Flashcard Library


(Showing 1-7 of 7 results)

Social Work and The Law Final

Social Work and The Law Final Exam Conestoga College

Author: Thurston71  Cards: 198  Subject: Social Work  Level: Undergraduate 1  Created: 12/05/14 

Intro to Professional Practice

1st semester Conestoga College Intro Professional Practice

Author: Thurston71  Cards: 96  Subject: Social Work  Level: Undergraduate 1  Created: 11/06/14 

Social Service Systems

First semester course at Conestoga Social Service Worker Program

Author: Thurston71  Cards: 124  Subject: Social Work  Level: Undergraduate 1  Created: 09/21/14 

Social Work and the Law in Canada

Social Work and the Law Conestoga College First Semester

Author: Thurston71  Cards: 214  Subject: Law  Level: Undergraduate 1  Created: 09/18/14 

Natural History of Ontario

Plants, Animals associated with Physiographic Regions of Ontario

Author: Thurston71  Cards: 578  Subject: Biology  Level: Undergraduate 2  Media: Images  Created: 03/25/14 

Research Methods

Psychyology Statistics

Author: Thurston71  Cards: 58  Subject: Psychology  Level: Undergraduate 3  Created: 03/23/14 

Exceptional Learners

Children with Disabilities Carleton University

Author: Thurston71  Cards: 425  Subject: Psychology  Level: Undergraduate 3  Created: 03/23/14 


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