Shared Flashcard Set


Figurative Language and Syntactical Features
Beginning of the year test
Language - English
11th Grade

Additional Language - English Flashcards




Allusion: A reference to a person, place, event, or another passage of literature, without explicit identification. Allusions can originate in mythology, biblical references, historical events, legends, geography, or earlier literary works.

Effect: Creates an implied association or brings the reader into a world of experience outside the limitations of the text itself

Example: It is raining so hard I hope it doesnt rain for 40 days and 40 nights.

Imagery: Using sensory details to create mental images.
Effect: Helps the reader/audience more realistically visualize the author’s writings, thus immersing them in the text. Example: Above the quiet dock in midnight, tangled in the tall mast's corded height, hangs the moon. What seemed so far away is but a child's balloon, forgotten after play.
. Metaphor: A figure of speech using an implied comparison of seemingly unlike objects or the substitution of one for the other, suggesting some similarity.
Effect: Makes writing more vivid, imaginative, thought provoking, and meaningful Example: My love is a fragile flower.
. Personification: A figure of speech in which the author presents or describes concepts, animals, or inanimate objects by endowing them with human attributes or emotions.
Effect: Makes abstractions, animals, or objects appear more vivid to the reader/audience. Example: The moon winked at me through the clouds above.
5. Simile: A comparison implied by using the words like, as, than or if. The two items, though seemingly dissimilar, share common characteristics.
Effect: Makes writing more vivid, imaginative, thought provoking, and meaningful. Example: My love is like a red, red rose.
1. Anaphora: The intentional repetition of phrases at the beginning of clauses, sentences, or paragraphs
Effect: Links and emphasizes ideas to create a stylistic effect. Example: We shall not fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France. We shall fight on the seas and oceans. We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air. We shall defend our island, whatever the cost shall be.
Antithesis: Contrasting opposite or differing words or ideas in a parallel construction in the same sentence or successive sentences.
Effect: Forces the reader/audience to juxtapose opposing ideas to emphasize differences and create meaning. Example: That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.
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