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pharm chapter 5
chapter 5
Undergraduate 1

Additional Pharmacology Flashcards




A client looks up the drug he is taking in a drug guide. The client asks the murse why the physician prescribed. Medication that has a lethal dose measure. What is the best response by the nurse;
It is a value determined during research which helps to determine the safe dose to give.
Prior to administering medications the student nurse reviews the therapeutic index. Which statement best describes the students understanding of therapeutic index;
The student is able to identify the clients who will need to have serum blood levels monitored.
The nursing instructor prepares to teach student nurses about how mean effective doses of medications are realted to clinical practice. As a result of the instruction, what is the best understanding of the student nurse;
Some clients will require more or less than the average dose of he drug.
The client reeived antibiotics for a serious infection. The client asks the nurse, 'why don't you just give me more of that drug to cure this infection faster'. What is the best response of the nurse;
You are at amaximum dose, taking more will not help.
The nurse administers narcotics to surgical clients. Which statement represent the nurse's best understanding as it relates to the potency of different narcotics;
Morphine is more potent than codeine, a lesser dose will be required.
The nurse is conducting medication education about the difference btween potency and efficacy to a group of clients. The nurse correctly determines that learning has occurred when the clients make which response;
The best drug for us is the one with the greatest efficacy.
The client has had hypertension for many years. The physician orders an antihypertensive drug that has just come on the market. The nurse teaches the client that this drug works more effectively than his prior drug, and has fewer side effects. The client asks how this can be. What is the best response by the nurse;
1. Newer drugs are altered to affect your cell's receptors in a different way.
2. Research into receptors helps fine-tune drugs to me more effective.
The nurse plans to teach a group of cliens about how their medications work in their bodies. If education has been successful, what will be the est understanding of the clients;
Medications work by enhancing or blocking normal body functioning.
The client and his wife receive the same medication for hypertension. The client's wife asks the nurse why she is receiving a higher amount of the medication. What is the best response by the nurse;
Everyone is unique and responds differently to medications.
The student nurse has been reading about the human genome project and asks the nursing instructor how this will impact futre pharmacological therapies. What is the best response;
It will help to individualize drug therapy for people in a more effective way
The physician has ordered naltreone - ReVia- a narcotic antagonist, for the client in rehabilitation who is a heroin addict. What best describes the effect on the client of he uises heroin in the rehabilitation facility;
The client will not experience the euphoric effect of heroin
A male client of African descent was prescribed erythromycin a sulfonamide, to treat his bacterial infection. The client comes to the emergency department. What will be the priority assessment of the nurse;
Assess the client's level of red blood cells.
The home health nurse notes that the elderly client doubled up on his pain medication, even though the prescribed dose was as a therapuetic level. The client says, 'if one pill is good, two pills are better'. Which statement best describes the resule of the clients action;
The client exhibits side effects from the additional dose.
The client was receiving haloperidol - Haldol - a dopamine antagonist. The physchiatrist changed the order to aripiprazole - Abilify - a partial dopamine antagonist. Which statement best describes the effect of the change of medication of the client;
The client experiences fewer side effects
The student nurse asks the nursing instructor why drug plateaus occur with medications. What is the best response by the nursing instructor;
1. It may mean that the drug has brought 100% relief to the client
2. It could be that all of the receptors for the drug are occupied
The median effective dose is best described as;
The amountof a drug that produces an effect without the presence of adverse effects
Drug x has a median lethal dose of 30mg and a median effective dose of 10. Drug y has a therapuetic index of 4, while drug z has a therapeutic index of 3. Which statement is accurate based on this information;
Drug Y is the safest of the three
Which statement explains the usefulness of the median toxicity dose best;
Is useful for determining the efficacy and potency of a drug
Graded dose response curves are mose useful for determining;
Response intensity within an individual
At a dose of 10mg, drug x lowers total cholesterol by 50mg/dl, while a maximum drop in cholesterol of 65mg/dl is achieved at 40 mg. At a dose of 5 mg, drug y lowers cholesterol by 50 mg/dl, while a maximum drop in cholesterol of 55mg/dl is achieved at 10mg. What can be concluded about the efficacy and potency of these two drugs.
Drug y is more potent and drug x has a higher efficacy
If a clinician wanted to prevent the effects elicited from a previously administered medication, which type would be of the most use;
An antagonist
Pharmacogenetics is a relatively new area within pharmacology. Which statement best describes the potential of this new area;
To customize drugs and prevent idiosyncratic responses
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