What is the purpose of pre-MEPS screening? |
To screen out the obviously DQ |
How do you conduct a pre-MEPS phys. screening? |
1) Verbal screening
2) form screening
3) Physical screening (with the eyes) |
What document is used to medically screen an app.? |
What is the purpose of the DD from 2807-2? |
To properly prepare app. for medical examination, and to not waste time/money on app. who are obviously DQ. |
Determine minimum physical standards for enlistment |
1) record height and weight
2) males 58"-78", female 58"-72"
3) eyesight 20/40 20/70, 20/30 20/100, 20/20, 20/400 |
What actions are needed once applicant admits to medical/physical disorder? |
Compare medical disorder to ch 3 of MPPM. If temporarily DQ'd make sure app. has doctors letters/hospitalization summary and that sufficient time has passed. Call to med doc at MEPS can determine if so. |
How do you prepare an app. who wears glasses/contacts for physical? |
1) bring glasses to physical. failure could make temp DQ
2) if wear contact lenses to phys. must have letter with visual acuity and refraction error. 1 year or less old
3) if app. doesnt want to wear contacts must wear glasses. contacts taken out 3 days prior to phys. |
How do you prepare an app. who wears braces for physical? |
1) app. may be enlisted in the Initial Active Duty for training
2) all orthodontic work must be completed before being shipped and braces removed
3) app. on date of DEP must have letter from orth. saying all work has been/will be competed before shipped
4) app. must sign statement on dd 1966 stating that MC will not pay for any work before+after enlistment |
What instructions do you provide female applicants prior to physical? |
1) they will receive a full look over exam
2) they can take it while on their period if they wish
3) pregnant app. ineligible for enlistment/reenlistment |
What documents must you prepare prior to process an app. at MEPS? |
1) USMEPCOM form 680 (request for exam)
2) DD form 2807-2 (applicant medical prescreening form)
3) DD form 2005 Privacy act statement for health rec.
4) doctors letters
5) parental consent if req.
6) addition docs if reveals possible DQ factor
a) med records if under treatment or treated within 5 years
b) hospital discharge summary if hospitalized
c) surgical report, pathology report and A if surgery
d) if psychiatric, records needed that show current+previous status and prognosis |
How do you brief an app. about physical? |
1) fill out DD form 2807-2 part 1+2 blocks 1-9
2) have them check each applicable item
3) explain all yes answers from 1-74
4) explain processing and what they will encounter (long, tiring day) |