Shared Flashcard Set


Massage Essentials
Circulatory Recipe
Health Care
Undergraduate 1

Additional Health Care Flashcards




Back 11 minutes

Begin with what stroke?
Integration Stroke

In a bow stance, stand at head of client and spread oil: with hands together, palms at top of spine, effleurage down center of back (lateral to spine), spread hands across ilium, pull up sides to scapula, then pull hands between shoulder blades. Separate and push hands across top of shoulders and down deltoids and back up to neck. Repeat twice more, increase pressure each time.Stay at neck for transition.
Back 11 minutes

Transition from integration stroke to what stroke?
Erector Spinae Fan

At neck, remain in bow stance and begin to fan left erector spinae group from neck to pelvis. Hands shape and drape; follow contours of body.Stay on lower back for transition.
Back 11 minutes

Transition from erector spinae fan to what stroke?
Sacrum & Iliac Crest Fan

In a bow stance, fan across left half of sacrum and continue fanning across the gluteal attachments at iliac crest and in vertical strips medial to lateral across superior gluteals. Lift left hand and turn right palm so fingers are pointing medial toward the spine.Keep contact with client with right and and place left hand superior to right for transition.
Back 11 minutes

Transition from sacrum & iliac crest fan to which stroke?
Low Back Petrissage

Move into a horse stance and petrissage low back and up flank. Lift left hand and place on top of right hand with fingers pointing toward neck. Slowly move hands up to where the shoulders meet the neck for transition.
Back 11 minutes

Transition from low back petrissage to which stroke?
Trapezium Circling

Move into a bow stance and leading with fingers, circle around scapula moving medial to lateral drawing the shoulder down. End with fingers draping the shoulder where it meets the neck (on to p of the trapezius) for transition.
Back 11 minutes

Transition from trapezius circling to which stroke?
Trapezius Pull

In a bow stance, using crooked fingers pull effleurage along top of trapezium, pulling down and lateral. Keep weight in back foot. As you reach the lateral edge of the scapula, separate hands so they are side by side resting on the scapula for transition.
Back 11 minutes

Transition from trapezius pull to which stroke?
Lateral Scapula Petrissage/Knead

Move into a horse stance and with client's arm drawn away from body, petrissage/knead upper part of shoulder and lateral part of scapula. Rotate palm of right hand so fingers point toward the client's feet and the entire hand rests on the lateral portion of chest, palm just below the client's armpit. Rest the left hand on the client's upper back for transition.
Back 11 minutes

Transition from lateral scapula petrissage/knead to which stroke?
Serratus Anterior Stroke

Move into a modified bow stance (superior to client's shoulder) and using heel of hand, stroke serratus anterior. On last stroke continue down to low back. As you approach the lowesr back, move your right hand up to the sacrum. Bring left hand down to rest on top of right hand for transition
Back 11 minutes

Transition from serratus anterior stroke to which stroke?
Low Back Circles

From a modified bow stance, face the client's feet and using whole hand, circle down and medial to lateral opening low back and addressing gluteal attachments. Turn to face client's head and continue to circle with same hand, up and medial to lateral, broadening low back. Wth hands on lateral iliac crest and fingers pointing medially towards spine, lift left hand and place on client's right flank and move right hand down to client's left flank for transition.
Back 11 minutes

Transition from low back circles to which stroke?
Whole Back Wring

Move into a horse or modified bow stance and begin wringing at low back and continue up torso to shoulders (thumbs aligned with fingers).And you approach the upper torso, move left hand up client's neck to stabilize and move right hand over the trapezius for transition.
Back 11 minutes

Transition from whole back wring to which stroke?
Trapezius Stroke

Move into a T stance and from the opposite table corner, stroke trapezius at top of shoulder with heel of hand moving medial to lateral, pressing shoulder away from neck. At end of last stroke, move hands back up to C7 for transition
Back 11 minutes

Transition from trapezius stroke to which stroke?
Rhomboid Fan

From the T stance, fan rhomboids from spine toward scapula; C7 to root of spine of scapula; T5 to inferior angle of scapula. At the end of the final pass, reach out to the client's right hand for transition.
Back 11 minutes

Transition from rhomboid fan to which stroke?
Scapula Thumb Press

Move into a modified bow stance and continue to step around side of table. Place client's wrist behind their back and gently press/stroke up under scapula with thumb (create space/free scapula from rib cage/compress & follow). Return arm to table. After releasing client's hand, move both hands to the opposite lower back for transition.
Back 11 minutes

Transition from scapula thumb press to which stroke?
Opposite Low Back Wring

From a T stance deeply wring opposite side of low back. Finish at the lateral iliac crest and bring both hands together for transition.
Back 11 minutes

