- adoption announced when Trajan's will was read
- talented architecture, administrator, poet, etc
- good ruler
- liked all things Greek
- wore beard like Greek philosophers
- spent entire time as ruler traveling the empire
- reduces size of empire by getting rid of places that are problematic
- Antinous as Apollo
- c. 130
- always traveled with Hadrian and Sabina
- portrayed the idea of a beautiful lover
- died while still a youth, before Sabina
- drowned in the Nile, Hadrian grieved and erected statues of him all over the empire
- became the face of the empire
- represented as Apollo
- face changes but body stays the same in every statue
- Pantheon
- c. 120
- not in good shape by Hadrian's time so he rebuilds as an act of association
- temple to all gods
- looks like an imperial forum from outside
- traditional porch with post and lintel columns
- expands upon entry
- polychrome on the inside that is 50ft tall
- sphere of light from bronze doors and oculus
- on summer solstice sphere of light shines down right were Hadrian would sit
- microcosm of the universe
- aediculae are the little temple fronts (triangular and segmental pediments) with statues of all the gods (temple for the gods)
- spring point is the point where the temple starts to curve in which is also the halfway up part above springing point is the dome and part below is the drum
- conservative outside with creative inside
- Villa at Tivoli
- c. 130
- country residence
- windows and entrance to peristyle before atrium to create a sense of openness
- most expansive and most elaborate villa outside the city of Rome
- everything in marble and richly carved
- Maritime theater-->not actually a theater but rather a private retreat
- masked the creative concrete in Rome
- Canopus=sraight lintel then arch lintel (Syrian arch) next to each other around collecting pool
- two sets of baths, creative concrete rooms with no negative space
- Mausoleum Hadrian
- c. 130
- Hadrian's final resting place in Rome
- Design of tomb is classic tumulus type
- diameter is 300 ft.
- presently a museum
- concrete faced travertine
- standard Roman bridge leading to it