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Marine Corps Planning Process
SNCOA class
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What is Planning?
...the art of envisioning a desired end state and determining effective ways of achieving that goal.
What are the 5 key benefits from planning?
  1. Coordinating Actions
  2. Shared Situational Awareness
  3. Expectations of how actions might evolve and their effects are common throughout
  4. Stimulation of initiative and creativity
  5. Thought process of the planners are shaped.


What are the tenets of the MCPP?
  1. Top-down planning
  2. Single Battle concept
  3. Integrated Planning

(Tenets of MCPP)


What does Top-down planning consist of?

  1. Commander's Battlespace Area Evaluation (CBAE)- include his intent(purpose), his understanding or analysis of the battlespace, his understanding of the enemy and friendly centers of gravity, and that info which is criticala for him to know
  2. Guidance (Initial,Planning,Wargaming)- commander is involved from start to finish, gains knowledge and SA to make decisions. He doesn't know it all,but will fill in the blanks as SA increases. The staff help fill in those blanks.

(Tenets of MCPP)

Explain Single Battle Concept.

  • Concept that allows the Commander to focus the efforts of all elements of the force to accomplice the mission.
  • Does NOT apply to the MAGTF.
  • Divided into deep,close, and rear.
  • The Cmdr's intent ensures unity of effort by fighting the single battle.

(Tenets of MCPP)


Explain Integrated Planning.


Staffs must be integrated to facilitate sharing.

  • Liason Officers(LNOs)-key to linking subordinate,adjacent , and higher units.
  • Operational Planning Team (OPT)- linchpin of integrated planning because it touches all key planners. Generates planning tempo. OPT integrates  to ensure omissions aren't Warfighting functions made.

(Tenets of MCPP-Integrated Planning-OPT0


What are Warfighting Functions?


Functions that occur within the battlespace:

  • Manuever-movement of forces to accomplish obj.
  • Intelligence- awareness that provides understanding of enemy and battlespace
  • Fires-employment of firpower
  • Logistics- activities req. to move and sustain forces
  • Command and Control - exercise of auth. and direction over assigned  forces
  • Force Protection- measures taken to protect the force's fighting potential
What is the six step process of MCPP?
  1. Mission analysis
  2. COA development
  3. COA war game
  4. COA comparison and decision
  5. Orders development
  6. Transition



What are the 3 parts of each step in MCPP?

  1. Input - the output or product of previous step.
  2. Process- mechanism that produces a raw product.
  3. Output- result of the process or deliverables.

(MCPP six step process)


What is the purpose of Mission Analysis?


Its purpose is to analyze the available info to gain understanding of what's req. to proceed w/planning.

  • Input- Cmdr recieves order. Cmdr conducts Cmdr Orientation.
  • Process- Determine info req. Stand up Red cell.
  • Output- Refined Intent. Cmdr Planning guidance (CPG). Approved mission statement.

(MCPP six step process)


What is the purpose of COA development?


Purpose is to provide the Cmdr with a range of options. Answering the "how" is the essense of COA development.

  • Input- CPG helps frame COA development. Vision for actions. Phasing, type of operation, form of manuever, risk assessment, critical vulnerabilities(CVs), centers of gravity (COGs)
  • Process- Develop intial COA for Cmdr review. Process addit. guidance fm Cmdr. COAs refined two levels down.
  • Output- COAs for war game. Cmdr sets war game guidance. Evaluation criteria data collection efforts.

(six step process of MCPP)


What is the purpose of COA War Game?


During this step a detailed assessment of each COA as it pertains to the enemy and battlespace is conducted.

  • Input- COAs identified by Cmdr. Any addit. guidance and criteria fm Cmdr.
  • Process- Conduct the war game. (the  "what if...")
  • Output- War gamed COAs for comparision/decision. Refined staff estimates. List of critical events and decisive pts.

(six step MCPP process)


What is the purpose of COA Comparision and Decision?


Its purpose is to select the COA that will best accomplish the mission.

  • Input- War game results provide key input. evaluation criteria is based on Cmdr experience,judgement and assessment of METT-TSL
  • Process- Based on COA evaluation and comparison, desicion is made. Cmdr may give refined intent and CCIRs
  • Output- Concept of Operations (CONOPS)

(six step process of MCPP)


What is the purpose of Orders Development?


To condense everything we have done in planning into plain language. The XO/Chief of Staff is critical to this step as they are the driving force.

  • Input- Specified and implied tasks are included with the outputs from COA comp. and  decis.
  • Process- Principal staff sections are responsible for writing the various annexes and appendices. Reconciliation is done. Orders crosswalk
  • Output-the staff desimenates the order. REMEMBER- The plan is the ORDER.

(six step process of MCPP)


What is the purpose of Transition?


Its purpose is to shift from planning to execution.

  • Input- the approved OPORD/OPLAN
  • Process- involves series of briefs and drills. Internal external drills. Confirmation briefs.
  • Output- All units properly prepared to execute the order.
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