Transition from opposite low back wring to which stroke?
Latissimus Dorsi Cross Pull

From a T stance cross-pull latissimus dorsi along left flank from hip to armpit. Weight in beck leg. Move hands back up to between the scapulas for transition.
Back 11 minutes

Transition from latissimus dorsi cross pull to which stroke?
Integration Stroke

From a bow stance, use integration stroke to complete work on the client's back. Re-drape client's back and un-drape client's left posterior leg.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Start with which stroke?
Whole Limb Effleurage

Start at client's left leg, standing next to their feet, facing their head. From a bow stance, effleurage entire limb, spreading oil toe to hip. End whole limb effleurage on thigh for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from whole limb effleurage to which stroke?
Thigh Effleurage

From a bow stance, deeply effleurage entire thigh, continuing stroke up side of hip. End effleurage just above knee for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from thigh effleurage to which stroke?
Hamstring Fan

From a bow stance, fan up center of hamstrings to ischial tuberosity, then fan up medially to ischial tuberosity and laterally (beyond hamstrings) to greater trochanter. End hamstring fan at great trochanter for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from hamstring fan to which stroke?
Gluteal Fan

Move into a T stance and deeply fan the gluteal muscles from greater trochanter to iliac crest and additional passes to border of sacrum. Spread hands out to cover gluteals for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from gluteal fan to which stroke?
Gluteal Petrissage/Knead

Move into a horse stance to knead and petrissage gluteals. Continue moving hands down to thigh for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from gluteal petrissage/knead to which stroke?
Thigh Petrissage/Knead

From a horse stance, petrissage and knead center and sides of thigh. End petrissage so hands are just above the knee for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from thigh petrissage/knead to which stroke?
Inner Thigh Cross Pull

Move into a modified bow stand and facing client's feet use cross-pull stroke on the adductors upward from the knee. Weight in rear leg. End stroke at upper thigh with one hand medial and the other lateral for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from inner thigh cross pull to which stroke?
Thigh Wring

From a modified bow stance, use a wringing stroke down posterior thigh (lift and squeeze). End stroke at knee for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from thigh wring to which stroke?
Knee Thumb Circles

Move into a modified T stance, face client's head and with thumb circles, radiate strokes out from center of back of knees. End stroke on superior portion of knee for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from knee thumb circles to which stroke?
Thigh Effleurage

Move into a bow stance and effleurage thigh and carry stroke down to lower leg. Finish stroke at Achilles tendon for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from thigh effleurage to which stroke?
Calf (Leg) Effleurage

From a bow stance effleurage leg, carry strokes across knee insertions. End stroke just superior to Achilles tendon for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from calf (leg) effleurage to which stroke?
Gastrocnemius Fan

From a bow stance, fan between heads of gastsrocnemius, then fan each side. End stroke just inferior to knee with one hand medial, the other lateral for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from gastrocnemius fan to which stroke?
Gastrocnemius Petrissage/Knead

Move into a horse stand and petrissage/knead each head. End stroke just superior to Achilles tendon for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from gastrocnemius petrissage/knead to which stroke?
Ankle Fan

Move into a modified bow stance and facing head, fan ankle insertions, then stroke around lateral and medial malleoli. End with hands on each side of Achilles tendon for transition
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from ankle fan to which stroke?
Calf (Leg) Effleurage

Move into a bow stance and effleurage lower leg and carry stroke down foot. End stroke with lateral hand supporting ankle and medial hand on ball of foot for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from calf (leg) effleurage to which stroke?
Ankle Rotation

Move into a modified bow stance and while supporting lower leg, gently rotate ankle joint in full circle, first in one direction, then the other. Keep hands in same location for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from ankle rotation to which stroke?
Achilles Stretch

Move into a bow stance and with gentle pressure, flex ankle to stretch achilles tendon. Return foot to table for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from achilles stretch to which stroke?
Calcaneus Circles

Move into a modified bow stance and with forefinger knuckle, press small circles into the heel pad, then use thumb circles around sides of calcaneus. Turn back to client and support ankle with one hand for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from calcaneus circles to which stroke?
Arch Stroke

From a modified bow stance, turn around (your back to client's head), support ankle with one hand, stroke arch of foot from heel to toes with knuckles of other hand. Move both hands so fingers are on the metatarsals of anterior foot and thumbs are resting on the ball of the foot for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from arch stroke to which stroke?
Thumb Circles

In same position, massage ball of foot with thumb circles. Turn back to face client's head and place hands on each side of foot for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from thumb circles to which stroke?
Foot/Limb Effleurage

