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Chapter 6, 7 and 8
Etruscan, Roman, Muslim, Jewish, and early Christian Art
Art History
Undergraduate 2

Additional Art History Flashcards




The most famous symbol of Rome, she is a legendary wolf who nourished/saved the city's founder, Romulous, and his twin brother, Remus. Roman legend has it that the two boys who were fathered by the god mars and a mortal woman, were left to die on the banks of the Tiber River by their great uncle. The she wolf then discovered the twins and nursed them in the place of her own pups. When the twins reached adulthood they decided to build a city near the spot where the wolf rescued them. Created by the etruscans created the bronze wolf. The twins were said to have been added two millenia later by a renaissance sculptor named antonio del pollaiuolo. Statue stood on the Capitoline Hill.     
First century bce Roman architect and theorist who used the term "Tuscan Order" to describe the characteristic variation of an unfluted shaft with a simplified base, capital and entableture. Etruscans built their temples on a high base with a single flight of stairs leading to a columned porch on one short side of the rectangle temple. the deep porch led into a cella, which was divided into three parallel rooms. 

Burial Chamber of the tomb of the reliefs at Cerveteri was carved to imitate a traditional Etruscan home of the 3rd century. The tomb's walls were plastered/painted and the tomb was provided w/a full selection of furnishings, some carved others simulated in stucco (slow drying type of plaster that can easily be modeled or molded. Simulated pots/juggs/robes/axes and other household items look like real objects hanging on hooks. other tombs were painted and not carved. 

Estrucan Sarcophagi is a large carved tomb chest. They also reflected domestic life. Sculpted out of terracota with figures of a husband and wife reclining comfortably on the lid of a sarchophagus made to look like a couch. Very happy might be attending a banquet or enjoying a music performance. 
The temple of portunus is a small rectangular temple built  near the tiber river in rome. This typical roman temple rests on a raised platform or podium. it has a rectangular cella (interior room) and a colonnaded porch at one end that is approached by a broad, inviting staircase. Only the columns on the porch are free-standing. Those around the cella are no longer structural but are employed here as engaged half columns applied to articulate the wall. 

The pont du gard near nimes in southern france was designed to carry water over the gard river. this aqueduct structure w/water conduits are called was part of a system that used gravity to bring water to nimes from springs 30 miles to the north. could provide 100 gallons a day for every person in nimes.

The pont du gard consists of a stack of 3 arcades (series of regularly spaced arched openings) formed by fitting together wedge shaped pieces called voussoirs, which are locked together at the top by a final piece called a keystone. 

The Ara Pacis/altar of augustan peace was a monument to conmamorate augustus's triumphal return to Rome after establishing Roman rule in gaul. the monument consists of a walled rectangular enclosure with steep steps and it was originally outdoors. The decoration is consists of portrateiture and allegory, religion, and politics, public/private. The sculptors of the ara pacis depicted actual individuals participating in a specific event at a know time. VERY FAMOUS MONUMENT AT ITS TIME!
a semiprecious stone or gemstone carved in low relief known as the gema augustea  evokes the apotheis of augustus after his death. the gema ausutea brightly combines idealized heroic figures of a kind characteristic of classical greek art w/recognizable portraits, the dramatic action of hellenistic art, and a purely roman perchant portrayal of historical events.
became popular as a decoration for roman floors and fountains. Deigns were created with pebbles or with small tesserae-cubes of marble or other stones and sometimes pottery. 
trompe L'oeil made by Heraklitos "fool the eye", representation of a floor littered by debris from a table by an earlier Hellenistic painter named sosos. realistic effects are pronounced in the painting.
intuative perspective and atmospheric perspective

artists used two different conventions to create illusions of space:

ntuative perspective-the architectural details follow diagonal lines that the eye interprets as parallel lines receding into the distance. objects meant to be perceived as far away are shown slightly smaller than those intended to appear nearby.

Atmospheric perspective- the colors become slightly grayer in the far background, reproducing the tendency of distant objects to appear hazy. 

engaged strips
One of the most famous painted rooms in roman art in in the Villa of mysteries in Pompeii. The rites of mystery religions were often performed in private homes. this room may have been a shrine or a meeting place for such a cult. murals depict initiation rights, probably into the Cult of Bachus-god of vegetation/fertility/wine. one of the most popular deities of pompeii. the architectural painting consists of a "marble" dado (lower part of the wall) and around top of wall an elegant Frieze supported by pillasters.  Colored in popeian red.

romans were huge fans of sports; coluseumn was one of rome's most influential monument. built during the reign of vespasian. the name "coluseumn' came from the colossus, and overlifesize statue of Nero standing next to it. the flavians erected the arena to bolster popularity in rome. in this enormus arena audienced watched blood sports, including animal figths, fights to death between gladiators/gladiators and animals/performances of trained animals and acrobats. 


Entirely built on mansory; travertine and tufa blocks and concretefaced w/stone. eigthy barrel vaults built to cover corridors and stairs radiate from the arena's center. these form Groin vaults where they intersect the barrel ring vault that cover the passageways around the perimeter. 

Concrete used consisted of stone rubble in a binder made from volcanic sand/water. 


the curving outer wall of coluseeum consists of 3 levels of arcades surmounted by wall like top or attic story. every arch is framed by engaged columns. ground floor is ornamented with columns in the tuscan order. ionic order used on second level. corinthian on the third and flat corinthian pilasters on the fourth.  <-all serve decorative purposes. 

the triumphal arch was made by king Dominitian to honor his brother and predesseccor Titus. The arch of titus is a large free standing arch; interior is hort barrel vaulted passageway. Exterior of the arch is decorated w/engaged composite columns. originally served as gian base for a monumental bronze statue  of a 4horse chariot and driver. 
Spoils of temple of solomon - Titus's capture of jerusalem ended a fierce campaign to crush a revolt of the jews in Palestine. his troops looted/destroyed the second temple of jerusalem and carted off its sacred treasures. prizes included: "law of the jews";a gold table;seven branched lamp stand or menorah.  the reliefs inside the arch of titus depict titus's soldiers carrying this booty through a window, the observer can easily imagine the boisterous scene. varying depth of relief give the impression that marchers are moving toward the viewer and turning to move away at the right.  
civic center:consisted of large open square;or oblong space generally surrounded by colonnades leading to a temple and sometimes a basilica. a basilica was a general purpose administrative structure that could be adapted to many uses;imperial audience chamber;army drill hall;court of law; or school. 
large central area in a basilica. 
circular room
circular wall of a rotunda which supports and buttresses the dome. dome works as an arch pivoted 360 degrees around the top of a drum. In the partheon, the usual keystone is replaced by a central circular opening or oculus 
recessed cealing panels
a tondo is a circular panel painting 
basilica of maxentius and constantine - last important imperial government building erected in rome itself. functioned as an administrative center and provided a magnificent setting for the emperor when he appeared as supreme judge. 
arch of constantine-triumphal arch to commemorate constantine's defeat of Maxentius. 3barrel vaulted passageways are flanked by columns on high pedestals and surmounted by a large attic story bearing a laudatory inscription indicating that the arch was dedicated to constantine by the people. 
Narrative image/ionic image
Narrative image recounts an event or story/ionic image offers a tangible expression of an intangable concept. 
underground burial chambers
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