Rooting reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
28 weeks gestation to 3 months
stimulus: stroke corner of mouth, upper/lower lip response: movement of tongue, mouth, and/or head toward stimulus relevance: allow searching for and locating feeding source |
Suck-swallow reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
28 weeks gestation to 2 to 5 months
stimulus: index finger inside infant's mouth with head in midline response: strong, rhythmical sucking relevance: allows ingestion of nourishment |
Traction reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
28 weeks gestation to 2 to 5 months
stimulus: grasp infant's forearms and pull-to-sit response: complete flexion of upper extremities relevance: enhances momentar reflexive grasp |
Moro reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
28 weeks gestation to 4 to 6 months
stimulus: rapidly drop infant's head backward response: 1st phase = arm extension/ABduction, hand opening 2nd phase = arm flexion and ADDuction relevance: facilitates ability to depart from dominant flexor posture; protective response |
Plantar Grasp reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
28 weeks gestation to 9 months
stimulus: apply pressure with thumb on ball of infant's foot response: toe flexion relevance: increases tactile input to sole of foot |
Galant reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
32 weeks gestation to 2 months
stimulus: hold infant in prone suspension, gently scratch or tap along spine with finger, from shoulder to buttocks response: lateral trunk flexion and wrinkling of the skin on the stimulated side relevance: faciliates lateral trunk movements necessary for trunk stabilization |
Asymmetric tonic neck relfex (ATNR) (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
37 weeks gestation to 4 to 6 months
stimulus: fully rotate infant's head and hold for 5 seconds response: extension of extremities on the face side, flexion of extremities on skull side relevance: promotes visual hand regard |
Palmar grasp reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
37 weeks gestation to 4 to 6 months
stimulus: place examiners finger in infant's palm response: finger flexion; reflexive grasp relevance: increases tactile input on the palm of hand |
Tonic labyrinthine - supine reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
>37 weeks gestation to 6 months
stimulus: place infant in supine response: increased extensor tone relevance: facilitates total-body extensor tone |
Tonic labyrinthine - prone reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
>37 weeks gestation to 6 months
stimulus: place infant in prone response: increased flexor tone relevance: facilitates total-body flexor tone |
Labyrinthine/optical (head) righting reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
birth to 2 months -- persists
stimulus: hold infant suspended vertically and tilt slowly (about 45degrees) to the side, forward, or backward response: upright positioning of the head relevance: orients head in space; maintains face vertical |
Landau reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
3 to 4 months -- 12 to 24 months
stimulus: hold infant in horizontal prone suspension response: complete extension of head, trunk, and extremities relevance: breaks up flexor dominance; facilitates prone extension |
Symmetric tonic neck reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
4 to 6 months -- 8 to 12 months
stimulus: place infant in the crawling position and extend the head response: flexion of hips and knees relevance: breaks up total extensor posture; facilitates static quadruped position |
neck righting reflex (NOB) (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
4 to 6 months -- 5 years
stimulus: place infant in supine and fully turn head to one side response: log rolling of entire body to maintain alignment with the head relevance: maintains head/body alignment; initiates rolling (first ambulation effort) |
body righting reflex (BOB) (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
4 to 6 months -- 5 years
stimulus: place infant in supine, flex one hip and knee toward the chest and hold briefly response: segmental rolling of the upper trunk to maintain alignment relevance: facilitates trunk/spinal rotation |
Downward parachute reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
4 months -- persists
stimulus: rapidly lower infant toward supporting surface while suspended vertically response: extension of LE relevance: allows accurate placement of LE in anticipation of a surface |
forward parachute reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
6 to 9 months -- persists
stimulus: suddenly tip infant forward toward supporting surface while vertically suspended response: sudden extension of UE, hand opening, and neck extension relevance: allows accurate placement of UE in anticipation of supporting surface to prevent a fall |
backward parachute reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
9 to 10 months -- persists
stimulus: quickly but firmly tip infant off-balance backward response: backward arm extension or arm extension to one side relevance: protects body to prevent a fall; unilaterally facilitates spinal rotation |
sideward parachute reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
7 months -- persists
stimulus: quickly but firmly tip infant off-balance to the side while in the sitting position response: arm extension and ABduction to the side relevance: protects body to prevent a fall; supports body for unilateral use of opposite arm |
prone tilting reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
5 months -- persists
stimulus: after positioning infant in prone, slowly raise one side of the support surface response: curving of the spine toward the raised side (opposite to the pull of gravity); ABduction/extension of arms and legs relevance: maintain equilibrium without arm support; facilitate posture adjustments in all positions |
supine tilting and sitting tilting reflexes (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
7 to 8 months -- persists
stimulus: after positioning infant in supine or sitting, slowly raise one side of supporting surface response: curving of the spine toward the raised side (opposite to the pull of gravity); ABduction/extension of arms and legs relevance: maintain equilibrium without arm support; facilitate posture adjustments in all positions |
quadruped tilting reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
9 to 12 months -- persists
stimulus: after positioning infant on all fours, slowly raise one side of the supporting surface. response: curving of the spine toward the raised side (opposite to the pull of gravity); ABduction/extension of arms and legs relevance: maintain equilibrium without arm support; facilitate posture adjustments in all positions |
standing tilting reflex (onset age, integration, stimulus, response, relevance) |
12 to 21 months -- persists
stimulus: after positioning infant in standing, slowly raise one side of the supporting surface response: curving of the spine toward the raised side (opposite to the pull of gravity); ABduction/extension of arms and legs relevance: maintain equilibrium without arm support; facilitate posture adjustments in all positions |