From a bow stance, effleurage foot (squeeze/pull), then entire limb, toe to hip. End at Achilles tendon for transition.
Posterior Legs, Hips and Feet 6 minutes each

Transition from foot/limb effleurage to which stroke?
Percussion Strokes

Use bouncing, hacking, cupping, tapping along entire leg and buttocks, going lightly over back of knees. End with brushing stroke. Re-drape client's left leg and repeat on right leg.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Begin with which stroke?
Whole Lower Limb Effleurage

Begin at client's left leg, standing next to their feet, facing their head. From a bow stance, effleurage entire limb, spreading oil toes to hip (lateral hand over iliac crest, medial hand 2" below crotch). End stroke with hands superior to knee for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from whole lower limb effleurage to which stroke?
Thigh Effleurage

From a bow stance, deeply effleurage up anterior thigh. End stroke posterior to knee for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from thigh effleurage to which stroke?
Quadriceps Fan

From a bow stance, using three parallel stripes, fan quadriceps from knee to AIIS of the pelvis (first in center, then medial, then lateral). End last pass with hands at top of thigh, on medial and one lateral for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from quadriceps fan to which stroke?
Thigh Petrissage

Move into a horse stance and petrissage entire thigh and knee. Move to face client's feet and place hands medial and superior to knee for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from thigh petrissage to which stroke?
Inner Thigh Cross Pull

Move into a bow stance with weight in rear leg. Cross-pull along inner thigh upward from knee, then wring down thigh to knee. Place hands superior to knee for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from inner thigh cross pull to which stroke?
Light Percussion

Move into a horse stance and use light bouncing stroke on quadriceps. Finish with hands near knee for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from light percussion to which stroke?
Knee Fan

Move into a bow stance and fan all around the knee, including attachments at patella.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from knee fan to which stroke?
Thigh Effleurage

From a bow stance, effleurage thigh and carry stroke down to lower leg. End stroke with hands on anterior ankle for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from thigh effleurage to which stroke?
Tibial Fan

From a bow stance, fan up tibialis anterior, then lateral to tibialis anterior, then fan medial to tibia. End stroke with thumbs on perneals and fingers on medial surface of lower leg for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from tibial fan to which stroke?
Peroneal Petrissage

From a bow stance, with thumbs resting on peroneals, petrissage lower leg. End stroke with hands on anterior surface of ankle for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from peroneal petrissage to which stroke?
Leg Effleurage

From a bow stance, effleurage lower leg, over knee, then down to foot. End stroke with thumbs on anterior foot and fingers on posterior foot for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from leg effleurage to which stroke?
Metatarsal Spread

From a bow stance, with hands on either side of foot, spread metatarsals using thenar eminences. Leave hands in same position for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from metatarsal spread to which stroke?
Metatarsal Stroke

Move into a modified bow stance and while stabilizing phalanges (gently bending toes down with one hand), stroke between and across metatarsals, inside arch and across top of ankle with thumb. Move hands distally for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from metatarsal stroke to which stroke?
Toe Rotation

Move into a bow stance and while stabilizing the foot, rotate and squeeze each of the toes and gently spread them apart. Place hands on posterior foot for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from toe rotation to which stroke?
Whole Leg Effleurage

From a bow stance, effleurage entire limb, toe to hip. Grasp client's foot with medial and and place lateral hand under knee for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from whole leg effleurage to which stroke?
Foot Flat Thigh Roll

With client's knee up and foot flat on table, sit on client's foot to stabilize, and roll thigh between your flat hands (compress tissue to femur). Stand up and grasp heel of client's foot in medial hand and place lateral hand under knee for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from foot flat thigh roll to which stroke?
Hip Rotation

From a bow stance, and supporting heel in right hand, lift and rotate limb at hip joint in complete circles. Lower leg and place hands at anterior ankle for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from hip rotation to which stroke?
Whole Lower Limb Effleurage

From a bow stance, effleurage entire limb, toes to hip. End stroke by placing medial hand on client's heel and lateral hand on dorsal surface of foot for transition.
Anterior Legs and Feet 7 minutes each

Transition from whole lower limb effleurage to which stroke?
Hip Traction

From a bow stance, and holding at ankle, stretch limb gently but firmly, applying traction at hip joint.
Re-drape client and repeat on right leg.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Start with which stroke?
Abdomen Effleurage

From a modified bow stance, spread oil by effleurage of abdomen, from pelvis up to ribs, separate hands laterally across top of abdomen and stroke down along flanks. Place hands on abdomen, with fingers of both hands pointing same direction (toward client's left side) for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from abdomen effleurage to which stroke?
Sun/Moon Stroke

