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Exam 2
C. Davis UVU Exam 2
Art History
Undergraduate 2

Additional Art History Flashcards






Calling of St.Matthew: Caravaggio,1597-1601

  1. Cairoscuro
  2. The people look like everyday people; wouldn't be able to tell Christ or Matthew from the other people (tax collectors)
  3. Gestures & glances are natural
  4. Caravaggio wants us to feel like we are a part of the space; open area at the table
  5. LOTS of contrasting colors, even though the colors are more natural


Ecstasy of Saint Teresa: Bernini, 1645-52



Las Meninas: Velazquez, 1656

  1. Princess Margaritte
  2. Advisors, teacher, little people, family dog, King & Queen in the portrait in the background, Velazquez painting away: everyday life.
  1. Multiple light sources
  1. The viewer is TOTALLY involved in the painting: background, foreground, middle ground, etc… Paintings within paintings
  2. Velazquez is so part of the royal court that he is painted within the "family portrait".
  3. Velazquez is part of the knights of Santiago
  1. The Royal family was Austrian, not spanish--they were the Hapsburg family


Elevation of the Cross: Rubens, 1610

  1. Painted by more than one artist
  1. Rubens work was very expensive& sought after; internationally famous
  2. Influenced by the North & South
  3. Northern influences: Idealized bodies, strong musculature, soft textures, detailed, variety of lots of different colors, subject matter
  4. Southern Influences: Lots of background, high contrast, drama (all of the people heaving the cross as it comes down), lots of movement & flowing lines & colors

Charles I Dismounted: Van Dyck, 1635

  1. Van Dyck was very famous and sought after
  1. Very important King shown with a servant to emphasize his importance, horse is bowing, Regal pose, eyes are actually looking down at the viewer
  1. Bright colored clothing & skin with jet black hat draws emphasis to the king
  1. Beautiful & Regal, but not in your face "Royalty".
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