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Undergraduate 1

Additional Writing Flashcards




In the Aeneid, Latin huntress and daughter of King Metabus; Queen of the Volscians, that unites with Turnus and kills many Trojans in the war. She had been trained in the ways of war since she was a baby and devoted her life to serving the goddess Diana after this divinity saved her from death as an infant. She is eventually killed by Arruns when Chloreus distracts her. Her death is avenged by Opis, servant of Diana, as she slays Arruns.
Son of Hippottes, in the Aeneid, Aeolus is the king that controls the winds. He aids Aeneas in his journey by releasing the winds in order to speed up his ships; in exchange, Juno gives Aeolus the nymph Deiopea in marriage.
In the Aeneid, Sinon is the Greek that plays the role of “the snake” and aids in the trickery of the Trojan horse. When the Greeks retreat to their hiding, Sinon tells them that the Greeks have returned home and left him at the home of his enemies as punishment for his actions against his comrades. He is taken into the city and convinces the Trojans to accept the fatal gift of the Trojan horse. Also present in Dante’s inferno as a sinner in hell. He sits in the eighth circle of hell with the perjurers, where he will suffer a burning fever for all eternity.
Dido's marriage to Aeneas
in the Aeneid, Dido is queen of Carthage. Though she has many other suitors, she falls in love with Aeneas when he and his fellow Trojans arrive at Carthage. Though Dido is a widow and had previously vowed to remain loyal to her dead husband, she pursues a relationship with Aeneas after her sister Ana (who is blinded by Juno) advises her to. During a hunt, a storm breaks out, and Aeneas and Dido find themselves alone in a cave, where they consummate their relationship. This leads Dido to believe they are married, though there is no legal bond. Later,Mercury comes to Aeneas and tells him he must leave Carthage to found Rome, so he sneaks off. Dido discovers his plan and tries to kill Aeneas but is unsuccessful. She then goes on to kill herself by burning herself on a funeral pyre.
Nisus & Euryalus-
In the Aeneid, these two men are lovers. Both men display their talent in the games held in honor of Anchises death, specifically in the foot race. When Nisus, who had initially taken the lead, slips on the blood of the animal sacrifice, he throws himself in front of the second place runner so that his lover Euryalus can win the race. All three men are given awards for their efforts, though only Euryalus wins. Later in the Aeneid, these two men go on a daring mission to break through the lines of the Latins and tell Aeneas, who had left to recruit foreign aid, that the Latins have laid siege on the city. They kill many of the sleeping Latins and eventually steal the armor of an enemy, which helps their enemy find them. When Euryalus is captured by the enemy, Nisus reveals himself in an attempt to save his lover. When Euryalus is killed, Nisus attacks the enemy and kills Volcens before being slain.
Aeneas' armor
Vulcan, the Roman god of fire and forge and lover of Venus, Aeneas’ mother, makes Aeneas’ armor. Vulcan prophesies the history of the future Roman civilization in Aeneas’ magnificent shield, which he carries on his back. Therefore, Aeneas carries the future of Rome on his back, both literally and figuratively. Later, Aeneas armor serves him well in battle.
Book 9 of Aeneid as Turnus' book
This is Turnus’ book because he gives a detailed account of his strengths and shortcomings. While Aeneas is gone recruiting foreign aid, Turnus attempts to burn the Trojan fleet, assuring a fight to the death. This action is unsuccessful, as the boats disappear and later reappear as dolphins that tell Aeneas that he must return to save the city. Turnus has “hubris” (false confidence), and, after breaking into the city, he kills many but fails to open the gates to let his comrades in, which causes his failure to take the Trojan camp. Later, he kills Pallas and steals his belt, which would later cause Aeneas to kill him when he begs for mercy.
hunt imagery
In the Aeneid, we see the imagery of the hunt scene repeatedly. The hunt represents order and is first scene when Aeneas shows his prowess by hunting to provide for his men at Carthage (slaughters many stags). Later, we see hunt imagery in the relationship between Dido and Aeneas. Dido initially “hunts” Aeneas. These lovers consummate their relationship during a hunt scene (they have sex in a cave during a storm, which interrupts the hunt. The storm represents chaos and disorder). Dido thinks this means they are married, but according to Aeneas, they are not. Later, Dido is described as a “wounded deer” and Aeneas as a hunter.
