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Mammalogy- 1st Practical Info
Washington State Mammals- Carnivores Info
Undergraduate 4

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Eumetopias jubatus
Steller Sea Lion
9-10.5 ft (male)
1,200-2,400 lb
7-9.5 ft (female)
600-770 lb
Range: Pacific Ocean, west to Japan
Habitat: Coastal waters and rocky shores
Feeds on: fish, squid, octopi, clams and crabs
sometimes enters rivers
Breeds on rocky islets in summer
Females mate 1-2 weeks after giving birth
single young
Zalophus californianus
California Seal Lion
6.5-8 ft (male)
440-900 lb
5-6 ft (female)
110-260 lb
Range: South to Gulf of California and Nayarit, Mexico, Galapagos Islands
Habitat: Coastal waters and small protected islands
Feeds on schooling fish and squid
males migrate north as far as Vancouver Island, females and young remain in breeding areas
Gestation: 11 months
males do not feed during early summer
single pup
Callorhinus ursinus
Northern Fur Seal
6-7 ft (male)
400-615 lb
3.5-5 ft (female)
95-110 lb
Range: North Pacific Ocean, west to Sea of Okhotsk and Japan
Habitat: Offshore waters and rocky islets
Feeds on small schooling fish
migrates in fall and winter
males defend territories but don't control specific females or form harmes
single young born in June or Julgy
females mate a few days after giving birth
Odobenus rosmarus
9-12 ft (male)
1,640-3,400 lb
7-10 ft (female)
1,250-2,300 lb
Range: Arctic Ocean and islands
Habitat: moving pack ice over shallow continental shelf waters, also coastal beaches and rocky islets
feeds on molluskds and other invertebrates
breeds in winter, females congregate on ice, mating takes place in water
gestation is 11 months
young born in May, females breed every 2-4 years
Phoca vitulina
Harbor Seal
4-6 ft
100-370 lb
male larger than female
Range: widely distributed in North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans
Habitat: Rocky shores and coastal waters, rivers, estuaries and some northern fresh water lakes
dives to 660 ft- can remain underwater 30 minutes
Feeds on fish and invertebrates
doesn't migrate
females give birth to a sinle young each ear- early spring-summer
nostrils close into a V
Mirounga angustirostris
Northern Elephant Seal
13-16 ft (male)
4,000-5,000 lb
6.5-10 ft (female)
770-2,000 lb
Range: Pacific Ocean west to Japan and Hawaii, Males range north to Gulf of Alaska and Aleutians
Habitat: warm sandy beaches and temperate waters
feeds on deep water squid and fish, can diver to 5,000 ft deep
Breeds in Dec, lower California-baja area
dominant male control 25-50 females
singe pups are nursed for a month
females mate with male after weaning their young
pups stay on beach for another month without feeding
Procyon lotor
16-24 in
5-33 lb
Range: S. Canada and most of US through Mexico and Central America to central Panama
Habitat: varied, woods, wetlands, suburban
mainly nocturnal
Feeds on plaints and animal
Does not hibernate but may den in bad weather
Breeding occurs in early spring
2-7 young born April-May
females stay in same place, males roam
Ursus americanus
American Black Bear
4-6 ft long
2.5-3.5 ft at shoulder
100-900 lb
male is larger than female
snout straight or convex in profile
Range: Alaska, Canada, Northwest south through Rocky Mts. and into n. Mexico
Habitat: Forests and swamps in East, mountains, tundra and rain forest in West
Feeds on nuts, berries and vegetation, will take insects, birds' eggs, young mammals and carrion
Male occupies large range that encompasses the range of several females
Dens under fallen trees, in hollow longs, under roots or in rock caves or crevasses
In North males and females hibernate for up to 7 months
In South only pregnant females hibernate
litter 1-3 cubs born Jan-Feb
females breed every 2 years
Ursus arctos
Brown (Grizzly) Bear
5.5-9 ft long
3-5 ft at shoulder
180-2,100 lb
Prominant hump on shoulder
Dished face in profile
Range: Alaska and w. Canada south through Rocky Mts. to Wyoming
Habitat: Mountains, coasts, rivers and tundra in open country and coastal forests
Feeds on fruit, green vegetation, tubers, carrion, fish, small mammals, young or sick ungulates
sometimes caches food in shallow depression
not territorial
Dens in cave, under rocks or base of tree in winter
Pregnant female may line den with moss
Remains in den 5-7 months
Female gives birth 1-4 cubs Jan-Mar
cubs weaned 18-30 months
females breed every 2-4 years
Ursus maritimus
Polar Bear
6-8.5 ft long
4.25-5.25 ft at shoulder
330-1,600 lb
Range: Circumpolar in Arctic, on coasts and islands
Habitat: Pack ice, rocky shores and islands
Feeds on ringed seals, bearded and harp seals, walrus, beluga, narwhal and sea ducks
Most occupy large ranges- non territorial
In fall, pregnant female moves to winter den and may not eat for up to 8 months
Litters of 1-4 cub, born Dec-Jan
Cubs stay with mother 2-3 years
Females breed every 2-4 years
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