Shared Flashcard Set


BA 350 Final
Cumulative Final Review Cards
Undergraduate 3

Additional Management Flashcards




Leadership Qualities


  • Maintain an active attitude toward the goal
  • Achieve commitment from others through inspiration
  • Plans are long term
  • Project work revolves around changes through established direction
  • Execution energizes people to overcome obstacles
  • Outcomes have the potential of producing extremely useful change
Manager Qualities
  • Attitude towards goals is reactive
  • Achieves commitment through their position
  • Planning is based relatively on a short term
  • Project work produces predictable results
  • Execution minimizes deviations from plan
  • Focused on a degree of stability; consistently produces key results
Leadership Management 4 Quadrant Box

Strong/Weak: Half say too few people are like this


Weak/Weak: Half say they have too many people like this


Strong/Strong: All report too few people in this quadrant


Weak/Strong: Nearly two-thirds report; too many people like this

4 Theory Types of Leadership
  • Type 1: Trait/Characteristics
  • Type 2: Behavioral Theories (How they act)
  • Type 3: Situational Trait Theories
  • Type 4: Situational Behavior Theories
Type 1: Trait/Characteristics

Physical Attributes;

  • Height, weight, physique, energy, health, appearance and age

Personality Characteristics

  • Originality, Adaptability, introversion/extroversion, dominance, self confidence, integrity, conviction, mood optimism and emotional control


  • Social skills, Inteligence, scholarship, speech, fluency, cooperativeness and insight
Type 2: Behavioral Theories
  • Lewin Studies
  • Ohio State Studies
  • Michigan Studies
Lewin's 3 Leadership Styles

Autocratic; Directive, strong, and controlling in relationships. Runs the work environment with little discretion given to followers


Democratic; Collaborative, Responsive, and interactive in relationships emphasizing rules and regulations less than autocratic leaders. Followers get a high degree of discretionary influence


Laissez faire Style; A hands off approach of authority and responsibility which results in chaos. Causes role ambiguity for the followers due to leader's failure to define goals, responsibilities and outcomes leading to high interpersonal conflict



Ohio State Studies

(2 Dimensions of Behavioral Leadership)


Initiating Structure; Aimed at defining and organizing work relationships and roles as well as establishing clear patterns of organization


Consideration Structure; Aimed at nurturing friendly warm working relationships that encourage trust and interpersonal respect within the work unit


Michigan Studies

(Two Leadership Styles)


Production oriented; Characterized work environment with constant influence attempts on the part of the leader though close supervision with many written and unwritten rules. Concern for accomplishing task


Employee Oriented; Focuses on relationships with less supervision and establishes fewer rules and regulations. Concern for people and their needs

Type 3: Situational Trait Theories

Fiedler's Contingency Theory

  • Appropriate style for appropriate situation (if-then)
  • Leaders are either task oriented or Relationship oriented
  • Task Oriented; Accomplishing task and getting work done
  • Relationship Oriented; Gratified by developing good comfortable interpersonal relationships
  • LPC scale; Efficient -------Inefficient
  • Cheerful-----Gloomy
  • High LPC = relationship oriented
  • Low LPC = Task Oriented 
Type 4: Situational-Behavioral Theories

Path Goal: Clear the follower's path to lead them to work and personal goals. (4 Styles)

- Directive Style; Used when leaders must give specific guidance about work tasks and schedule.

- Supportive Style; When leader needs to express concern for followers' well being

- Participative Style; When the leader must engage in joint decision making activities with followers

- Achievement Oriented Style; Used when the leader must set challenging goals 

CEO Leadership Qualities
  • Creativity (60%)
  • Integrity (52%)
  • Global Thinking (35%) 
  • Influence (30%)
  • Openness (28%)
  • Dedication (26%)
  • Focus on Sustainability (26%)
The difference between Successful and Derailed managers

Successful: Fill the top 10-20 positions in an organization; realize their potential


Derailed; Managers who become stalled, plateau, demoted or fired, get stuck on the bottom. 

- Have issues with interpersonal relationships, molding a staff and making strategic decisions.

- Can be untrustworthy and overdependent on their boss


Both: Are bright, have outstanding track records, ambitious, and have made sacrifices

Transactional vs. Transformational

Transactional Managers; Use formal rewards and punishments to manage followers; focus on individual transactions

Ex) If you do "x" then I will give you "y"


Transformational Leaders; Inspire and excite followers to high levels of performance; encompassing and trasnforming

- Use referent and expert powers

Try to get employees to be the best they can

Charismatic Leadership

Uses personal abilities to produce profound and extraordinary effects on followers

Primary power: Referent

Situational Characteristics

- When there is a crisis there is a hunger for charisma

- Task interdependence; Easier to be seen as charismatic when there is a high level of interdependence

- Social Network; Transformational people do well with a large network of people

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