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Feminisms Midterm
la la lallaaaa
Undergraduate 3

Additional Anthropology Flashcards




First Wave Feminism
-lasted from 1850s-1920s
-tackled first problem of including women's voices
-dealt with andocentric teaching and language
-embraced more and varied female perspectives
Second Wave Feminism
-Focused primarily on biological vs cultural (nature vs nurture)
-began to break down the very theories upon which anthropology had been built
Theory of Thermodynamics
Dr Edward Clark's theory stating that we had a set amount of energy and once it was used up it was gone. He believed puberty had already caused a great strain on women.
Biosocial view of aggression
-theorizes that men are naturally more aggressive than women and finds evidence in different species.
-they believe that the strongest, most aggressive males chose the mates, reproduced and were able to survive natural selection
Social learning view of aggression
-These theorists look in and across cultures for evidence
-They believe if males are more aggressive it is because they have been socialized that way
-the behavior has been validated and even encouraged through both direct and subtle social mechanisms
The belief in a universal category "woman" that is based off the idea that all women share certain experiences because of biological similarities
3 problems with idea that only women should study women
1) It is still only one perspective (female bias exists)
2) The privileged relationship between female ethnographer and informant depends on the assumption of a universal category "woman"
-most women anthropologists have been trained by men in the same andocentric way
unilinear evolution
The idea that there is a one track course that cultures can take in their evolution and that Western modern society is the pinnacle (everyone else is savage/barbarian)
"Man the Hunter" theory
Washburn and Lancaster (1968)--proposed that ALL of our adaptations (biological, social, intellectual, emotional, etc) had been based on what would make us better hunters (bipedalism, language, etc)
Problems associated with the Woman/Nature connection?
-associating women with nature leads to the automatic assumption that man is tied to culture
-if women are indeed seen this way, WHO is it that sees them this way?
-'nature' and 'culture' are not value free, unmediated categories in the same way 'woman' and 'man' aren't
Archaeological challenges raised by trying to understand prehistoric gender
-need to recognize that the "two gender" system is not likely to have been everywhere and through time
-need to overcome the inherent bias that men hunt and women gather
-not just adding gender but rethinking it
-need to develop more refined theories of gender
-challenge of making explicit inferences about gender and finding archaeological data to help answer questions about the past
-prompted more engaged attention to other dimensions of human life (sexuality, children, mothering, etc)
What is wrong with unnecessary hysterectomies?
-views older women as un-sexualized beings
-when we medicalize women's experienece it makes it seem as though something is innately wrong with women
-allows for the medical management of women's bodies
-perpetuates the belief that female organs are responsible for their behavior, not outside social forces/problems
How are Freud and Chodrow's models problematic?
-they imply that it is better to be a man
-they imply that anatomy is destiny and that women are inherently deficient/lacking
-there is an assumption of a universal child rearing process
-it shows women as masochistic and vain
myths that bar women from the military/combat
-the identification of the military as "masculine"
-the idea that the purpose of men fighting is to protect the women

-the threat of rape (pows)
-women giving birth
-group cohesion/fraternization
evidence to suggest PMS is a culture bound system
-it stems from the impossible-to-satisfy need for control of hormones
-it leads to self-diagnosis by women
-the culture shapes which variations in mood and physical sensations are noticed
-it is easily absorbed into "folk wisdom" that is known and accepted by all men and women
how myths about matriarchies work to justify male dominance
-the point out an unfavorable, often "primitive" past
-supports the idea that men "wrested control" over Matriarchal women because they couldn't handle the power they had
-DEFINITELY not accurate or supported by historical evidence at all
Modes of Production
the level of contribution to subsistence is the prerequisite of high status in a society for women. FOR EXAMPLE:
hunter gatherer-women enjoy high status due to their essential and large part in securing subsistence. NO public/private realm exists. NO landownership.
horticultural-contribution to subsistence not as important in determining gender roles as kinship and residence rules
pastoral-almost all the emphasis is placed on the men who control the herds
agricultural-a sexual division of labor arises! men usurp womens position as primary producers (Western model that we have used to impose on other cultures even when this divide doesn't exist)
Materialist orientation
Marxist in nature, the materialist orientation concerns itself with how the material conditions and economic factors of life affect gender stratification
dependency theory
asserts that economic development occurs in the context of an international economic system that transforms the economies of developing nations so they better support the needs of 'advanced' capitalist countries. Typically, this moves men into formal capitalistic work rendering women to pre-capitalist/domestic work at home and the responsibility of producing a work force
domestic/public dichotomy (how it has failed and succeeded as an explanation for women's status)
-the model only affirms what has already been assumed--that the separation is an intrinsic fact of social existence
-"domestic" is a problematic term because it is not the same everywhere (not always private, eg)
-domestic and public realms ALWAYS overlap (not black and white and divided strictly by gender)
+ it DOES give insight into the ideologies of Western societies and the impact on those societies under colonial rule
How does division of labor impact gender stratification?
-it creates two realms of work: wage and non-wage income
-this is a direct cause of the loss of status for women because their work becomes undervalued and "invisible", making them seem like less productive members of society
What evidence suggest the Agta are egalitarian?
-marriage, dating and REPRODUCTIVE rights
-women are the most active agents in exchange and are described as aggressive
-the husbands and elderly help out with childcare
-there is NO concept of illegitimacy
-there is little to no rape!
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