The images of flame and burning in the Aeneid-
In the Aeneid, the Trojans “burn” with curiosity when they are given the Trojan horse. Later, Dido “burns” with love for Aeneas. Later, she physically burns when she kills herself by sitting atop a burning funeral pyre. Fire is representative of “hot passion” in the relationship between Dido and Aeneas. Fire is chaotic, as is the relationship between Dido and Aeneas.
Palinurus is the helmsman of Aeneas ship in the Aeneid. He dies after falling overboard when he falls asleep at the wheel. He lands on the coast of Luciana (southern Italy), where he is killed by a native tribe. Later, Aeneas sees Palinurus in the underworld and promises to provide him with a proper burial so that his soul might find rest in the underworld.
in the book of Acts, Stephen was known as a martyr that died for his faith in 
Christ. He was stoned by the Jews after they accused him of speaking against the Jewish law and the temple, as well of accusing the Jews of murdering the Messiah. He was known for his speaking ability and took care of the distribution of food and goods to the widows of the church (meaning he was the first deacon of the church).
Why do many historians think Mark wrote his Gospel after 70 C.E.?-
Many historians believe that Mark wrote his gospel after 70 C.E. because his gospel seems to reflect the destruction and dispersion of the Jews that took place between the years 66 and 70 C.E. due to their rebellion. They feel that his gospel could not have existed before these events due to historical similarities between his text and other documents.
What is the significance of the way John begins his Gospel, “In the beginning…”?-
John’s gospel starts with “in the beginning there was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him and without him not one thing came into being.” This is significant because he starts his gospel by looking directly at God and nothing else. As his gospel states, without God, there would be nothing else. In Dante’s Paradiso, John is represented by an eagle due to the way he begins his gospel. Because he “flies higher” than the other gospels and looks directly at the light of God, just as an eagle was thought to fly higher than any other bird and have the ability to stare at the sun, this is a reasonable representation. Alludes to the opening of Genesis, the creation.
Did it matter that Paul was a Roman citizen?-
Yes, this did matter. Because Paul was a Roman citizen, he was treated with respect and dignity when accusations were brought against him. The courts that brought charges against him were under Roman rule, and the mistreatment or murder of a Roman citizen could result in harsh punishment. For this reason, Paul’s appeals are granted and he is not executed.
What happened to Christianity after Constantine converted?-
After Constantine converted, Christianity expanded rapidly. Suddenly, Christians had the support of the government, and they were no longer persecuted. Christianity became a legal organization with its legal base in Roman law. Churches no longer had to be secret organizations, and Constantine attempted to unify the Christian Church. This brought the Church legal protection.
In relation to the other apostles, what was Paul’s problem?-
Unlike the other apostles, Paul never learned from Jesus directly. In fact, he was once a leading persecutor of the early Christian church and became infamous for his intense hatred of the Christians. Because Paul was not an eye-witness to Jesus, his testimony does not have the same foundation that the other testimonies of the other apostles have.
in the Catholic Church, a bishop was a bureaucrat that ruled a diocese. Augustine learns much from Simplicianus, who was a bishop of one of the most important regions of the Church. Later, Augustine becomes the bishop of Hippo. A bishop was expected to oversee a diocese and make sure that there was no corruption or disorderly conduct going on.
St. Anthony-
In Confessions, St. Anthony was the first of the monks. He was a wise man that withdrew from the pleasures of human life. He removed himself from his society (Egyptian), so his advice as an outsider was often sought by others. He lived to be 106 and acquired a good deal of fame during his years in the wilderness. He served as a model for future monks because he withdrew from society and denied himself worldly pleasures.
This was Augustine’s mother in Confessions. As a Christian, Monica repeatedly pushes Augustine to accept Christianity, though he is reluctant until about the middle of his life. Eventually, Monica’s efforts pay off and Augustine goes on to become a strong Christian.
