Shared Flashcard Set


New Tech #1
This technology use flash cards that can created by the students or the teacher.

Additional Other Flashcards




Flashcard Machine is ____________________________
A free form of technology that both teachers and students can use in the classroom.  Registration is quick and hassle free.  Teachers and students are able to access Flashcard Machine both on their computers and on their phones. There is an Iphone and an Android app.  This makes it easy for students because students are more likely to have their phones on them than flashcards.
One thing that I found that was really good about Flashcard Machine is that we are able to add images to the flashcards.  This can be great for all subjects.  For example, if a biology student needs to practice identifying parts of a cell, the student can design flashcards with the different parts of the cell.  Then the student can practice identifying the cell.  There is also a way to add sound to your flashcards.  This can be great when studying foreign languages.
Students can use the study session to____________________
Look over their flashcards to study or review prior to a test.  The order of the cards can be changed and students can also opt to view the definitions before the terms.
I would give this program 4 STARS.  After using this program, I felt very comfortable navigating through.  I also like that if the teacher wants to create flashcards quickly, he or she can use the library of premade flashcards.  This program is very user friendly and easy to figure out.  The only reason I would take a star away is because I do not have the option to control the order of the flashcards.  I know that flashcards are supposed to be random, but it would be nice if I could specify that I want them in the order that I have typed them in.
How does this program fit into the teaching standards?

Flashcard machine fits perfectly into Standard 3b and Standard 4c of the NCDPI (2009) Program Standards.  This is because the flashcards fit into technology.  Also, the teacher is able to model technology for the students because the teacher can create flashcards for the students to use.  The teacher can also require the students to make flashcards of their own.

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