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Colden - Action Potential
Action Potential Generation

Additional Physiology Flashcards




What are the characteristics of an electrotonic potential?
No threshold
Passive, decremental conduction - gradually decreases
Size graded
Chemical, mechanical stimulus (ex - pressure)
Polarity inside negative

Other features
Not self-regenerating
Does not propagate
No refractory period
Temporal & spatial summation

(just for reference for difference from AP)
What are the characteristics of an action potential?
Active, all-or-none conduction
All-or-none, same amplitude
Electrical stimulus - flow of ions
Polarity inside positive

Other features
Refractory period
No Temporal & spatial summation
What is an action potential?
An action potential is a change in the voltage of the membrane potential that causes it to go from its negative resting state to a positive value for a very brief time.
Why doesn't the action potential reach its theoretical values based on the conc's of Na+?
K+ channels open in response to the depolarization and prevent the AP from reaching its full theoretical value
What is the cause of the membrane potential reaching its threshold?
Anything that causes a depolarization will cause the membrane potential to reach its threshold.

Na+ flowing in through leak channels or co-transport could be examples but not voltage-gated Na+ channels (they are not open yet)
What is going during the rising phase of the action potential?
The voltage-gated sensitive channels are opening and Na+ is flowing in.

There is a positive feedback mechanism because as more Na+ flows in, the cell becomes more depolarized which causes more voltage-gated channels to open.

It is important to realize that voltage sensitive K+ channels start to open here in response to the depolarization but a lot more Na+ channels are open and they have a greater effect.
What is going on during the overshoot phase of the action potential?
Overshoot is when the membrane potential is depolarized to the point where it is now a positive value.

When it overshoots all the way to the peak, this is when gNa (Na+ conductance) is the highest and all the voltage-gated Na+ channels that will open during the AP have opened.
What happens after the action potential reaches its peak?
Some of the voltage-gated Na+ channels start to close (this is based on time, the ones that opened 1st will close 1st)

More voltage K+ channels are opening and gK (K+ conductance) is increasing. This will cause repolarization.
What occurs during the repolarization phase?
During this phase there are now more voltage-gated K+ channels open than voltage-gated Na+ channels. This fact is what causes the repolarization.
What happens in the afterhyperpolarization phase?
After the cell membrane potential is hyperpolarized (more negative than the normal RMP) voltage-gated K+ channels close and the cell goes back to its normal RMP.
What are the underlying ionic mechanisms of the different stages of the action potential.
Increase in gNa (Na+ conductance) causes depolarization

decrease in gNa and increase in gK causes repolarization

decrease in gK causes the cell to go back to its RMP after hyperpolarization
What does tetraethylammonium (TEA) do?
It prevents voltage-gated K+ channels from opening.

This causes the repolarization phase of the AP to be longer because normally voltage-gated K+ channels opening are what causes repolarization.

In this case inactivation of voltage-gated Na+ channels and leaky K+ channels are what causes repolarization.
What do saxitoxin and tetrodoxin (TTx) do?
They block the voltage-gated Na+ channels from opening but they do not affect the leaky channels.

Since the voltage-gated Na+ channels are the driving force behind depolarization, it does not occur.

It is possible hyperpolarization can occur because the voltage-gated K+ channels can still open.
How does the voltage-gated Na+ channel work/change during the action potential?
At resting state the activation gate is closed and the inactivation gate is open.

After threshold, the activation gate opens and Na+ can flow into the cell (the inactivation gate is still open)

During repolarization the inactivation gate closes and prevents more Na+ from entering.
How does the voltage-gated K+ channel change/work during an action potential?
Unlike the Na+ channel, the K+ channel only has an activation gate.

At the resting state the activation gate is closed and no K+ can flow out.

The activation gate opens once the cell starts to be depolarized. This activation is slower than the Na+ channels and this is why the cell continues to depolarize while K+ channels are starting to open.

The activation gate will close once the membrane potential becomes hyperpolarized below its threshold.
Explain the voltage-gated channels at each of different phases.
At resting state the channels are closed.

During the rising phase, Na+ channels are opening faster than K+ channels (remember slow activation)

During the overshoot phase up to the peak, Na+ channels are at max capacity (right at the peak) and more K+ channels are opening.

During repolarization, more K+ channels are opening and the inactivation gate of the Na+ channels start to close. (this occurs right after the peak)

During hyperpolarization, the Na+ channels are closed and the K+ channels are starting to close so that cell can return to RMP.
What is the absolute refractory period?
It overlaps with almost the entire duration of the action potential. During this time another action potential cannot be generated no matter how great the stimulus is.
What is the relative refractory period?
This period is after the absolute refractory period and overlaps primarily with the hyperpolariztion period.

An action potential can be generated but only if a greater than normal depolarizing current is applied (to get to the threshold)
During what phase is the membrane potential Vm the closest to E-Na?
At the peak because this is where the action potential reaches its most positive value. remember the peak is where the max. amount of voltage-gated Na+ channels will be open.
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