1400 Pound Cow producing 14,000 pounds of milk in a 305-day lactation.How much Grain is needed? Forage? |
To do so will require approximately 4,000 pounds of grain and 8,000 pounds of forage. |
| | Gross | Metabolizable | | Feedstuff | Amount Fed (lb) | Energy (Mcal) | Energy (Mcal) | Protein (lb) | Grain | 4,000 | | | | Forage | 8,000 | | | | | | | | | Milk Produced | 14,000
| | Gross | Metabolizable | | Feedstuff | Amount Fed (lb) | Energy (Mcal) | Energy (Mcal) | Protein (lb) | Grain | 4,000 | 8,000 | 5,600 | 520 | Forage | 8,000 | 16,000 | 8,000 | 1,040 | | | | | | Milk Produced | 14,000 | 4,760 | 4,760 | 468 |
Gross Energy is? How do you measure it? What is a Mcal? |
The total amount of energy in a feedstuff. How do you measure it - light the feed on fire (actually it is burned in something called a "bomb calorimeter") and see how much energy is released (remember energy in a foodstuff is recorded in calories, the energy to raise a specific amount of water a specific temperature). Mcal - is megacalorie or 1000 times a kcal (a kilocalorie), and it is kcals that are quoted on the back of cereal boxes and soda cans. |
Digestible Energy = ? Definition? |
= Gross Energy - Fecal Energy. That is, take the total amount of energy in the feedstuff and subtract off the energy still left in the feces. That gives you the amount of energy the animal has available at digestion. |
Metabolizable Energy = ? Definition? |
Metabolizable Energy = Digestible Energy - Urine Energy - Gas Energy (mostly methane). So metabolizable energy is actually the amount of energy available to the animal, from a feedstuff, after subtracting all the energy lost to waste products (feces, urine and belched gas). And don't forget - this may be an animal problem but the same concepts apply to human nutrition. |
| Human Metabolizable | Human Digestible | | Energy (Mcal) | Protein (lb) | Grain | | |
| Human Metabolizable | Human Digestible | | Energy (Mcal) | Protein (lb) | Grain | 6800 | 312 |
Estimate of gross energy in the grain that can lead to Metabolizable Energy in people= ? Protein in dairy grains is not usually ____ quality The value of protein in grains like this are _____ of the dietary value of a high quality protein like casein |
A rough estimate on the fraction of gross energy in the grain that can lead to Metabolizable Energy in people is 85% (i.e., 6800 = .85*8000). As for the protein, the protein in dairy grains is not usually of high quality (remember, cattle are ruminants and do not need to worry about protein quality, but humans do). Typically, the value of protein in grains like this are 60% of the dietary value of a high quality protein like casein (milk protein). Put another way, you need to eat 1.6667 pounds of this grain protein to get the same nutritional value (often called biological value) as 1 pound of casein. So, 312 = .6*520. |
Gross Efficiency Energy in Milk/Energy in Total Feed = Protein in Milk/ Protein in Total Feed = |
Energy in Milk/Energy in Total Feed = 4760/24000 = .1983 (19.8%) Protein in Milk/Protein in Total Feed = 468/1560 = .300 (30%) |
Human Efficiency Human ME in Milk/Human ME in Grain = Human Protein in Milk/Human Protein in Grain = |
Human ME in Milk/Human ME in Grain = 4760/6800 = .70 (70%) Human Protein in Milk/Human Protein in Grain = 468/520 = .90 (90%) |
Protein Efficiency on adjusted for Human Biological Value |
Human Value of Protein in Milk/Human Value of Protein in Grain = 468/312 = 1.5 (150%) |
In other words, putting grains into a ruminant can actually ADD nutritional value for humans. Of course, you can increase the efficiency to infinite by using a Total Roughage Diet. For example, in New Zealand where no grains are fed to dairy cows, you can have a cow produce 12,000 pounds of milk (which is 4080 Mcals of energy and 400 pounds of protein) on 12,000 pounds of forage, a feeding system with NO human edible components. |