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Art History Quiz #4
Insular, Carolingian, Ottonian, Romanesque
Art History
Undergraduate 2

Additional Art History Flashcards





Book of Kells -- Early 9th Century

Period: Insular

  • Produced in the Monastary of Iona -- it is called The Books of Kells because the Monastary of Iona was attacked by Vikings and the monks & treasures traveled to Kells, Ireland.
  • Images of people and animals scattered throughout, angels with wings are holding books -- shows that Christ is everywhere by showing all different people and creatures that are on Earth.
  • Currently located in Dublin, Ireland
  • Very badly damaged -- many of the Carpet Pages are missing
  • This page is "Chi-rho-iota" -- open to this page on Christmas & Easter

Sutton Hoo Purse Cover -- Early 7th Century

Period: Insular

  • Burried their leaders & rich artifacts in boats and sent them down the river -- ship burials, moving over to the other side.
  • Leather purse with metal inlay -- found 40 coins in it. There were 40 places for ores on the boat so the 40 coins were payment once they reached the other side.
  • 2 small birds facing eachother & 2 bigger birds attacking them
  • Cut pieces of Red Garnet wrapped in gold.
  • Above the birds are wolves.
  • Wuffing Clan -- we believe Raedwald is burried here because 2 spoons were found with inscriptions of Sal & Paul which is a reference to conversion and Raedwald converted.

Lindisfarne Gospels -- Early 8th Century

Period: Insular

  • Produced in the Monastary of Lindisfarre
  • This book only contains the Gospel's (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)
  • Serpantine animals weaving in and out of each other
  • The cross stabilizes the elaborate motion that is going on between the serpantine animals.
  • Intentionally imperfect**
  • Ezekial/Revelation
  • Matthew = Winged man
  • Mark = Lion
  • Luke = Ox
  • John = Eagle

Coronation Gospels -- Early 9th Century

Period: Carolingian

  • This is a book of Gospel's made for Charlemange 
  • The pages are dyed purple to show royalty
  • This book commemorates Charlemange's Coronation
  • "Carolingian Rennissance"
  • Charlemange creates a universal currency for all the areas they conquer and the back of the coin says "Renewal of Rome"

Ebbo Gospels -- Early 9th Century

Period: Carolingian

  • "Nervous expressionist style"
  • Dr. Suess trees
  • He is at the moment of Inspiration -- hasn't started writing
  • Head of figure with wings = Matthew's symbol in the upper right hand corner holding a scroll -- Matthew's inspiratoin abbout to look at old texts.
  • His cup is being filled with inspirtation
  • Made for Arch Bishop Ebbos of Reims

Gero Crucifix -- Late 10th Century

Period: Ottonian

  • Picking up on Byzantine traditions mixed with Carolingian.
  • He is dead/looked defeated
  • 6 feet tall -- arms and muscles are twisted/stretched and made to make the viewer feels bad.
  • Commisioned by Arch Bishop Gero of Colonge
  • **Arch Bishop Gero -- broquers a wedding between Otto II when he was still a kid between him and Theophanu (daughter of the Byzantine Emporer) this means Byzantine influences in art.

Bronze Doors of Bishop Bernward -- Early 11th Century

Period: Ottonian

  • Each door was cast in a single piece using the "Lost Wax" method
  • Each door has 8 relief pannels
  • Everythign was cast in 1 piece besides the bronze hoop/knocker
  • Upper Left = creation of Adam
  • Lower Left = fall of man, outcome of sin
  • Lower Right = annunciation, angel announces to Mary that she will bear Christ
  • Upper Right = Christ about to ascend to heaven, Mary magdalen
  • **The Fall reads down and the rise to heaven/salvation reads up**
  • **Typology -- similar scenes between the old and new testament are across from eachother in the pannels on the door.