In Confessions, Alypius was a close friend of Augustine’s. He, too, was baptized by Ambrose. When taken to the violent Roman games, he tries to keep his eyes shut, but eventually succumbs to temptation and watches. He later returns to the good behavior of Christianity.
In Confessions, this man was a bishop of one of the most important regions of the church. He was the one that converted Ambrose to Christianity. Augustine goes to speak with this man, who is considered one of the finest Christians of his time. Simplicianus helps him realize that he has been doing wrong all of his life, but he just can’t commit himself to doing what is right.
Client kings-
rulers of provinces far away that romans did not want to deal with; local affairs are run by a client king, but romans still controlled foreign affairs and taxes; often double taxed by ruler and romans. See the Herodians.
The Pharisees were a group of religious leaders among the Jews that continually challenged Jesus and his teachings. They were in favor of maintaining the law of the Hebrews and were against the radical changes Jesus brought to Jewish society. They were connected to the Herodians in some way, though it is unclear as to how.
this was the practice of buying an office in the Catholic Church. As seen in Dante’s Inferno, people guilty of this sin were believed by many to be condemned to torture. This lead to intense corruption within the Church, as the men holding offices were not always qualified for their positions and were not always honest.
Mystery cults-
Mystery cults were groups that typically came from the eastern Mediterranean and Persia; they worshipped “the great mother” and “the bull,” etc. Generally you entered them through a process of initiation that took time and money. Once you were initiated you were given a secret knowledge that will save you. Rich people often joined several of these religions. People were seeking religion. Romans considered the early Christians to be a mystery cult.
Pepin the Short-
*Pepin the short- man who ran the government in Francia indirectly through teenage figurehead kings
*Pepin decides that he should be king, though he does not claim the same descent from God
*He declared that the legitimate king should be overthrown and he should replace them
*He had to convince the nobility (which was easy)
*By the 5th century, the bishop of Rome claimed to be the most important and powerful figure in the Church because he was the interpreter of the text
*The churches of Spain claimed to be founded by the bishops, and because they gave the message to the people, they were the episcopal authority.
Gave historical background for the way society was ruled in Parzival.
Charlemagne was “Charles the Great”
*Charles was a warrior king; he campaigned militarily every year in spring and quit for the winter (790s)
*He took control of Italy, all of the Francish kingdom, parts of Hungary; he seized the treasure of his enemies, making him a very wealthy king
*He then went out and recruited leading intellectuals and gathered them as his court
*He had tremendous intellectual curiosity; he loved to have the intellectuals argue and participate
*He commissioned these people to ensure that every one had the same books with the same texts
*They wrote textbooks so that the ycould teach the rising priests in Latin
*They revived a good portion of ancient literature
*Because books were copied by hand, they were full of errors before the court re-edited them
He sparked a new curiosity in the works of ancient authors. He was crowned the king of the Holy Roman Empire.
Jeschute is the wife of orilius in Parzival. Parzival mistakenly embraces her after taking his mother’s instructions too seriously, and, in doing so, ruins her life, as her husband returns and believes that she has been deflowered. Parzival later rights this wrong by forcing Orilius to believe that he did not really sleep with his wife, and the two are reunited. Parzival took her ring and violated her.
this man was Parzival’s brother. He was half muslim and had a “checkered” complexion. As the son of Gahmuret, Feirefiz is a valiant warrior. At one point, he battles Parzival and, after Parzival’s sword breaks, he ends the battle peacefully. The two go on to find out th at they are brothers. Feirfiz accompanies Parzival on his mission to retrieve the Gral and is later baptized and converts to Christianity.
Cundrie “La Sorziere”-
This lady was a sorceress that initially terrorizes Parzival for his shortcomings. Later, after Parzival has matured, Cundrie reveals herself as a messenger of the Gral. She leads Parzival back to Munzalvech so that he can become master of the Gral.
