SSp1 -Construction Activity Pollution Prevention- Intention and Implementation |
Intention = Control pollution during construction by controlling: soil erosion, airborne dust generation, and waterway sedimentation Implementation = 1. provide an erosion and sedimentation control plan(ESC) for construction documents and specifications. 2. ESC is to conform to erosion and sedimentation requirements of 2003 EPA CGP or local codes, whichever is more stringent. 3. Ways to control sedimentation include stabilization(seeding and mulching) and structural(silt fences, earth dikes, sediment traps and basins) |
SSc1 -Site Selection- Intention and Implementation |
Intention = To avoid development on inappropriate sites. To reduce any environmental impact from the location of a building on a site. Implementation = a) DO NOT develop on a site that is: 1. Below 5ft of the 100yr. floor elevation as defined by FEMA 2. Within 100ft. of wetlands as defined by the CFR 3. Prime farmland as defined by the USDA 4. Within 50ft of a body of water and comply with Clean Water Act 5. Habitat for any endangered or critical Species 6. Public parkland (Park Authority projects are exempt) |
SSc2 -Development Density and Community Connectivity- Intention and Implementation |
Intention = 1. To channel development to urban areas with existing infrastructure 2. To protect greenfields, habitats and natural resources Implementation = Option 1 for Development Density 1. Commercial: Build on previously developed land with a density of at least 60000 sf/acre. Compare to a 2-story downtown building. Option 2 for Community Connectivity 1. Build on previously developed land that has 10 different "basic services" within a 1/2 mile radius of the buildings entrance. a) Basic services include banks, churches, stores, resturaunts (can count 2) etc. b) Do Not include undeveloped areas (parks, bodies of water). c) Services must have pedestrian access. 2. There must be a residential area within 1/2 mile with a density of 10 units/acre.
SSc3 -Brownfield Redevelopment- Intention and Implementation |
Intention = 1. To rehabilitate damaged sites (environmentally contaiminated sites). 2. To reduce pressure on undeveloped lands. Implementation = 1. Rebuild on a contaminated site as documented by the ASTM E1903-07 or local codes. 2. Use the EPA definition of a brownfield site. 3. Research CERCLA/SUPERFUND tax incentives. |
SSc4.1 -Alt. Transportation: Public Transportation Access- Intention and Implementation |
Intention = To reduce pollution and land development from auto use. Implementation = 1. Case 1 - Locate project within 1/2 mile from one existing or future planned (and funded) commuter rail, light rail, or subway station. 2. Case 2 - Locate the project within 1/4 mile from 2 public or campus bus lines.
SSc4.2 -Alt. Transportation: Bicycle Sotrage & Changing Rooms- Intention and Implementation |
Intention = Reduce pollution and land development from auto use. Implementation = Case 1 - 1. Provide bike rack for 5% FTE + peak transient occupants within 200 yds AND 2. Provide changing room/shower for .05% FTE within 200 yds. Case 2 (residential) - Provide bike rack for 15% of residents. |
SSc4.3 -Alt. Transportation: Low Emission & Fuel Efficient Vehicles- Intention and Implementation |
Intention = Reduce pollution and land development from auto us. Implementation = Option 1 - provide low emmision cars with preferred parking for 3% of FTE Option 2 - provide preferred parking for low emmision cars for 5% of total parking spaces. Option 3 - provide charging station and refuel stations for low emission cars for 3% of total parking spaces. -low emission car = a Zero Emission Vehicle(ZEV). Min. Green Score of 40. -preferred parking excludes handicap spaces in calculations
SSc4.4 -Alt. Transportation: Parking Capacity- Intention and Implementation |
Intention = Reduce pollution and land development from auto use Implementation = Option 1 (non-residential) - 1. DO NOT exceed local parking requirements in proposed scheme 2. provide CARPOOL parking for 5% of total parking spaces Option 2 (non-residential) - 1. For projects that provide parking for less than 5% of FTE building occupants: provide CARPOOL parking for 5% of total parking spaces. Option 3 (residential) - 1. Do Not exceed local parking requirements in proposed scheme 2. Create or join a Shared Vehicle Program with adjacent buildings Option 4 - provide NO NEW PARKING -preferred parking excludes handicap spaces in calculations
SSc5.1 -Site Develpment: Protect or Restore Habitat- Intention and Implementation |
Intention = Conserve existing natural areas, restore damaged areas, provide habitat space, promote biodiversity Implementation = Greenfield Sites - protect by limiting site disturbance beyond 40ft of building perimeter, 25ft of constructed areas, 15ft of roadways, 10ft of walkways, 10ft of main utility pipes. Previously Developed Sites - 1. Keep 50% of the site green (using native/adaptive species) 2. EXCLUDE building footprint in calculation Zero-lot Lines - 1. Projects that earn SSc2 (60000 sf/acre) and use vegetated roof may apply vegetated roof surface for this calculation 2. 20% of the site area to be green 3. INCLUDE building footprint in this calculation |
SSc5.2 -Site Development: Maximize Open Space- Intention and Implementation |
Intention = Create a high "open space to footprint" ratio, Promote biodiversity
Implementation = Case 1: there is a local code for open space restriction: 1) Open space should exceed local code by 25% Case 2: there is no code (campuses or military bases for example): 1) Open space is to be the same size as the building footprint Case 3: the is a local code, BUT there is zero open space requirements: 1) Open space should be 20% of the site area For All Options: 1) Projects that earn SSc2(60,000SF/acre) and use a vegetated roof may apply vegetated roof surface for this calculation 2) Pedestrian oriented hardscape areas can count toward credit compliance (minimum 25% of the open space must be vegetated) 3) Wetlands or naturally designed ponds count if the side slope gradients average 1:4(vertical:horizontal) or less and are vegetated.
