Shared Flashcard Set


CRM Control of Risk
Section 3: Rick Control and Mitigation 1

Additional Other Flashcards




  1. Discuss the root causes of accidents and injuries. 

  1. Unsafe acts or behaviors

  2. Unsafe conditions

  3. Uncontrollable events 



  1. Describe the six basic steps of accident prevention. 

  1. Elimination of the hazard – similar to the risk control technique of avoidance

  2. Substitution of a less hazardous substance or process

  3. Engineering controls – physical modifications designed to reduce the potential for injury

  4. Administrative controls – rules or procedures that management undertakes to reduce the degree of or the potential for injury, i.e. safety meetings, job rotation, supervision, or safety rules

  5. Personal protective equipment

  6. Training 



  1. Discuss the key property exposure terms and the hazard controls related to property. (p. 29) 



  1. Management leadership

  2. Accountability, responsibility, and authority

  3. Employee participation

  4. Hazard assessment and control

  5. Employee information and training

  6. Accident reporting, investigation and analysis

  7. Post-injury management

  8. Evaluation of program effectiveness 



Management leadership 



  1. Written safety policy – signed by CEO or president

  2. Goals and objectives – written program showing safety policies and goals

  3. Define responsibilities and accountabilities of all levels of management, supervisors and employees

  4. Provide authority, information, training, resources to fulfill responsibilities

  5. Management must “walk the walk”

  6. Integrate safety into the business practice – safety should be a part of the business, not in addition to the business 



Accountability, responsibility, and authority 



  1. Types of goals

    1. Activity-oriented (training meetings, newsletters, etc.)

    2. Results-oriented (reduction in frequency and/or severity)

  2. Safety goals and objectives should be addressed in performance reviews

  3. Authority includes responsibility for safety issues for each position

  4. Individual accountability for actions, behaviors, and conditions 



Employee participation 



  1. Employee participation is a must for success

  2. Opportunities for employee participation

    1. Establishment of program

    2. Implementation of program

    3. Evaluation of program

  3. Safety committees

    1. Organizational legitimacy or charter

    2. Cross-departmental representation, including equal management and front line employees

    3. Regular meetings

    4. Agenda and minutes maintained

    5. Safety manager or coordinator should not be the chair of a committee

    6. Mandated by some states

  4. Employee involvement in safety inspections 


    5. Regular employer communication to and from employees about safety and health issues

    1. Ability to be involved in exposure assessment and control

    2. Ability to report injuries, illness, occupational exposures, and recommend control methods

    3. Prompt responses to reports and recommendations

      d. Participation must not be discouraged by management

6. Reporting of unsafe conditions, actions, and behaviors without fear of recrimination 



Hazard assessment and control 


1.Causes of accidents

  1. Unsafe acts or behaviors

  2. Unsafe conditions

  3. Uncontrollable events

Reasons why employees work unsafely

  1. Unaware of behavior being unsafe

  2. Never told or trained

  3. No regular reminders and feedback

  4. Workplace conditions encourage unsafe behavior

  5. Natural rewards and punishments favor unsafe behavior

  6. People take risks when rewards are quick and certain and risk of accident is low

  7. Unsafe work is faster, more convenient, and more comfortable

  8. Unsafe behavior rarely results in injury on any single occasion

[image]2.Accidents and injuries will eventually
occur with continued unsafe behavior

Reward versus discipline



  1. 1)  Should be fair and consistent

  2. 2)  Used only as a last resort

  3. 3)  Produces:

    1. a)  Minimal compliance

    2. b)  Low morale

Reward, recognition and praise

Best incentive for safe employee behavior


Extra effort High morale 

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