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International Relations Topics
Questions For Exam 1
International Studies
Undergraduate 3

Additional International Studies Flashcards




CHAPTER 9: Global Security
List the top five assumptions that classical realists make regarding matters of state security
1. State Survival depends on the power to organize and control armed forces.
2. No two states have the same national interests.
3. The drive for security always trumps ideological principles and motives.
4. Power is thought of primarily in terms of military capabilities.
5. Military tools are the most powerful in the state’s arsenal.
Chapter 19: Energy Resources Identify 4 reasons why critics oppose hydraulic fracking of petroleum

1. It employs excessive amounts of water that may be filled with harmful chemicals.

2. Use of more natural gas will lead to carbon emissions and contribute to the climate change crisis.

3. A bi-product of the fracking process is methane gas which makes people living in the surrounding areas sick.

4. Lack of infrastructure due to the “natural gas rush” is causing states and towns to suffer.

Chapter 19: Energy Resources
Identify the sequence of events that caused oil prices to decline in the 1980s
1. A decrease in demand for OPEC oil following the OPEC-induced recession.
2. The release of more oil into the market by other providers, causing a surplus.
3. Increased competition among OPEC members.
Chapter 15: The Illicit Economy
What are the 6 main points Balaam & Dillman make regarding the illicit global economy?
1. Six Degrees of Separation
2. The Unintended Consequences of Supply Side Policies
3. Globalization
4. The Problem With Coordination Between States
5. War and Natural Resources
6. Corruption is Hampering Development
Chapter 15: The Illicit Economy What are the three main reasons why human trafficking is dramatically on the rise?

1. There are low startup costs, minimal risks, high profits and large demand.

2. Humans are not a “one time use” item such as drugs or weapons might be.

3. Cheap labor is highly demanded by large organizations who are willing to break the law. (Illegal Imegration)

Chapter 15: The Illicit Economy
Explain the differences between a supply-side policy and a demand-side policy aimed at reducing trafficking
Supply side policies would increase restrictions that would inhibit trafficking (limiting supply). Demand side policies would try to either create and alternative or force market to leave the area causing patrons to look elsewhere (lowering demand).
Chapter 15: The Illicit Economy
What are the unintended consequences of supply side crack downs?
1. Can displace illicit activity from one place to another.
2. May cause activity to go even further “underground” and become even more difficult to control.
3. Campaigns against “suppliers” can often insight “turf-wars” and gang violence.
4. Can cause creation of new illicit markets when new laws are imposed.
5. Crackdown on supplier causes fewer suppliers in the market, this drives up prices and creates an incentive for other criminals to join the market.
CHAPTER 11: Development Conundrum
What were the 5 main elements of structural adjustment programs that many developing nations were pressured into adopting in the late 20th century?
1. Devaluation of Currency
2. Raising Interest Rates
3. Privatization of Public Companies
4. Reduction of the Budget Deficit
5. Adoption of Free Trade Policies
CHAPTER 13: The Rising Powers
How did the living standards of the people who lived in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union change after the end of communism? Identify 6 specific impacts.
1. Inequality gap sharply increase in all the government and leadership chaos.
2. Quality of food and goods was very poor due to large state bureaucracy.
3. Marketization: The countries had to recreate the market forces of supply and demand.)
4. Privatization: Public held property was transferred to private hands. This caused severely unfair and undemocratic redistribution of wealth and assets.
5. Countries had to recreate a market in which competition would determine value of property, labor, goods and services.
6. “Shock Therapy” in which market freezes are used to help stir up demand forces.
CHAPTER 13: The Rising Powers
Describe 5 policies of the Brazilian government since the 1990s.
1. “The Real Plan” introduced by President Cardoso tamed inflation rates and stabilized Brazilian currency.
2. Lula’s manipulation of the WTO that pressed more market access and fewer barriers to trade in the US and Europe.
3. Lula’s “Femo Zero” Program which became one of the most comprehensive and well known public assistant programs in the world.
4. Cardoso focused on creating policies aimed at “domestic industrial and social development.”
5. Cardoso’s “G20” talks that began to change the dynamic of the WTO.
CHAPTER 13: The Rising Powers
Identify 4 of the most important features of India’s economic policies since the early 1990s.
1. Liberalization of its economy.
2. India increased its global presence.
3. protectionist state-led growth with neoliberal, market driven growth.
4. The elimination of most agricultural subsidies
CHAPTER 13: The Rising Powers What are the 3 contradictions that constrain China’s role as a superpower?

1. Chinese leaders are trying to foster a consumer culture while relying on profoundly illiberal social controls and exploitative practices.

2. Beijing has presided over a broadly mercantilist system that is nevertheless fueled by global interdependence.

3. Political System is still authoritarian.

Chapter 14: The Middle East
What are the 4 main obstacles to the consolidation of democracy in the Middle East and North Africa?
1. The West
2. Oil
3. Civil Society
4. Islam
Chapter 14: The Middle East List 5 reasons why the region is falling behind the rest of the world in terms of development.

1. Innefficient state owned banks

2. Conflicts (periodic)

3. Lack of housing/water

4. Neglect of agriculture

5. Less knowledge, freedom, women's power

Chapter 14: The Middle East
Identify the 3 sources of conflict presented by Balaam & Dillman.
1. The search by external powers for influence in the region.
2. Aggression by regional leaders
3. Oppressive regimes that foster Islamist violence
Chapter 6: Trade & Production
What are the 8 factors fueling the small trend toward in-sourcing?
1. The changes in the Global Economy
2. Higher oil prices have increased the cost of importations from China.
3. Explosion of Natural Gas production in US has decreased the cost of US operating plants.
4. Wages of Chinese workers are quickly rising.
5. US labor unions are losing power has significantly decreased labor domestic costs.
Chapter 6: Trade & Production
When nations met in the series of trade negotiations known as The Uruguay round (1986 – 1993) 8 important changes to international trade resulted.
1. Market Access for Textiles and Agricultural Goods
2. Intellectual Property Rights
3. Restrictions on Foreign Investments
4. Trade in Services
5. Patents
6. Copyrights
7. Trademarks
8. The World Trade Organization
Chapter 7: Monetary and Finance
List the 4 reasons the U.S. dollar continues to weaken.
1. Continued increases in the U.S. balance-of-payments deficits.
2. Continued U.S. trade deficits, especially with counties like China.
3. Excessive U.S. domestic spending.
4. Excessive U.S. military spending.
Chapter 8: Debt & Financial Crisis What are the 6 themes of this chapter?

1. Domino effect of market driven globalization

2. Crisis become larger and expanding past borders.

3. Global finance too complex to maintain

4. Solutions proposed by free marketers dont work.

5. Capitalism is irroding from inside.

6. BRIC Countries were relavitely untouched by policies.

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