In Parzival, Orgeluse is one of the fine ladies. She initially mocks Gawan and insults him, but later she ends up asking for forgiveness and marries him. King Anfortas received his injury in an attempt to win her favor. Her name meant pride. She sent Gawan on a long journey to prove his love for her. Parzival refused to fight for her when he first met her.
bow metaphor
Parzival. Wolfram uses the bow metaphor, contrasting the bow string, which comes from biblical commentaries. The object was to show that the bow shoots the arrow into your mind, the bent part is the old testament and the straight part is the new testament. Together, they provide to the Christian the arrow (the message of Christianity). The bow represents the natural order, the way things actually exist and happen in the world, whereas the bow string is the artificial order, the way things are arranged to make sense of the mess in the world.
The way in which Dante’s hell works, a sin is repaid by a mirror image of itself. The action of the sin leads to a condition that is an opposite of what the sin attempted to accomplish.
Peter Abelard
Had the choice to become a professional knight, or he could go to the church. He started studying and became a cleric. He turned out to be a genius. He went from teacher to teach in cathedral schools. Around 1110, he published a book called “ Sic et Non” (yes and no), and he took theological questions and showed that if you were doing what everyone was doing with the snippets, and in ever single question you had many answers. The only way to do this, he said, is logic. At the end of each section, he answered the question but what he had done was apply logic and reason to it. he was condemned. He defined the seven sacraments.
The method that Peter Abelard suggested. As a question, put down both authority sides, using logic bring back both shides. As a result of this movement, Aristotle himself became a target of interest and they went looking for other works by Aristotle and discover that he was the authority of many books, and discovered most of the works by the Arabs, the heirs to the Greek tradition, and they in fact did translate these works into Arabic and made many advances.
Originally Pagan, Augustus has a revelation and writes a letter titled “Confessions”. Augustus wrote this mostly for his friends, who remained Pagan.
Clinschor was a knight in Parzival and a descendent of Virgil. He was subject to Gawan after Gawan took control of the castle of Landers. Gawan pledges to Orgeleuse that he will release Clinschor, and he does. He later joins Arthur’s Roundtable. He used black magic to make the castle (punishment of Love).
Perilous Ford-
In Parzival, the perilous ford was the crossing of a dangerous river. After Orgeluse tells Gawan to search for a nearby castle, another knight warns him that no one has ever crossed the perilous ford and survived. He offers to lead Gawan to a bridge, but Gawan refuses. Instead, he attempts to jump the river on his horse. His first attempt fails, but he is successful on his second attempt.
What is the significance of Judas’s position in Inferno?-
Judas is located at the very bottom of the pits of hell. He is eternally being chewed up by satan. He is positioned here, at the bottom of hell because of his betrayal of Jesus. By selling Jesus out, Judas committed the most treacherous sin in the history of mankind. He now sits at the point in the universe farthest from God and his goodness.
Thomas Aquinas-
wrote Summa Theological. He is present in Dante’s Paradiso. Dante speaks with Aquinas about the corruption of the Church. Aquinas assures Dante that this corruption will be overturned and avenged, for God has achieved much greater feats and he is all powerful.
The golden mean in gothic architecture- I
nitially, Gothic architecture lacked many windows. Because the tops of buildings were heavy half domes that exerted large amounts of pressure on their walls, they could not have windows to let light in. St. Dennis changed this by using peaked domes that exerted far less pressure on the walls of his cathedral. This allowed him to place many windows in the west side of the Cathedral that let in large amounts of light. While the east side of the Cathedral was still focused on Jerusalem, the west side let in lots of light. Light represents love and goodness.
St. Denis-
St. Denis royal monastery, suger was the abbot of that monastery. He wanted to build a new church in a new way. Suger, in managing his architects, tried to explain to them what his design meant. The older churches were made of stone and took decades to build. Suger wanted to let light into his church because light is the emanation of God. He got them to use a POINTED ARCH. THE FORCES GENERATED BY A POINTED ARCH DON’T PUT AS MUCH PRESSURE ON THE WALLS AS A HALF DOME, AND THIS ALLOWED THEM TO OPEN UP MORE WINDOWS SO THE CHURCH COULD BE FULL OF LIGHT. DANTE’S POEM IS A VERBAL REPRESENTATION OF WHAT THE ARCHITECTS WERE DOING WITH THE SAME THEOLOGY.
