liver structure (blood supply flow) |
portal V. and hepatic A.
courses through sinusoids
central V. (at zone three, so this zone receivs blood last)
hepatic vein
liver structure (bile flow) |
live structure- role of reticulin network |
- reticulin network surrounds the sinusoids (act as structural grid)
- allows for regeneration after injury
- without reticulin, regeneration takes place without a frame, so cells cannot "hook up" correctly and liver cannot function normally
- sinusoids lined by endothelial cells and Kupfer cells
- spaces of Disse are between the fenestrated endothelium and membrane of hepatocytes
- within them reside stellate cells (Ito)
- function- regulate blood blood flow
- transformed to collagen producers with injury
- removal of metabolic substrates and toxic products from the blood
- only dysfunctional if most hepatocytes dead/dying or portal blood doesn't reach the hepatocyte
- detox and excrete toxic and waste products (made more water soluble to be easily excreted: bilirubin)
- protein synthesis
- plasma proteins
- CF's
- acute phase reactants to cytokines
- production of carbs, lipids, AA's
- endocrine function
- inactivates many hormones (convert T4 to T3 and remove estrogen)
- manufactures substances essential for action of several hormones (ex: angiotensinogen)
- bindin proteins carrying steroid and thyroid hormoens
- bile acid synthesis
- reticuloendothelial system
- Kupffer cells remove bacteria and their toxic products from portal blood
- remove circulating immune complexes
Mechanism of increased bilirubin accumulation in blood resulting in jaundice |
- increased rate of formation of bilirubin
- liver processes more bilirubin than nomral, leading to more urobilinogen produced by intestinal bacteria and more excreted in urine
- examples
- hemolytic anemias
- blood transfusions
- hematoma formation
- skeletal muscle damage
- decreased conjugation of bilirubin (cant make bilirubin water soluble, so increased UCB)
- examples
- Gilbert's syndrome
- Crigler-Najjar syndrome
- severe damage to liver (cirrhosis, liver failure)
- decreased excretion of conjugated bilirubin (MOST COMMON)
- obstruction of bile flow
- Dubin Johnson and Rotor's syndrome (decreased excretion, but both are asymptomatic)
lab tests evaluating bilirubin metabolism |
- total bilirubin- measure all forms of bilirubin (adds agent making UCB react with aqueous reagents which create end product)
- direct bilirubin
- measures end product directly after mixing serum and reagents
- mainly a measure of conjugated bilirubin (70-90%)
- indicates liver damage
- normally should be no conjugated bilirubin in serum, so very sensitive marker for liver dysfunction
- indirect bilirubin (indirect measure)
- substract direct bilirubin from total bilirubin
- urine bilirubin
- via dipsticks in urinalysis
- usually only conjugated enters urine
- use- evaluate recovery of liver function after period of jaundice
- becomes negative after liver can excrete conjugated bilirubin into bile
patterns of bilirubin abnormalities: increases in direct or indirect bilirubin |
- increase indirect bilirubin due to:
- increased in UCB due to:
- increased production of bilirubin
- decreased conjugation of bilirubin
- increase direct bilirubin due to:
- increases conjugated bilirubin and biliprotein due to:
- difficulty in excretion of conjugated form
- longer problem persists, higher proportion of biliprotein
- as liver recovers, CB is cleared quickly, so clear biliprotein cleared (and direct bilirubin) may approach 100% total bilirubin
Cholesterol levels: high or low levels indicate what? |
- high cholesterol- bile duct obstruction
- low cholesterol- advanced liver disease
Significance of different rates of production of different proteins produced by the liver. |
use of urea and ammonia levels in measuring synthetic ability |
- blood ammonia levels (if high, liver has decreased function)
- BUN can be decreased in late stages of liver disease (decreased synthesis)
Rarely useful liver function test |
Different liver function tests |
- serum enzyme levels
- alkaline phosphatase
- gamma glutamyl transferase
- alpha-fetoprotein
Note: serum enzyme levels measure cell integrity, NOT cell function (many times referred to as liver function tests) because these enzymes are not specific to the liver. |
aminotransferases: AST and ALT (mechanism , function, when each is preferentially increased over the other) |
- function- intermediate metabolism of AA's
- AST- cytoplasm, mitochondria
- ALT- cytoplasm
- mechanism of increase in liver damage
- when hepatocytes rupture, these enzymes leak out into blood, causing increase in serum levels (ex: hepatitis)
- ALT increase>AST increase or ALT increase = AST increase strongly suggests a liver problem
- due to differences in half life (AST half life < ALT) leading to preferential increase even though AST is in higher levels in the hepatocytes than ALT