SSc6.1 -Stormwater Design: QUANTITY control- Intention and Implementation |
Intention = Limit the disruption of natural hydrology, Increase on-site filtration, Manage stormwater runoff, Eliminate sources of contaminants, Reduce impervious cover, Reduce/eliminate pollution, Remove pollutants from stormwater runoff. Implementation = Case 1: if impervious surface less than or equal to 50% of total site area: 1) Post-development peak discharge rate and quantity should be equal to or less than pre-development (for 1&2-year, 24-hour design storms) OR 2) Implement a stormwater management plan that protects receiving steam channels from excessive erosion by implementing a Stream Channel Protection strategy and Quantity Control strategies . Case 2: if impervious surface is more than 50% of total site area: 1) Post-development peak discharge rate and quantity should be 25% less than pre-development (for 2-year, 24-hour design storm) Additional Notes: For stormwater design with reduction of impervious surfaces: a) Examples of alternative surfaces include Rain gardens, vegetated swales & rainwater recycling. b) Examples of non-structural surfaces include vegetated roofs, pervious pavement, grid pavers. |
SSc6.2 -Stormwater Design: QUALITY control- Intention and Implementation |
Intention: (same as previous) Limit the disruption of natural hydrology, increase on-site filtration, manage stormwater runoff, eliminate sources of contaminants, reduce impervious cover, reduce/eliminate pollution, remove pollutants from stormwater runoff. Implementation: a) treat and capture 90% of the stormwater runoff b) Remove 80% TSS (total suspended solids) c) Us acceptable BMPs (Best Management Practices) and consider the following: 1. Sustainable design strategies should be low impact and environmentally sensitive designs 2. Use of alternative surfaces (for this credit), such as: vegetated roofs and swales 3. Use of natural and/or environmental treatment, such as: constructed wetlands, vegetated filters and/or open channels
SSc7.1 -Heat Island Effect: NON Roof- Intention and Implementation |
Intention = Reduce heat islands and minimize impacts on microclimates Implementation = Option 1: 1) Provide shade to 50% of the site area (within 5 years of occupancy) 2) Provide an open grid area (parking, roads, sidewalks) with paving material of SRI 29 or higher Option 2: 1) provide 50% of the parking underground or under a roof 2) provide paving material with SRI 29 or higher Notes: Know that high-albedo concrete is a light-colored, high solar reflect concrete
SSc7.2 -Heat Island Effect: Roof- Intention and Implementation |
Intention = (same as previous) Reduce heat islands and minimize impacts on microclimates and habitats Implementation= Option 1: 75% of the roof material should be: 1) SRI 78 for a slope less than 2:12 (low-sloped roof) 2) SRI 29 for a slope more than 2:12 (steep-sloped roof) Option 2: install a vegetated roof for at least 50% of the roof area Option 3: use a combination of option 1 & 2 (SRI & veggie roof): 1) Number calculated from this equation: (area of SRI roof/0.75) + (area of vegetated roof/0.50) = must be GREATER than total roof area
SSc8 -Light Pollution Reduction- Intention and Implementation |
Intention: Minimize light trespassing from building and site to reduce sky glow and improve nighttime visibility, Reduce development impact on nocturnal environments Implementation: A) Interior Lighting: 1) must "stay inside" 2) Non-emergency lights shut down during non-business hours B) Exterior Lighting: 1) Provide for comfort and safety ONLY 2) DO NOT EXCEED 80% of lighting power densities for exterior areas 3) DO NOT EXCEED 50% of light power desnities for building facades and landscape features as defined by ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004 4) DO NOT INSTALL lighting more than 2.5 times the building height from the property line. Additional Notes: 4 lighting zone distinctions: 1) LZ1=dark, density less than 200 people per square mile 2) LZ2=low, residential 3) LZ3=medium, commercial, industrial, and high-density residential 4) LZ4=high, major city centers, entertainment districts
SSp1 -Construction Activity Pollution Prevention- Referenced Standards |
1. 2003 EPA CGP - Environmental Protection Agency Construction General Permit applies to sites greater than 1 acre, for this prerequisite it applies to ALL sites 2. Local Codes if more stringent than above |
SSc1 -Site Selection- Referenced Standards |
1. FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency 2. USDA - United States Department of Agriculture 3. CFR - Code of Federal Regulations 4. Clean Water Act |
SSc2 -Development Density and Community Connectivity- Referenced Standards |
