Shared Flashcard Set


Intellegent Life in the Universe
Objective 12
Undergraduate 1

Additional Other Flashcards




What characteristic of life is SETI looking for?
TEcnologically advanced life
Why do we only search within our galaxy?
Because signals weaken over distance and the time it take sto send and receive messages takes too long outside of our galaxy
For each factor of the rake equation, be able to defien it and give reasons to estimate high or low

Nhp * flife * fciv * fnow

Nhp: number of habitual planets in our galaxy. Several hundered billion stars, there could be about 100 billion or more habital planets.

Flife: Fraction of habitable planets that actually have life. Close to 1 because life begins os early on earth or Close to 0 because earth is "lucky"

Fciv: Fraction of life bearing planets on which a civilization capable of interstellar communication has at some time arisen.Close to 0 because it took 4 billion years four us to reach this point. 1/2 of the stars in our galaxy are older than ours, which must mean that we are 1/2 way through our life.

Fnow: Fraction of civilization planets that exist and are transmitting right now. Impossible to estimate. We do not know how long we will last. We wont know till we die.

What major flaws are associated with the drake equation
We dont know the value of any of the terms
What is the difficulty associated with calculating the lifetime of a civilization?

There is little basis to guess

Technological adept civlization

how to measure biology and technology

give reasons why intelligence might be rare

Biology = widesrpead

technology = rare (technological intelligence)

it took a logn time to reach this stage

combrian explosion = environmental change

K-T event = mamals florished

Evolutionary pressure = increase in intelligence

What reasons does evolution give that might make intelligence common?

There is a tendency of organisms of different evolutionary background that occupy similar ecological riches to come to resemble eachother.

Intelligence would be just as likely to emerge as any other generally useful adaption.

How is EQ used to measure intelligence?

Encephalization quotient - brain mass to body mass

EQ = 1 average intelligence for mass

EQ < 1 less mentally agile

EQ > 1 more mentally agile (intelligent) humans have a EQ of 7 

How are science and technology related to intelligence?

Technolgoy is requried for intelligece. You can be intelligent, but you ahve to able to manipulate complex tools.

Science: Greece led to modern science. "Lucky" or accident or was it inevitable that some culture would develop modern technolgoy?

What was the error in early radio seraches?
Low frequency radio waves reflect off our own ionosphre keepign the signals strictly on earth.

How was teh frequency of radio searches selected?


1420 MHz - frequency emitted by neutral hydrogen gas in teh interstellar medium
What are the 3 kinds of singals and which ones are likely to be detected by SETI?

1. tv & radio signals used for ommunication on teh planet where they live

2. Signals used to communicate between a civilization's home world and osme other site.

3. International signal becons colonies on distant world or spacecraft. This would be the most likely to be dectected by SETI

What other methods besides listening to signals might still inform us of intelligent life?

Left thing behind.

Calling cards - lagrange poitns of earth and moon. Gravity cancels. Fuel used

Fuel used by space crafts - follow the bread crumbs.


What is a lagrange point and why is it useful?

Points on earth and moon - where gravity cancels.

Calling card can be there.

Explain the 3 types of civilizations and how we might recognize them

Planetary (type I) civilization: uses resources of their hoem star - earth

Stellar (Type II) civilization: corral the resources of their home star - infrared object Dyson Sphere: collect energy from stars.

Galactic (Type III) Civilization: Emply the resources of their entire galaxy.


How is rado being used to search today?

Radio received by a radio telescope and then sliced into band-width to study.

2 types of searches:

1. targeted seraches - individual stars

2. Sky servey - sweep across the heavens.

How is optical used for searches?

Visible light is absorbed by interstellar dust so it is less desirable for long distances, but searcehs of 1000 light eyars is possible and likely sufficent.

visible light can be focused

look for short pulses light capable of outshining the host star - like a flash light turning on and off.

What are the implications of SETI success?

A signal detecton would need to be thoroughly verified by continued observations both at the discovery telescope and at other observatories.

it may take weeks of careful work by excited astronomers befor etheya re fully confident of a genuine detction.

once a dection is verified teh news would be released to the outside world. this step must be takin with some care.

SETI research group must follow a protocol know as the declartion of principles concerning activites follwoing the dection of extraterrestrial intelligence. reasonable course of action.

astronomers around the world would be notified.

government and public would be informed directly.

sending a reply

What evidence has been presented to show tha talians are already here? How could you counter this ?

UFO's: 90% solved adn 10% unexplained

Flying saucers: meterors

Crash aliens in Roswell: Weather ballons

Crop Cricles: ropes and boards

Aliean abduction: Sleep paralysis

Ancient visitations: ancient artwork

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