UNESCO's Definition of Cultural Heritage |
The legacy physical artefacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations |
What is sustainable development for UNESCO |
"Development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of the futuhttps://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=CoxnErUMXYPaoI8KFwgPcrJb4AYLJtpZgn6n2rY0I2dkeEAEg6OWJE2CluJqAnAGgAZewgvkCyAEJqQILwttpOaapPuACAKgDAcgDCqoEhgNP0JQkJbNXo_dNFelQUsUB072H_Y4vB-KLB3OU0NuBMKNT1hz1-iBZFmj9uWEAf7-jxKpB9DpfrUZlqHl4nMoUZEXRrPxOKZc7thOF4xh4jH_XOa9YSi8WMyHZHanmEAznGvPK8A_7SG5YtFVXgFG-22Xb9tm4yUsDxDgNViQqFhEoP-2TXPKjwDZ9SoZXcdRVAy0DYhY_lUMEa7zMDprhD4kfm3fPHKVpHzEDcWpEFQg5JAtb72JLQbRu24noVoMnMwqycxDZDsaZg3DyIC3SPPeNMKKfNj-DQTMmvmXTjXfDKou42u_0HyEkMTWMPXLBOqy_VbfNnqViMmLdhT8tYnk-mNORhPXSCZ16TjkXcuU3JZBgg5vziCKMskB6PyDxQZa2ZVnuKsyC_lTMPmVj2B48nNuZFnOdqZyhc6FjsckKn3YqOEO3LNEBLT0lFZSqHfh28ifYYLhvptLagsHp1U-cEG8j6eqn0qR3aIwtBigyA5mN_ljMbKPBNRASP4M6Ks2i0FbABPed99LgAeAEAaAGLoAH0c_9hgGoB9XJG6gH8NkbqAfy2RuoB47OG6gHk9gbqAe6BqgH7paxAqgHpr4bqAfs1RuoB_PRG6gH7NUbqAeW2BvYBwDSCAcIgGEQARgdsQkvvFooo1lq5IAKA5gLAcgLAYAMAbgMAdgTDYgUAg&ae=1&num=1&cid=CAASEuRozrnwIJX1BmR-quxSJ0m4Gg&sig=AOD64_0DBrZ7tZGuZMS11fYwVVy0NigLZA&client=ca-pub-2615941022292182&nb=9&adurl=https://www.flipoutsa.com.au%3Fgclid%3DEAIaIQobChMItrO946_H7gIVwoJwCh1clgUfEAEYASAAEgKHJ_D_BwEre generations to meet their own needs” |
What does UNESCO consider cultural heritage represents? |
> Monuments > Groups of Buildings > Sites |
What is Outstanding Universal Value? |
According to UNESCO, “Outstanding Universal Value means cultural and/or natural significance which is so exceptional as to transcend national boundaries and to be of common importance for present and future generations of all humanity. |
What are the primary aims of conservation? |
safeguard the quality and values of the resource, protect material substance and ensure integrity for posterity |
What are the primary aims of conservation? |
safeguard the quality and values of the resource, protect material substance and ensure integrity for posterity |
What does ICOMOS stand for? |
International Council for Monuments and Sites. |
What is Heritage Protection |
A legal or other formal measure intended to preserve an object, site, place, property or landscape (NB. Legal or ‘Other formal measures’) |
the act of keeping a property as close as possible to its original condition for as long as possible |
the process of restoring an object, building, site or property to its original condition. |
What are the 5 points of cultural criteria outlined by the notion of Outstanding Universal Value |
i) Represents a masterpiece of human creative genius ii) Exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world. iii) Bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living, or which has disappeared. iv) Be an outstanding ex of a traditional human settlement, land-use, sea-use which is representative of a culture(s), or human interaction with the environment especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact or irreversible change. v) Be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of understanding universal significance. |
What are the 4 points of Natural criteria outlined by the notion of Outstanding Universal Value? |
i) Contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance ii) Be outstanding ex representing major stages of earth’s history, including the record of life, significant on-going geological processes in the development of landforms, or significant geomorphic/ physiographic features. iii) Be outstanding exs representing significant on-going ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, fresh water, coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals. iv) Contain the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of biological diversity. |
• Integrity is a measure of the wholeness and intactness of the natural and/or cultural heritage and its attributes. Examining the conditions of integrity, therefore requires accessing the extent to which the property o Includes all elements necessary to express its OUV o Is of adequate size to ensure the complete representation of the features and processes which convey the property’s significance; o Suffers from adverse effects of development and/or neglect. |
• Depending on the type of cultural heritage and its cultural context, properties may be understood to meet the conditions of authenticity if their cultural values (as recognized in the nomination criteria proposed) are truthfully and credibly expressed through a variety of attributes including; o Form and design o Materials and substance o Use and function o Traditions, techniques and management o Location and setting o Language, and other forms of intangible history o Spirit and feeling o Other internal and external factors |
the process of planning a risk response for previously identified and assessed risks |
reducing the probability of a negative impact from the risk by reducing the likelihood of it occurring or by reducing the impact it has. |
Criteria for UNESCO'S World Heritage in Danger List |
Ascertained Danger & Potential threat |
Criteria of Ascertained Danger |
property is faced with specific and proven imminent danger such as 1) Serious deteroration of: materials; structure; ornamental features; architectural or town planning coherence; urban or rural space or the environment; 2) Significant loss of historical authenticity; 3) Important loss of cultural significance |
Criteria of Potential threat for UNESCO |
property is faced with threats which could adversely affect the inherent characteristics of a property due to factors such as; 1) Lack of conservation policy 2) Outbreak or threat of armed conflict; 3) Gradual changes due to geological, climatic and environmental factors. |