      3. The heart was burned on coals to send it up to the gods.

      4. Sculpture shows attention to proper anatomy and proportion.



    1. Temple of the Warriors
      1. Toltec, Postclassic, Basalt and Limestone, Tula, Mexico

      2. Columns may have been a sacred marketplace for selling sacrificial items

      3. Columns also may have been monuments honoring warriors.



    • Atlante Column Figures

      1. Toltec, Postclassic, Basalt and Limestone, Tula, Mexico

      2. Served as structural pillars sculpted in the shape of warriors.

      3. More stylized compared to Mayan sculpture.

  1. Tenochtitlan Major monuments:

      1. Templo Mayor/Double Temple

      2. Statue of Coatlicue

      3. Aztec Calendar Stone

      4. Canals were built in the city

      5. Drawbridge causeways for defense

      6. Known as the Venice of the new world



  1. Templo Mayor / Double Pyramid
      1. Aztec, Postclassic, Limestone, Mexico City, Mexico

      2. Two temples, one for Tlaloc (water) and one for Huizilopoctli (fire/sun).

      3. The word for “fire and water” means change, and war.

      4. Used for sacrifice, throwing the bodies down the stairs.



  1. Statue of Coatlicue

      1. Aztec, Postclassic, Limestone, Mexico City, Mexico

      2. Shows Coatlicue recently killed by her daughter and sons for conceiving Huizilopochtli.

      3. Blood serpents emerge from her severed hands and two from her head forming a new face.

      4. She wears a necklace of hands, hearts, and a head.



  1. Aztec Calendar Stone

      1. Aztec, Postclassic, Limestone, Mexico City, Mexico

      2. Commemorates the start of the Aztec empire under Montezuma II.

      3. Represents the four cardinal directions.

      4. Represents the Aztec creation myth.

      5. Shows the previous four flawed suns, and the fifth moving sun.


  1. Cahokia

      1. Mississippi Culture, 800-1400 CE, Earthworks, Cahokia, Illinois

      2. Palace complexes and citadels.

      3. Ceremonial centers and market places

      4. Astrological Wood Henge

      5. Pyramidal mounds

      6. Had fortifications



  1. Birger Effigy Figurine

      1. Mississippi Culture, 800-1400 CE, Redstone, Cahokia, Illinois

      2. Possibly represent warriors, victims, or are votive objects.

      3. Naturalistic figures.



  1. Pueblo Bonito and the Great Kiva

      1. 1200 CE, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico

      2. Part of a confederation of sites in the area.

      3. Kivas are ritual worship centers evolved from round pit houses.

      4. Some wall niches align astronomically.

      5. Structures were accessible from a roof hole as a defensive measure.



  1. Mesa Verde Cliff Dwelling

      1. After 1200 CE, Mesa Verde, Colorado

      2. Migration site for the Chaco Canyon people following the collapse.

      3. Noticeable kivas and multi story structures.

      4. Cliff dwellings provide natural fortification and some protection from elements.



  1. First Phase Chief Navajo Blanket

      1. Navajo, before 1850, Wool, Various Collections

      2. Worn as coverings by the Cheif.

      3. Patterns indicate the status of the Chief.

      4. Turkish rugs influence the designs after contact.



  1. Iroquois False Face Mask

      1. Iroquois, before 1800, Wood and Natural Fiber, Various Collections

      2. Used in Shaman ceremonies.

      3. Represents a false/second creator that serves mankind.

      4. During a contest of strength, he is hit in the face with a mountain bending his face.

      5. Source of healing, medicine, divination, mediating for the real creator.



  1. Totemic Masks

      1. Haida & Tlingit Cultures, Before 1800, Painted Wood, Various Collections

      2. Represent classic stock figures of folklore.

      3. Worn as masks during performances.

      4. Similar to god impersonation.

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