SSc3 -Brownfield Redevelopment- Referenced Standards |
1. Any local codes regarding contaminated sites. 2. ASTM 1903-97 3. EPA Brownfield Definition 4. CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act... aka SUPERFUND
SSc4.1-Alt. Transportation: Public Transportation Access- Referenced Standards |
SSc4.2 -Alt. Transportation: Bicycle Sotrage & Changing Rooms- Referenced Standards |
SSc4.3 -Alt. Transportation: Low Emission & Fuel Efficient Vehicles- Referenced Standards |
SSc4.4 -Alt. Transportation: Parking Capacity- Referenced Standards |
SSc5.1 -Site Develpment: Protect or Restore Habitat- Referenced Standards |
SSc5.2 -Site Development: Maximize Open Space- Referenced Standards |
SSc6.1 -Stormwater Design: QUANTITY control- Referenced Standards |
SSc6.2 -Stormwater Design: QUALITY control- Referenced Standards |
1. Guidance Specifying Managment Measure for Sources of Non-Point Pollution in Coastal Waters, Jan. 1993. (I just call this Coastal Water, 1993 for the sake of memorization) 2. BMP (Best Management Practices) 3. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
SSc7.1 -Heat Island Effect: NON Roof- Referenced Standards |
1. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)
SSc7.2 -Heat Island Effect: Roof- Referenced Standards |
1. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) a. C1371-04, C1549-04, E408-71, E903-96, E1981-97, E1980-1
SSc8 -Light Pollution Reduction- Referenced Standards |
1. ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2004 2. ANSI 3. California Energy Code Title 24
SSp1 -Construction Activity Pollution Prevention- Exemplary Performance |
SSc1 -Site Selection- Exemplary Performance |
SSc2 -Development Density and Community Connectivity- Exemplary Performance |
Projects can earn an Exemplary Performance credit by first meeting the requirements of option 1 (development density) and ADDITIONALLY meeting one of the two following: 1) Density of project itself must be at least double that of the average density within the calculated area OR 2) Calculate a density of a least 120,000SF/acre for twice the base credit area |
SSc3 -Brownfield Redevelopment- Exemplary Performance |
SSc4.1 -Alt. Transportation: Public Transportation Access- Exemplary Performance |
For SSc4.1-4.4: Exemplary performance can be earned by creating a "comprehensive transportation management plan" demonstrating a quantifiable reduction in auto use For SSc4.1 ONLY: Exemplary performance can be ear by: a) locating project within 1/2 mile of at least TWO existing or future planned (and funded) commuter rail, light rail or subway station OR b) locating project within 1/4 mile of at least TWO or more stops for FOUR or more public or campus bus lines c) For both a&b 1. frequency of stops must be at least 200 transit rides per day in total at these stops 2. combo of rail and bus is allowed 3. include a transit schedule and map with submittal
SSc4.2 -Alt. Transportation: Bicycle Sotrage & Changing Rooms- Exemplary Performance |
For SSc4.1-4.4: Exemplary performance can be earned by creating a "comprehensive transportation management plan" demonstrating a quantifiable reduction in auto use |
SSc4.3 -Alt. Transportation: Low Emission & Fuel Efficient Vehicles- Exemplary Performance |
For SSc4.1-4.4: Exemplary performance can be earned by creating a "comprehensive transportation management plan" demonstrating a quantifiable reduction in auto use |
SSc4.4 -Alt. Transportation: Parking Capacity- Exemplary Performance |
For SSc4.1-4.4: Exemplary performance can be earned by creating a "comprehensive transportation management plan" demonstrating a quantifiable reduction in auto use |
SSc5.1 -Site Develpment: Protect or Restore Habitat- Exemplary Performance |
For previously developed sites: keep 75% (instead of 50%) of the site green (using NATIVE species)
SSc5.2 -Site Development: Maximize Open Space- Exemplary Performance |
For Case 1: open space to exceed local codes by 50% (instead of 25%) For Case 2: open space to double building footprint (instead of 1:1) For Case 3: open space to be 40% of the site area (instead of of 20%)
SSc6.1 -Stormwater Design: QUANTITY control- Exemplary Performance |
SSc6.2 -Stormwater Design: QUALITY control- Exemplary Performance |
SSc7.1 -Heat Island Effect: NON Roof- Exemplary Performance |
For Option 1: provide 100% (instead of 50%) of site shade for 5yr. occupancy For Option 2: provide 100% (instead of 50%) of parking undergroud or under roof
SSc7.2 -Heat Island Effect: Roof- Exemplary Performance |
For Option 2: 100% (instead of 50%) of roof area (excluding mechanical equipment, photovoltaic panels and skylights) is composed of a green roof system |
SSc8 -Light Pollution Reduction- Exemplary Performance |