From a bow or T stance, facing client's right side, push foward with heel of hand, pull back with fingers, one hand making complete circles, the other making half circles. (Right hand always in contact, left makes crescent moon.) Move left hand off abdomen and begin to make loose fist with right hand for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from sun/moon stroke to which stroke?
Small Intestine Stroke

Move into a T stance and with loose fist of right hand, make small circles into center of abdomen. (Tumble, tumble, spin pattern). Move to client's shoulder, facing feet with hands on client's lower left abdomen for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from small intestine stroke to which stroke?
Colon Fan

Move into a modified bow stance and fan the colon in a backwards motion. (Decending: stand at shoulder facing feet; Transverse: face side of body; Ascending: face head.) Place right hand , palm down on client's lower right abdomen for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from colon fan to which stroke?
Peristalsis Stroke

From a modified bow stance with left foot forward, use whole hand and one continuous stroke, following colon in direction of peristalsis. Place one hand on client's left side and the other on the right side on the lower ribs for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from peristalsis stroke to which stroke?
Lower Rib Wring

Move into a horse stance and wring across both sides of the lower ribs and lightly over the abdomen down to the iliac crest. End stroke with hands on each side of abdomen at iliac crest for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from lower rib wring to which stroke?
Torso Lift

Move into a modified bow stance and effleurage up abdomen, separate hands at ribs and slide them under lower ribcage until fingers touch at spine; draw hands outward and downward along flanks to iliac crest. Move to client's head for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from torso lift to which stroke?
Integration Stroke

From a T stance and standing at client's head, spread oil down center of chest to bottom of ribs with long effleurage, then separate hands and pull up over ribs to center-line of body, separate hands and push down shoulders, then stroke back up posterior neck.

Or Chest Effleurage for draped females: From a T stance, spread oil across chest with effleurage, separating hands laterally from sternum to across shoulders and then up posterior neck. Place hands on client's right pectoralis major muscle for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from integration stroke/chest effleurage to which stroke?
Pectoral Fan

From a T stance, working from opposite side of body, begin fanning just lateral to sternum and continue across pectorals. Do one side, then the other. Use thumbs or fingers, as size of chest will allow.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from pectoral fan to which stroke?
Integration Stroke

From a T stance and standing at client's head, spread oil down center of chest to bottom of ribs with long effleurage, then separate hands and pull up over ribs to center-line of body, separate hands and push down shoulders, then stroke back up posterior neck.

Or Chest Effleurage for draped females: From a T stance, spread oil across chest with effleurage, separating hands laterally from sternum to across shoulders and then up posterior neck. Move to client's left arm for transition.
Arms and Hands 4 minutes each side

Begin with which stroke?
Whole Upper Limb Effleurage

From a bow stance, with right foot forward, oil entire left upper limb, hand to shoulder, with long effleurage strokes. Grasp client's wrist for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from whole upper limb effleurage to which stroke?
Stabilized Effleurage

From a bow stance and stabilizing limb at hand, effleurage up entire limb, over deltoid and around back of neck and down shoulder. Use first one hand and then the other to effleurage both surfaces of limb. Move hands up to client's elbow for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from stabilized effleurage to which stroke?
Arm Effleurage

From a bow stance, effleurage upper arm (humerus area). End stroke near shoulder for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from arm effleurage to which stroke?
Arm Petrissage

Move into a horse stance and petrissage upper arm (humerus area). Place hands at client's elbow for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from arm petrissage to which stroke?
Palmar Knead Stroke

Move into a T stance and facing head, use heel of hands scooping toward your fingertips, knead deltoid, biceps and triceps muscles. Grasp client's arm at elbow and wrist for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from palmar knead spread to which stroke?
Elbow Fan

From a T stance, lifting and turning client's arm across the torso so their hand rests lightly on the opposite shoulder, support the arm at the elbow with your fingers under the joint, fan the attachments around the elbow with thumbs. Place client's arm back at side and place your hands at wrist for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from elbow fan to which stroke?
Whole Upper Limb Effleurage

From a T stance, effleurage upper arm (humerus area) and shoulder and carry stroke down to forearm and hand. End stroke with hands on client's wrist for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from whole upper limb effleurage to which stroke?
Forearm Effleurage

From a T stance, effleurage forearm. End with hands on client's wrist for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from forearm effleurage to which stroke?
Forearm Fan

From a T stance, fan up posterior forearm, then turn arm over and fan anterior forearm. Grasp client's wrist for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from forearm fan to which stroke?
Stripping Stroke

From a T stance, starting at the wrist and moving with pressure toward the heart, strip both surfaces of the forearm. End with hands on client's wrist for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from forearm effleurage to which stroke?
Wrist and Metacarpal Fan

From a T stance, fan wrist and then channels between metacarpal bones on back of hand. Grasp client's hand for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from wrist and metacarpal fan to which stroke?
Palm Stroke

From a T stance, turn hand over and stroke/spread client's palm with thumbs, then fan entire surface of palm and wrist. Grasp client's thumb for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from palm stroke to which stroke?
Finger Rotation.