In Dante’s Divine Comedy, Geryon is a winged beast with a scorpions tail and the face of an honest man. He sits on the edge of the 7th and 8th circles of hell. He carries Virgil and Dante down to the eighth circle of hell, spiraling downward as he flies. He spirals in the opposite way he normally does and therefore has to spring up to escape.
Ulysses is the Roman name for the Greek hero Odysseus. His trickery leads to the downfall of the Trojans. He devised the Trojan Horse and was known for his great valor in battle. Ulysses is also present in Dante’s inferno. He resides in hell, as he failed to find Christ during his lifetime. He gives an account of his final journey, on which he saw what he claimed to be the greatest mountain man had ever seen. However, before he reaches this mountain, his ship sinks and he and his men die. This mountain represents salvation. Though Ulysses was a very intelligent, powerful man, he could not save his soul. Dante, too, climbs this mountain in purgatory. He, however, is able to reach the summit because he does not try to reach it through the ways of man, but through divine guidance.
Statius was one of Dante’s companions. He appears in the fifth terrace of Purgatorio, where sinners must lay face down on the ground until their purging is complete. He resides here because in life, he was too concerned with material goods and did not show enough concern for God. Having completed his time in purgatory, Statius travels with Dante and Virgil towards Paradiso. In Canto 17, Statius is taken by surprise by an earthquake and a shot. He has completed his penitential satisfaction and his release has enabled him to rise up and go to heaven. He was a first century poet who looked to Virgil as his model in the same way that Dante was a disciple to Virgil. Statius picks up a half smile. He tries to hug the knees of Virgil which is inappropriate to where they are.
this is a river present in both the Aeneid and Dante’s Divine Comedy. In The Divine Comedy, it flows from the top of the mountain of purgatory down into the center of the earth. When Dante drinks from this river, he forgets his sins, allowing him to continue on into paradise.
Comedy vs. Tragedy-
In both the Greek and Roman traditions, tragedy was a higher form of writing. Comedy was considered to be a lower form of writing. Tragedies generally consist of a heroic character whose tragic flaw eventually leads to his downfall. Comedy, on the other hand, may or may not teach a moral lesson. Dante uses comedy, the lower form of writing, in his Divine Comedy.
This man is one of Dante’s ancestors that he meets in Paradiso. His conversation with Cacciaguida takes up the central portion of Paradiso. Cacciaguida represents concern with the physical world. Dante represents the current member of the family, which reaches back to Adam and forward to the future. He is the center of the true expanded self (your entire genetic inheritance). The very center of heaven is concerned with a contemplation of the physical self. What does it mean to be Dante in the yr 1300?
Golden Bough
a book written by Frazer that influenced Wolfram's Parzival, argued that the central themes of the Grail legends were connected with pagan fertility ritual, the restoration to vigorous life of the dying god of vegetation; that the Fisher King was so named because the fish is a symbol of swarming life; and that beneath the surface of the legends can be discerned the rites and symbols of a secret cult, which had transmuted primitive fertility ritual into an 'initiation into the secret of Life, physical and spiritual
The Latin Drances, who has an old grudge against Turnus, tells Aeneas that he admires him greatly, and they agree on a peace of twenty-six days during which all may bury their dead. A Latin leader with an old grudge against Turnus who urges Turnus and Aeneas to put an end to their battle.
Augustine meets a Manichean bishop named Faustus, who is famous for his knowledge of doctrine. Augustine hopes Faustus can clear up some of his doubts regarding Manichean explanations of astronomy, which Augustine is starting to find improbable. The explanations of pagan scientists, although lacking in knowledge of Christ, are still more rationally consistent than those of the Manichees. Upon meeting Faustus, Augustine finds him pleasant and well-spoken, but no more knowledgeable than Augustine himself. Consequently, Augustine becomes disillusioned with Manichaeism, although he does not abandon it, because he still has found nothing better to replace it.
What critique can be made of Mark's account of the trial of Jesus?
there are things about Mark from historians view that are uncertain. Mark tells the story as a follower. It is not so clear that the name Jesus was his original name. His preaching is very similar to John the Baptist and the kingdom of God and repentance are seen everywhere. Mark was a commentary about the Old TEstament. The entire thing is oriented towards the interpretation of the Old Testament.
