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Group Theory JCT
Definitions Theorems Examples

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Composition Series of G




with strict inclusions, such that each Hi is a maximal strict normal subgroup of Hi+1. Equivalently, a composition series is a subnormal series such that each factor group Hi+1 / Hi is simple. The factor groups are called composition factorsSource





IF  (G ·) is finite with Ø ≠ S ⊂ G, S closed under · 

THEN  (S ·) is a group.


By two-step subgroup test we only need show S closed under inversion:


For b ∈ S , m = |b| we have (bm-1)b = b(bm-1) bm = e. So bm-1 is the inverse of b and it's in S since S is closed under ·.





Two-step subgroup test


A nonempty subset of a group is itself a group if the subset is closed under the operation as well as under the taking of inverses.







A nonempty subset of a group is itself a group if the subset is closed under the operation as well as under the taking of inverses.  (Two-step subgroup test)


Let  S be such that  

Ø ≠ S ⊂ G,

S closed under ·  ,

x ∈ S → x-1 ∈ S .


Associativity is inherited from G since S ⊂ G. We only need show that e ∈ S:

Ø ≠ S → ∃ b∈ S → b-1 ∈ S  → e = bb-1 ∈ S.







Give an example to show (aH)(bH) = (ab)H doesn't necessarily hold if H is not a normal subgroup.


Take H = {(1,2), ()} in S3.

a = (1,3), b = (2,3), ab = (1,3,2)


aH = {(1,2,3) (1,3)}

bH = {(1,3,2) (2,3)}

(ab)H = {(1,3) (1,3,2)}




= {(1,2,3) (1,3)} {(1,3,2) (2,3)} 

= {() (1,2) (2,3) (1,3,2)}








∀ a,b ∈ G [ (ab)2 = a2b2 ]    G is abelian.



If G is a group and


∀ a,b ∈ G,  (a⋅b)2 = a2b2


then G is Abelian.




Let a and b be elements of G and suppose 


(a⋅b)2 = a2⋅b2 ,


which may be written


 a⋅b⋅a⋅b = a⋅a⋅b⋅b.


We have


 ab   = eabe   =   a-1aabbb-1


=  a-1a⋅b⋅ab⋅b-1   =  ebae  =  ba.


Therefore G is Abelian.






In a finite group G, ∃N | ∀a∈G, aN = e .



Each element has finite order so we only need take N to be the LCM of the orders. 


To show each element element has finite order consider  

e = a0, a1, a2, a3, ..., a|G|.


This sequence has |G| + 1 terms but only |G| possible values. So by pigeonhole principle: aj = ak , for some j < k. Thus ak-j  = e.




If a-1 = a, ∀a ∈ G  then G is Abelian.



ab = a-1b-1 = (ba)-1 = ba


Prove ...



A group of order ≤ 4 is Abelian.



If the group is non-Abelian then there are distinct elements say x,y such that xy ≠ yx.  


That means x ≠ e ≠ y, which in turn means  xy ≠ x ≠ yx  and  xy ≠ y ≠ yx. (If xy = x then we would have y = e by cancellation.)


Also, xy ≠ e ≠ yx. (If xy = e then x and y would be inverses and commute.)   


Therefore, xy and yx must be distinct 4th and 5th elements.


(In fact, any non-Abelian group must ≥ 6 elements.)

State Cauchy's Theorem

If G is a finite group and p is a prime number dividing the order of G (the number of elements in G), then G contains an element of order p. That is, there is x in G so that p is the lowest non-zero number with xp = e, where e is the identity element.


Prove Cauchy's Theorem

Theorem: Let G be a finite group and p be a prime. If p divides the order of G, then G has an element of order p.

We first prove the special case that where G is abelian, and then the general case; both proofs are by induction on n = |G|, and have as starting case n = p which is trivial because any non-identity element now has order p. Suppose first that G is abelian. Take any non-identity element a, and let H be the cyclic group it generates. If p divides |H|, then a|H|/p is an element of order p. If pdoes not divide |H|, then it divides the order [G:H] of the quotient group G/H, which therefore contains an element of order p by the inductive hypothesis. That element is a class xH for some x in G, and if m is the order of x in G, then xm = e in G gives (xH)m = eH in G/H, so p divides m; as before xm/p is now an element of order p in G, completing the proof for the abelian case.

