Depressed mood for at least 2 weeks plus at least 5 of the following: Sleep changes Aappetite changes Death and suicidal thoughts Concentration is effected Loss of pleasure in activities Energy loss and tiredness Guilt and self-blame over real or imaginary events Slowing down or constant restlessness |
unipolar: Reactive and endogenous |
unipolar is the most common and severe type of depression. Reactive - caused by an external factor such as an stressful life event. endogenous - caused by internal factors from within the person. PREVALANCE: in GB 5% lifetime risk of developing unipolar depression can appear at any age appears cross culturally. GENDER DIFFERENCES: women 2-3 times more likely than men to suffer clinical depression |
depression followed by a manic episode lasting at least a week. SYMPTOMS: increased pleasure in activities racing ideas and thoughts increase in goal directed activity. PREVELANCE: 1% lifetime risk of devveloping this. tends to occur in early 20's found equally in men and women |
Biological explanations Genetics - evidence Family studies |
FAMILY STUDIES Gershon - depression assessed in 1st degree relatives of patients with both uni and bi polar.rates of illness in these relatives were 2-3 times that in general population EGELAND: studied the amish community in pennsylvania. Although community had relatively low rate of depression, one family had high livel of bipolar disorder. examination of their genes showed tht 2 marker genes on chromosome 11 appeared to be different |
Evaluation of family studies |
The fact that depression runs in families e.g. between mother and daughter could be due to being brought up in the same environment or being brought up by a depressed parent.
The gene involved if it exists has not been identified and the finding by egeland has not been replicated. |
findings show gentic factors are involved in boh types of depression. Allen found that concordance rates for unipolar depression in mz twins was 40% and in DZ 11% and for bipolar disorder MZ 72% and DZ 14%. however Beirut reported a heritability factorof between 36% and 44% showing that environmental factors played a role. |
evaluation of twin studies |
Much of the evidence comes from twin studies in which the twins have not been reared apart so the higher concordance rate could be due to environmental factors. |
able to seperate genetic and environmental factors. Wenders found that biological relatives of depressives who had been adopted were 8 times more likely to suffer depression than the adoptive relatives. |