This is also known as SMPTE LEADER. If you remember watching movies as a kid in school, you will also remember that funny countdown that goes from 8 to 2 just before the film begins. This is acadamy leader and its purpose is to identify the number of frames left before your film will begin. It is also there to help you synchronize your sound to the film. When the 2 appear all of your sound tracks should beep telling you that everything is in sync. |
These terms refer to the power of light. ACES are 1K or 1000-watt lights and deuces are 2K or 2000-watt lights. |
Acrylic filters are used outside windows to correct for color temperature of daylight to tungsten light or tungsten to daylight. They are heavy and a pain to carry but give you much better quality then sticking gels to a window. They have very little reflection and they are optically sound. There are also acrylic ND filters used to cut down the amount of light coming through a window. |
You can screw on an adaptor ring to most cameras into the front of the lens. This ring will allow you to use filters that are either too small or too large to normally mount onto that particular camera. Adaptor Rings save money because they allow you to use one filter set on multiple cameras. |
This is a spring-loaded lighting grip used to attach a light to pipes, molding or even doors. The most common place to see these used is in a sound stage or studio. There are special lighting grids made of pipe hanging from the ceiling, allowing you to attach these lighting grips to them. |
Light that exists or naturally occurs in a scene. |
These particular types of lenses are used to squeeze the width of an image being shot so that it will fit on a film frame. When the image is projected it is unsqueezed and restored to its original aspect ratio. |
It is creating the illusion of movement by using successive frames of the same image altered slightly between frames in a general pattern, i.e. moving an arm a little bit to the right in each frame to create the illusion of swinging a fist when sped up. |
It is the final reel of a film when it has been cut, dubbed and cleaned. The answer print is made from a negative and then sent to theatres. |
Most Kodak, Fugi and Agfa film stocks use an antihalation backing to absorb unwanted light rays. This type of backing is built into the film emulsion to prevent a strong light source from bouncing back through the film, ruining your image. |
This is the small hole that opens in the lens and directs the amount of light coming in contact with the film plane. As the Aperture or T-stop number increases the amount of light hitting the film through the gate decreases. |
A company that manufactures 16mm and 35mm cameras. |
The aspect ratio is the specific proportions of a screen image. This of course various with different camera formats. |
ASA stands for American Standards Association. The ASA or ISO number measures the speed or light sensitivity of a film stock. ASA and ISO numbers are completely identical in light sensitivity. ASA is something that you must compensate for when you shoot using a film stock with a different speed. |
A company that builds digital non-linear editing suits. Most film producers use them to edit there films before they actually cut their negatives. |