- if preferential elevation of AST in alcholism (damage to mitochondria)
- changes in AST usually dont change quickly (mitochondrial damage is cleared slowly)
alkaline phosphatase: function in liver, when increases |
- function- in general, on surface of cells for energy dependent transfer of substances
- in liver, used for transport of substances into bile (loc.-at canalicular surface of hepatocyte)
- when damge to canalicular surface, serum levels begin to rise in 1-2 days (delay due to need to synthesize moe enzyme)
- obstruction of drainage (stones)
- direct damage to hepatocytes (drugs, virus)
LDH: function and use in liver function testing |
- function- convert pyruvate to lactate
- uncommonly elevated with liver damage because its conc. is much lower than AST or ALT and isoenzyme in liver has short half life
gamma glutamyl transferase: location, causes of increase |
- location- canalicular surface and microsomes
- increases due to:
- canalicular damage
- exposure to agents that cause microsomal enzyme induction (P450 induction)
alpha fetoprotein: when elevated |
- elevation with liver disease associated with regneration or proliferation
- very high levels = primary liver cancer
Predominant plasma protein early in fetal life, but fall after birth and usually low at age 2-3 mnths
manifestations of liver disease |
- jaundice
- portal HTN
- ascities
- venous anastomoses
- hepatic encephalopathy
- hepatorenal syndrome
Major causes of symptoms associated with liver disease |
- obstruction of bilirubin excretion
- portal HTN
liver disease: jaundice (definition, effect on stool and urine, serum billirubin levels with jaundice) |
- definition- yellow discoloration of skin
- cause- deposition of bilirubin in CT (esp. elastic fibers)
- sclera has large amount of elastic fibers with no melanin, so first place of detection
- becomes visible when serum bilirubin is 2-3x normal
- effect on stool- several days before jaundice, because lack of release of CB, there is stool that becomes pale colored until eventually white (clay colored)
- effect on urine- soon after clay colored stool, CB appear in urine, causing dark urine (detectable before noticable jaundice
liver disease: portal HTN (multiple causes) |
- multiple causes: anything increasing resistance to flow in the portal veins
- thrombosis of:
- portal V.
- hepatic V's
- cirrhosis (most common cause)
liver disease: portal HTN (effect on hormone levels, effect on spleen) |
- decreases ability of liver to remove active hormones from circulation such as estrogen
- women- leads to increase gonadotropin production, causing amenorrhea in younger women
- men- decreases testosterone production leading to impotence and testicular atrophy
- breast growth
- gynecomastia
- splenomegaly lead ot trapping of platelets, leading to thrombocytopenia
Usually, patients have signs of portal HTN long before symptoms develop. |
liver disease: portal HTN and ascities (definition, pathogenesis) |
- definition- accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity
- pathogenesis
- increase venous and lymphatic pressure generated by resistance to flow of blood through portal V.
- decrease in albumin lower oncotic pressure, favoring fluid retention
liver disease: portal HTN and venous anastomoses (pathogenesis) |
- increase in portal pressure
- body attemptos to divert blood away from high P portal system to lower pressure systemic system
- if sever enough portal HTN, anastamoses between systemic and portal circulation become very large
- esophagus and stomach = esophageal varicies
- superior rectal and mid/inf. rectal = internal hemorrhoids
- paraumbilical V. and inferior epigastric = caput medusae
hepatic encephalopathy: pathogenesis, initial symptoms, prognosis |
- pathogenesis
- accumulation of metabolites normal removed by the liver leads to alteration in brain function
- initially, there is confusion, memory loss, and personality change
- eventually, patients level of consciousness and ability to perform skills decrease until coma develops
- tx
- reduce dietary protein intake
- decrease intestinal transit time
- decrease bacterial flora
- prognosis
- if portal HTN, has many exacerbations and relapses
- if acute liver disease, its a pre-terminal event
hepatorenal syndrome (pathogenesis) |
- for unknown reasons, blood flow to renal cortex decreases
- production of renin
- activate RAA
- eventually, profound vasoconstriction
- leads to decreasing urine ouput
- as urine output falls, renal failure results and death usually occurs in a few days
Distinction between acute and nonacute liver presentations |
- acute
- causes
- complete obstruction of bile ducts
- acute necrosis of hepatocytes
- clinical symptoms caused by defects in handling bilirubin
- non acute
- usually dont see jaundice until late in course of disease