First Officer has less than 100 hours in type (Capt not Check pilot) |
Captain must make all takeoffs and landings in the following:
- Special PIC Qualification Airports (Q on the OFP)
- 3/4 mi vis or less
- RVR 4000' or less
- runway contaminated (water, snow, slush, or similar that adversely affect performance)
- braking action less than good
- Crosswind component greater than 15 kts
- windshear in the vicinity of the airport
- Captain determines it to be prudent
FOM Rev 18: 5.1.1
Less than 100 hours PIC in type (excluding OE/ILC and FO acting as PIC when augmented crew):
Takeoffs: regular takeoff mins and alternate requirements
Alternate Airport Weather Minimums (Planning and Operational):
- DH or MDA and visibility or RVR need not be increased but cannont be less than 300'and 1 mi.
- add 100'to MDA or DA and 1/2 mi (2400' RVR)
- cannot be less than 300'and 1 mi
- also applies when only non-ILS approaches available
FOM Rev 18: 5.1.8 |
High Minimums Exemption
OpSpec A005 |
Cat I:
- not lower than 3/4mile (4000' RVR)
- crosswind not more than 15 knots with braking action less than good
Cat I to minimums:
- Captain and First Officer are trained and qualified for Cat II/III approach procedures
- autopilot approach coupler or autoland system is used for the approach to decision hight or until initiation of a missed approach.
Cat II:
- PIC has at least 300 hours as PIC or SIC in a turbojet aircraft
- Captain and First Officer are qualified for Cat II/III instrument procedures
- Autoland system is used for the approach to decision height and susequent landing or until initiation of a missed approach
Cat III:
- Not autorized until off High Minimums
FOM Rev 18: 5.1.8-9 |
Operating Experience (OE) |
- Minimum of 4 cycles (takeoff, climb, en route, descent, and landing) and 25 hours
- Line check time counts toward OE
- Can be completed without Class II Navigation sign off
- cannot operate Class II until signed off
- Check Pilot is the PIC during OE
FOM Rev 18: 5.1.12 |
Consolidation of Experience |
- crewmembers who complete an initial/transition training who were not previously consolidated in that type
- 100 hours flight time withing 120 days (type or PC)
- may estend to no more than 150 days by completeing Consolidation Refresher Training
- if 150 days exceeded, PC must be conpleted and start all over (no hours credited from previous attempt but OE/ILC not required)
- Not required for varaiations of the same type
FOM Rev 18: 5.1.13 |
Regaining Landing Currency |
- full qualified crew under supervision of a check pilot
- normal inflight without repositioning
- min 3 takeoffs and 3 landings, 1 to a full stop
- Simulated engine failure on takeoff
- ILS to minimums with a landing
FOM Rev 18: 5.1.13-14 |
Low Time Flight Crewmember (LTFC) restrictions |
A LTFC is a crewmember that has less than 100 hour of line operating time in type. The flight time is not seat specific.
At least one pilot assigned to each flight must not be an LTFC.
Crewmembers in PWP may not be assigned to a crew in which a LTFC is assigned.
FOM Rev 18: 5.1.2 |