In the general case, let Z be the center of G, which is an abelian subgroup. If p divides |Z|, then Z contains an element of order pby the case of abelian groups, and this element works for G as well. So we may assume that p does not divide the order of Z; since it does divide |G|, the class equation shows that there is at least one conjugacy class of a non-central element a whose size is not divisible by p. But that size is [G : CG(a)], so p divides the order of the centralizer CG(a) of a in G, which is a proper subgroup because a is not central. This subgroup contains an element of order p by the inductive hypothesis, and we are done.





If G/Z(G) cyclic then G is abelian


Suppose G/Z(G) is cyclic.

Then by definition: ∃τ∈G/Z(G):G/Z(G)=⟨τ⟩

Since  τ is a coset by Z(G):


Thus each coset of Z(G) in G is equal to

(tZ(G))i=tiZ(G) for some i∈Z. 

Now let x,y∈G.

Suppose x∈tmZ(G),y∈tnZ(G).

Then x=tmz1,y=tnz2 for some z1,z2∈Z(G).




= tmtnz1z2

= tm+nz1z2

= tn+mz2z1


= tnz2tmz1





For n ≥ 3 Center of Sn is trivial.


Let us choose an arbitrary π∈Sn:π≠e,π(i)=j,i≠j.

Then π(j)≠j since permutations are injective.

Since n≥3,

we can find k≠j,k≠π(j) and ρ∈Sn

which interchanges j and k and fixes everything else.

Let π(j)=m. Then m≠j,m≠k so ρ fixes m.

Then ρπ(j)=ρ(m)=m=π(j) since ρ fixes m.

Now k=ρ(j) by definition of ρ.

So π(k)=πρ(j).

But π(j)≠π(k) since permutations are injective.

Thus ρπ(j)≠πρ(j).

So arbitrary π≠e is not in the center

since there exists a ρ which it does not commute with.

Thus only e is in the center, which, by definition, is trivial.



If C is the commutator subgroup of G then

G/C is abelian.




Let xC,yCG/CxC,yC∈G/C 

then xyx1y1C=C

since xyx1y1

is a commutator hence belongs to C.

But then xyC=yxCso xCand yCcommute in G/CG/C.

This can be done for any elements, so G/CG/C is abelian.


Also should show C is normal.




Only one additive identity  


Cancelation:  ac = bc →a = b


Unique solution for ax = b 


Inverse of inverse is element 





Only one additive identity  e' = ee' = e


Cancelation:  ac=bc → ac(c')=bc(c') → ae=be→ a=b


Unique solution for ax = b → x = a'b


Inverse of inverse is element 


-(-a) = 0 + -(-a) = a + -a +  -(-a) = a + 0 = a

Prove: Group of odd order --> every element a square

<g> is a subgroup of G so |<g>| must be odd (Lagrange).

Therefore g2k-1 = e for some k.

Thus  (gk)2 = g2k =  g(g2k-1) = g(e) = g.

Hence g is the square of gk.

Let G be the set of integers. Determine whether G is a group under subtraction.




Let G be the set of integers.

Determine whether G is a group under subtraction.


(G,-) is not a group under subtraction. The following axioms fail:


Associative law: 

(0 - 1) - 2 = -1 - 2 = -3 ≠ 1 = 0 - -1 = 0 - (1 - 2).

Therefore - is not associative within G.


Existence of an identity:

Suppose e is the identity of (G,-).

Then e - 1 = 1 - e, so e = 1.

Similarly e - 2 = 2 - e, so e = 2.

Since 1 ≠ 2, this is impossible.

Therefore G cannot have an identity. 


Existence of inverses.

Since (G,-) does not have an identity, 

it's not possible for any element to have an inverse in (G,-)


Let G be the set of all rational numbers with odd denominator. Prove that G is a group under addition.



Let G be the set of all rational numbers with odd denominators.

Prove that (G,⋅) is a group where ⋅

is the usual addition

for rational numbers: +.



Let a/b and c/d be elements of G,

So a,b,c and d are integers

with b and d odd.

a/b + c/d  = (ad + bc) / ad

 is an element of G since both

ad + bc  is an integer

and ad is odd, since

a product of odd integers

is always odd.

Hence (G,⋅) is closed.


Since addition is associative

for the rational numbers in general,

it's also associative for elements of G.

Therefore ⋅ is associative.


0 = 0/1 is an identity in (G,⋅)

since 0+x=x+0

for any rational number.


Let a/b be in G, where b is odd.

Then -(a/b) = -a/b ∈ G.

Therefore every element of (G,⋅)

has an inverse.


We've shown that (G,⋅) is a group.



Show that if every element of G is it's own inverse then G is Abelian.





Show that if every element of G

is it's own inverse then G is Abelian.





Suppose every element of G

is it's own inverse.