Parzival. Keie is Arthur's steward. Keie beats Cunneware for honoring Parzival. Parzival feels guilty for this and puts Keie out of the life of a knight. This violation of knightly behavior (man beating a woman) leads to the end of Keie's knightly life. Because he took violence on an innocent person, Parzival then made him crippled, which shows the turn-around of Parzival's treatment of women.
Boniface VIII
Boniface, for Dante, is personal and public enemy number one. He rose quickly through the ranks of the church and was elected pope, as Boniface VIII in 1294. He felt that the pope was not only the spiritual head of Christianity but also superior to the emperor in the secular realm. Dante, by contrast, firmly held that the pope and emperor should be co-equals with a balance of power between the pope's spiritual authority and the emperor's secular authority. Dante now settles his score with Boniface in the Divine Comedy by damning the pope.In the pit of the simonists, Pope Nicholas III, who can see the future (like all the damned), mistakenly assumes that Dante is Boniface come before his time (Inf. 19.49-63).
Pier delle Vigne
Dante the writer uses Pier delle Vigne to show that the sinner is not as wicked as the sin. By his noble speech the reader learns that political corruption can damn a man's soul. The punished sinners who suffered death for political reasons are of paramount importance to Dante. Accordingly, he shows in the suicide's circle of hell the extreme consequences of failure in political life. Pier committed suicide for the shame of losing his favored position as Frederick's counselor. This illustrates the ancient Roman concept of honorable suicide, which protests any unjust action that robs one of reputation.
images of fire and burning in the Aeneid
Fire is a form of chaos and in fact the flame of fire is one of the targets of the modern chaos theory. fire and passion, Juno burns and Dido burns. At the end of the book, fire appears in a positive way. first in the flame that is around the forehead of the son of Aenea, is taken as an omen that they need to get out of the burning city. in some sense its a good flame because it spurs them to get out of there.
significance of Virgil's use of word "condit" in Bk 12, 950
the word condit refers to a religious context or sacrifice, here signaling the end of Turnus' life.
the significance of the sentence, "...the Hellenists murmured against the Hebrews.." in Acts
Acts, Satan’s attacks on the church have come on many different fronts. He has attempted many forms of direct opposition and intimidation, and he has tried to corrupt the church from within. These strategies have been unsuccessful. Now Satan hopes to “divide and conquer” by raising one group in the church against another.
snake imagery in the Aeneid
Hercules was a snake killer. As an infant they thought he’d be dangerous as he grabbed a snake and strangled it. Aeneas is going to kill people who are associated with snakes, defeated Juno who’s been sending snakes. And so Aeneas plays a role and stands as did Hercules. Rome is founded on killing snakes. Sinon was a snake in the Aeneid. Pireas is described as a snake in the palace when he kills someone in front of his parents and beheads the king himself.
style which grew up in the Late Republic period, 2nd and 3rd centuries. Characterized by emphasized realism. The veristic portraits emphasized age and experience because the society honored the old. These portraits typically show the seriousness of a person. An exception to verism is the portraits of Augustus which show him as middle aged, even when he was much older.
heroistic portrait
Roman portrait. Augustus was a fan of this type of portraiture. These types of portraits typically portrayed a person in heroic form, usually idealized the body and were nude. They often were shown with a pose of command (i.e. raised hand). Augustus, however, refused to have nude portraits made of him as he disproved of how people dressed in heroic portraits.
Sutton Hoo
The Sutton Hoo Treasure, found in Suffolk England beneath burial mounds in 1939 after WWII. Buried was a ship with many pieces such as a purse lid, a clasp, a belt buckle, and Germanic Helmet. The burial took place in 654 CE. The pieces were made of silver and gold and were delicately handcrafted.
Flying Buttress
seen in the Amiens Cathedral. Built new pointed arcs that put less pressure on the walls and allowed for higher windows. . Towers built up from the outside. Were lined up and helped to contain the wall that was under pressure from the pointed arc. They needed to build buttresses on the exterior of the cathedrals to let light in. What would have then been a modern theory of the structure of the universe based on the geometry of light. Tower is braced by another smaller tower that braces it. St. Denis.
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