Shared Flashcard Set


Deck Watch Officer
Navigation Rules

Additional Other Flashcards





Inland Only:

For the purpose of the Inland Navigation Rules, the term "Inland Waters" includes:

a) the waters surrounding any islands of the US

b) the Great Lakes on the US side of the boundary

c) the coastline of the US, out to one mile offshore

d) any lakes within the state boundaries


B. The Great Lakes on the US side of the boundary

Rule 3(o)

"Inland Waters" means the navigable waters of the US shoreward of the navigational demarcation lines dividing the high seas from harbors, rivers and other inland waters of the US and waters of the Great lakes on the US side of the Int'l Boundary.


International Only: You are on a vessel that cannot comply with the spacing requirement for masthead lights. What is required in this situation?

a) The vessel must carry only the lights that comply with the rules; the others may be omitted.

b) The vessel's lights must comply as closely as possible as determined by her government.

c) The vessel must be altered to permit full compliance with the rules.

d) An all-round light should be substituted for the after masthead light and the sternlight.



B) The vessel's lights must comply as closely as possible as determined by her government.

Rule 1(e)

...such vessel shall comply with such other provisions in regard to the number, position, range or arc of visibility of the lights or shapes as well as the disposition and characteristics of sound-signaling appliances as her govt shall have determined to be the closest possible compliance.


Both International and Inland: An authorized light to assist in the identification of submarines operating on the surface is a(n):

a) blue rotating light

b) intermittent flashing  amber/ yellow light

c) flashing white light

d) flashing sidelight


B) intermittent flashing amber/yellow light

Rule 1 note 1

Submarines may display an intermittent flashing amber/yellow beacon with a sequence of operation of 1 flash per sec for 3 sec followed by a 3 sec off period


Both International and Inland: According to the Navigation Rules, you may depart from the Rules when:

a) No vessels are in sight visually

b) No vessels are visible on radar

c) You are in immediate danger

d) Out of sight of land


C) You are in immediate danger

Rule 2(b)

Due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collision and to any special circumstances including the limitations of the vessels involved, which may make a departure from these Rules necessary to avoid immediate danger.


Inland Only: Which term is not defined in the Inland Navigation Rules?

a) Seaplane

b) Restricted visibility

c) Underway

d) Vessel constrained by her draft


D) Vessel constrained by her draft

Inland Rule 3

Note: Constrained by draft is not applicable Inland


Both International and Inland: The word "vessel" in the Rules includes:

a) Sailing ships

b) Nondisplacement craft

c) Seaplanes

d) All of the above


D) All of the above

Rule 3(a)

The word "vessel" includes every description of water craft, including nondisplacement craft, WIG craft and seaplanes, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water.


Both International and Inland: The Navigation Rules define a "Vessel Not Under Command" as a vessel which:

a) From the nature of her work is unable to keep out of the way of another vessel

b) Through some exceptional circumstance is unable to manuever as req'd by the Rules

c) By taking action contrary to the Rules has created a special circumstance situation

d) Is moored, aground or anchored in a fairway


B) Through some exceptional circumstance is unable to manuever as req'd by the Rules

Rule 3(f)

The term "Vessel Not Under Command" means a vessel which, through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as req'd by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.


Both International and Inland: A vessel "Restricted in her ability to manuever" is one which:

a) From the nature of her work is unable to maneuver as req'd by the Rules

b) Through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as req'd by the Rules

c) Due to adverse weather conditions is unable to maneuver as req'd by the Rules

d) Has lost steering and is unable to maneuver



A) From the nature of her work is unable to maneuver as req'd by the Rules

Rule 3(g)

"Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver"- a vessel which From the nature of her work is restricted in her ability to maneuver as req'd by the Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.



Both International and Inland: A vessel is "engaged in fishing" when:

a) Her gear extends more than 100 meters from the vessel

b) She is using any type of gear, other than lines

c) She is using fishing apparatus which restricts her manueverability

d) she has any fishing gear on board


C) She is using fishing apparatus which restricts her maneuverability

Rule 3(d)


Both International & Inland: The term "restricted visibility" as used in the Rules refers

a) Only to fog

b) Only to visibility of less than one-half of a mile

c) To visibility where you cannot see shore

d) To any condition where visibility is restricted


D) To any condition where visibility is restricted

Rule 3 (l)

The term "restricted visibility" means any condition in which visibility is restricted by fog, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorms, sandstorms or ANY other similiar causes.


Inland Only On the Western Rivers, a power driven vessel crossing a river must:

a) Maintain course and speed as you have the right of way over all vessels

b) Keep out of the way of any vessel descending the river

c) Keep out of the way of a power driven vessel ascending or descending the river

d) Keep out of the way of all vessels ascending or descending the river


C) Keep out of the way of a power driven vessel descending or ascending the river

Rule 15(b)

...a power driven vessel crossing a river shall keep out of the way of a power driven vessel ascending or descending a river

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