St. Pierre at Moissac -- Early 12th Century

Period: Romanesque

  • Typanum of the South Portal depicts the second coming of Christ as kind and judge of the world in its last days.
  • The enthroned Christ is at the center of the tympanum. Flanking either side of him are the signs of John's Eagle and Luke's Ox.
  • To the left and right are attendant angels holding scrolls to recond human deeds for judgement.
  • The figures of crowned musicians which complete the design, are the 24 elders who accompant Christ as the kinds of this world and make music in his praise.
  • Two courses of wavy lines symbolizing the clouds of Heaven divde the elders into 3 tiers.
  • 6 roaring-interlaced lions adorn the front of the trumeau. Lion's were the church's ideal protectors

St. Lazare, Autun by GISLEBERTUS -- Early 12th Century

Period: Romanesque

  • They used biblical images on archetecture to show the total power in Rome that the papacy now had -- The church is the most powerful it will ever be at this point (after Investiture Conflict b/w Pop Gregory IV and Emporer Henry IV).
  • Rounded arches = Romanesque
  • 1st time we see large scale sculpture since Roman times -- "Monumental Sculpture" located on the outside of the Church to visually talk to the people.
  • The sculptures themselves are not the same style as Roman
  • Christ in the middle above the doorway = Tympanum, on one side demons and angels are weighing human souls.
  • On Christ's right it is souls riding to be judged that are good and on Christ's left is souls rising to be judged that are bad -- separated good from bad.
  • Lintel = crossbar below the tympanum, contains an enscription saying "Gilbertus Hoc Fecit" meaning "Gilbertus made this" -- signature?
  • Archivolts = Zodiac & Labors of Months, shows us the passing of the year and the labors that go on during each time of year.
  • All the sculptures inside the church point AWAY from the nave and toward the visitors -- messages for the visitors beause the monks don't need to see them as much as they do.

St. Madeleine, Vezelay -- Early 12th Century

Period: Romanesque

  • Contains relics of Mary Magdaline -- located down in the crypt, they brought the relics to attract more people to the site.
  • Narthex = lobby/covered gathering point of the Church. 2 groups of people gathered here regularly.
  •  1) Crusaders = 2nd crusade 1146, 3rd crusade 1190 -- surman that sent them off was here.
  • 2) Pilgrims = to go on pilgrimages to see St. James in Santiago de Campostela.
  • Tympanum = Christ is in the center, much larger than everything else, busy drapery, expressive energy, figures are elongated, unnatural and unrealistic, trying to communicate supernatural messages, spiritual energy connect to human world.
  • After resurection, Christ tells apostles to go make disciples.
  • Figures all have books/bibles -- taking the words to the people
  • 8 Cubicles around Christ's head = these are the people of foreign lands that he is sending his apostles to convert. These cubicles represent non-Europeans/exotic clothing. The further from Christ's head, the weirder looking the people get -- the people closest to Christ are the most human. This shows that they are not as civilized as Europeans by showing them as less developed.
  • EXAMPLES: human body & dog head = Indians, people with Hole in the face = Ethiopians.
  • This is meant to demean the non-Europeans.

Moralia in Job -- Early 12th Century

Period: Romanesque

  • "Knight fighting a dragon" -- duel between the knight and the dragon symbolizes the Monks's spiritual struggle.
  • Produced at the Abbey of Citeaux -- home to an order of Monks called the Cistercians (founded in 1000, Virgin Mary, committed to reform)
  • Want to fight against manastic abuse and heracy
  • Saw themselves are warriors for Christ -- getting back to the purity of manasticism, they wore all white/minimalist.
  • 1133 = Bernard of Clairvaux -- creates rule that there will be no decoration/images/sculptures and that is it excess that monks do not need. He takes leadership of the Abbey -- becomes imageless devotion.
  • **This was created before that law was set in place**

Hildegard of Bingen's Scivias -- Late 12th Century

Period: Romanesque

  • The Pope authorizes the publication of her visions.
  • The book title is "Scivias"
  • Hildegard of Bingen was one of the great religous figures of the Middle Ages. Here, she experiences a divine vision, shown as 5 tongues of fire emanating from above and entering her brain.
  • The monk Volmar, Hildegard's confessor, copies into a book all that she as written.
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