From a T stance, pull and rotate each finger. End with hands on posterior surface of client's hand for transition.
Abdomen and Chest 6 minutes

Transition from finger rotation to which stroke?
Whole Upper Limb Effleurage

From a T stance, effleurage entire limb. Move to client's right side and repeat on right arm.
Neck 4 minutes

Begin with what stroke?
Neck Stroke & Traction

From a T stance, stroke up from the 7th cervical to occipital ridge. Apply gentle traction. Leave fingers on occipital ridge for transition.
Neck 4 minutes

Transition from neck stroke & traction to which stroke?
Occipital Circles

From a T stance, with deep firm pressure, make circles across the occipital ridge, medial to lateral. Finish with client's head resting in your palms for transition.
Neck 4 minutes

Transition from occipital circles to which stroke?
Neck Stripping

From a small T stance, support head with right and roll to right (no further than brachial plexus.) Stroke lightly down left sternocleidomastoid, then more firmly along clavicle and trapezius to shoulder joint; with still more pressure, stroke back up trapezius to lengthen neck. Complete stroke three times on left side, then do right. Rest client's head in your palms for transition.
Neck 4 minutes

Transition from neck stripping to which stroke?
Head Cradle

Move into a horse stance and cradle head securely by resting it in the palm of your dominant hand, supported by other hand. Lift head without tilting chin downward; while keeping face parallel to ceiling, move head in large slow circle in each direction. Slowly return head to table and drape hands over shoulders for transition.
Neck 4 minutes

Transition from head cradle to which stroke?
Shoulder Rock

From a T stance, with hands cupping top of shoulders, gently rock whole body from acromioclavicular joint. Release hands and move to head for transition.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Begin with which stroke?
Forehead stripping

Spread forehead with thumb strokes, ending with circles at temples. Place thumbs on medial portion of client's eyebrows for transition.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Transition from forehead stripping to which stroke?
Eyebrow Lines

Trace along eyebrows from medial to lateral. Place index finger tips on supraorbital ridge for transition.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Transition from eyebrow lines to which stroke?
Shiatsu Eye

Press all the way around the orbital ridge, using fingers on supraorbital ridge, thumbs on infraorbital ridge. Place thumb pads gently on client's closed eyelids for transition.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Transition from shitasu eye to which stroke?
Eyelid Stroke

Stroke with thumbs lightly across eyelids. Place thumbs on bridge of client's nose for transition.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Transition from eyelid stroke to which stroke?
Nose stroke

Stroke down ridge of nose. Place thumb pads on cheekbones for transition.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Transition from nose stroke to which stroke?
Cheekbone Spread

Spread across zygomatic arch with thumbs. Place thumb pads below zygomatic arch, at nose for transition.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Transition from cheekbone spread to what stroke?
Masseter Circles

Stroke below zygomatic arch ending in circles in masseter. Place thumb pads on maxilla for transition.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Transition from masseter circles to which stroke?
Maxilla and Mandible Spread

Compress and spread upper and lower lip straight across with thumbs. Place thumbs on maxilla and index fingers on mandible, above and below the lips for transition.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Transition from maxilla and mandible spread to which stroke?
Lip Squeeze

Use index finger and thumbs. Compress lips and stroke laterally. Place thumbs on top of chin with fingers below chin for transition.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Transition from lip squeeze to which stroke?

Milk chin with thumbs and index fingers. Stroke medial and lateral along mandibular ridge. Lightly place fingers on inferior portion of throat for transition.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Transition from milking to what stroke?
Throat Stroke

Stroke very lightly up throat. Place fingers next to client's ears for transition.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Transition from throat stroke to which stroke?
Ear Circles & Massage

Circle around ears, then massage ears. Place hands on each side of client's head for transition.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Transition from ear circles & massage to which stroke?
Scalp Circles
With fingers together, anchor into scalp, moving skin with circular motion over cranium. Complete next stroke and then repeat both on right side.
Face and Scalp 5 minutes

Transition from scalp circling to which stroke?
Scalp Scratching

Scratch lightly over the skin. Slowly remove hands from client's scalp.
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