Let a and b be two elements of G.


We have


a⋅b = e⋅a⋅b⋅e = (b⋅b)⋅a⋅b⋅(a⋅a)


= b⋅(b⋅a)⋅(b⋅a)⋅a = b⋅e⋅a = b⋅a.


Therefore G is Abelian.



Let G be the set of all real 2-by-2 diagonal matrices of the form


a     0
0 1/a



where a is nonzero.


Prove that G is an Abelian group under matrix multiplication.



Let G be the set of all real 2-by-2 

matrices of the form


a     0
0 1/a


where a is nonzero. 

Prove that (G,⋅) is an Abelian group, where

 the  operator is

matrix multiplication among elements of G. 



Since 2-by-2 matrix multiplication is associative

 in general, it is associative within G.

Therefore ⋅ is associative.

Let A =


a     0
0 1/a


and B = 


0 1/b


be elements of G.  A⋅B  =


 ab     0
 0 1/(ab)


is an element of G (since ab is nonzero).  

Thus G is closed under the  operation.

Moreover, B⋅A  =


 ba     0
 0 1/(ba)



 ab     0
 0 1/(ab)

= A⋅B. 

Thus ⋅  is commutative.  

Let I=


 1     0
 0  1


IA = AI = 


 a(1)     0
 0 1/(a(1))


a     0
0 1/a

= A.



Therefore I is an identity in G.




Let A-1 ∈ G


1/a     0
0 1/(1/a)


A⋅A-1 = A-1⋅A =


 a(1 /a)    0
 0  1/(a(1/a))



0  1

 = I.


Thus every element of G has an inverse in G.


We've shown that (G,⋅)

is an Abelian group.




Prove that if G is an Abelian group then (a⋅b)n = an⋅bn for every integer n.



Prove that if G is an Abelian group

then (a⋅b)n = an⋅bn , ∀n ∈ ℤ.



Suppose G is Abelian.

First we prove by induction that 

∀a,b ∈G, (a⋅b)n = an⋅bn,  ∀n ≥ 0 .


Basis step

(a⋅b)0 =  e = e⋅e = a0⋅b0 .

So the property holds when n = 0.


Inductive step

Suppose  (a⋅b)k = ak⋅bk for a given k≥ 0.


(a⋅b)k+1 = (a⋅b)k ⋅(a⋅b)

= (ak⋅bk)⋅(a⋅b)

= (ak⋅a)⋅(bk⋅b)   (since ⋅ is commutative)

= ak+1⋅bk+1.


We've shown

∀a,b ∈G, (a⋅b)n = an⋅bn,  ∀n ≥ 0.


Now suppose n < 0.

Then (a⋅b)n = (a⋅b)--n

= ((a⋅b)-1)-n

= (b-1⋅a-1)-n (by lemma 2.3.1d)

= (a-1⋅b-1)-n  (since ⋅ is commutative)

=     (a-1)-n⋅(b-1)-n (by the above, since -n > 0.)

= a--n⋅b--n 

= an⋅bn.


Thus  for any a,b in G,

(a⋅b)n = an⋅bn, ∀n ∈ ℤ.





2Write out all the right cosets of H in G where...

a) G = <a> of order 10 and H = <a2> .

b) G as in part a and H = <a5>.

c) G = A(S) where S = {x1, x2, x3} and H = σ∈G such that σ(x1) = x1.



6) Write out all the right cosets of H

in G where...

a) G = <a> of order 10 and H = <a2> .

b) G as in part a and H = <a5>.

c) G = A(S) where S = {x1, x2, x3}

and H = σ∈G such that σ(x1) = x1.



a) H = <a2> = {e, a2, a4, a6, a8}.

Ha = {e⋅a, a2⋅a, , a4⋅a, , a6⋅a, , a8⋅a}

= {a, a3, a5, a7, a9}.

Since H ∪ Ha = G, 

and right cosets of a subgroup

partition the group, H and Ha 

is a complete listing of right cosets of H.


b) H = <a5> ={e, a5}.

Ha = {e⋅a, a5⋅a} = {a, a6}.

Ha2 = {e⋅a2 , a5⋅a2 } = {a2 , a7}.

Ha3 = {e⋅a3 , a5⋅a3 } = {a3 , a8}.

Ha4 = {e⋅a4 , a5⋅a4 } = {a4 , a9}.


Since H ∪ Ha ∪ Ha2 ∪ Ha3 ∪ Ha4   = G

 H , Ha , Ha2 , Ha3 and Ha4   

is a complete listing of right cosets of H.


c) The members of A({x1,x2,x3})

expressed in cycle notation are

(), (x1 x2), (x1 x3), (x2 x3), (x1 x2 x3}

and (x1 x3 x2).

Only () and (x2,x3} fix x1.

Thus H = {(), (x2 x3)},

H(xx2)={()(x1 x2), (x2 x3)(x1 x2)}

= {(x1 x2) (x1 x3 x2)}


H(x1 x3)={()(x1 x3), (x2 x3)(x1 x3)}

= {(x1 x3) (x1 x2 x3)}.


Since H ∪ H(x1 x2) ∪ H(x1 x3)  = G,

  H, H(x1 x2) and H(x1 x3)

is a complete listing of the right cosets of H.


7c) Recall G = A(S) where S = {x1, x2, x3}

and H = σ∈G such that σ(x1) = x1.

As in Problem 6c, H= {(), {x2 x3}}.


(x1 x2)H = {(x1 x2)(), (x1 x2)(x2 x3)}

= {(x1 x2) X1 x2 x2)} and

(x1 x3)H={(x1 x3)()(x1 x3)(x2 x3)}

= {(x1 x3) (x1 x3 x2)}.

Since H ∪ (x1 x2)H ∪ (x1 x3)H  = G,

H, (x1 x2)H and (x1 x3)H

is a complete listing of left cosets of G.

If H and K are subgroups of a group G such that ○(H) and ○(K) are relatively prime, prove that H ∩ K ꞊ {e}.


S1) If H and K are subgroups of a group G

such that ○(H) and ○(K) are relatively prime,

prove that H ∩ K ꞊ {e}.


Since H and K are subgroups of G,

so is H ∩ K.  

(Herstein Section 2.4 exercise 1.)

Moreover H ∩ K is a subgroup of H

(since H ∩ K ⊆ H)

and  H ∩ K is a subgroup of K

(since H ∩ K ⊆ K). 


H and K have finite orders so

by the Lagrange theorem,

o(H ∩ K) divides o(H) 


o(H ∩ K) divides o(K).

Since gcd(o(H), o(K)) = 1,

o(H ∩ K) = 1.

Thus H ∩ K  = {e}.

If H and K are subgroups of a group G such that ○(H) and ○(K) are relatively prime, prove that H ∩ K ꞊ {e}.


S1) If H and K are subgroups of a group G

such that ○(H) and ○(K) are relatively prime,

prove that H ∩ K ꞊ {e}.


Since H and K are subgroups of G,

so is H ∩ K.  

(Herstein Section 2.4 exercise 1.)

Moreover H ∩ K is a subgroup of H

(since H ∩ K ⊆ H)

and  H ∩ K is a subgroup of K

(since H ∩ K ⊆ K). 


H and K have finite orders so

by the Lagrange theorem,

o(H ∩ K) divides o(H) 


o(H ∩ K) divides o(K).

Since gcd(o(H), o(K)) = 1,

o(H ∩ K) = 1.

Thus H ∩ K  = {e}.



S2. Let G be a group of order 4.

Prove that either G is cyclic or x^2 ꞊ e

for every x in G.

Conclude that G must be Abelian.

Since G if finite,

by Corollary 1 to Lagrange's theorem,

the order of each element divides

the order of G. Thus for any x in G, o(x) ∈ {1,2,4}.

If o(x) = 4. then G is cyclic.


o(x) = 1  (so x = e)

or o(x) = 2.

In either case x⋅x = e.

Now, if G is cyclic, G is Abelian.

(For any generator a of G,

akaj = ak+j = ajak.)

On the other hand, if x⋅x = e, ∀x∈G,

then given a, b ∈ G we have

a⋅b = e⋅(a⋅b) =  (b⋅a)⋅(b⋅a)⋅(ab)

= babaab = bab⋅eb

= ba⋅b⋅b= b⋅a⋅e =  b⋅a.

Thus G is Abelian.







Jf a cyclic subgroup T of G is normal in G, then show that every subgroup of Tis normal in G.


Jf a cyclic subgroup T of G is normal in G,

then show that every subgroup of T is normal in G.


Let T be a cyclic subgroup of G,

with T = <a>, for some a ∈ G.

Suppose T is normal in G,

so gag-1 = aj ∈ T,

for some integer j. 

Let U be subgroup of T,

so  U = <ak >,

for some integer k.

Then for any (ak)m = akm ∈ U

and  for any g in G

g(akm)g-1 = (gag-1)km 

= (aj)km = ajkm = (ak)jm ∈ U.

So U is normal in G.


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