Components of prescription |
- name and address of pt
- date
- superscription; rx
- inscription
- subscription
- refill info
- prescriber's signature/ID and address
guidelines for prescribers |
- drug name and strength recorded on prescription label
- specify times for drug administration whenever possible
- avoid use of potentially confusing abreviations
- avoid use of vague instructions
- speify times of administration if dosing at specific intervals is therapeutically important
- include symptom treated, indication, or intended effect for drug whenever possible
- use of metric system of weight and measures
- prescription order should indicate whether it is refillable
- either single or multidrug prescription forms may be used
- when using institutional presciption blanks, print prescriber's name, telephone number, and registration number on prescription blank
practices to reduce risk of medication errors |
- write legibly
- print pts full name
- state pt age (if relevant)
- print name of drug (esp. if new one on market)
- indicate dosage form and strength
- write complete directions
- include indication for use, and request indication on medication label
- communicate with other healthcare personnel to describe special circumstances
- do not abbreviate drug names; use generic names
- use only accepted abbreviations
- be careful about the use of 0's
- place 0 before decimal point
- do NOT follow decimal pt with 0
- do not use "U" for units
- in the hospital, write an order to discontinue previous medication orders when therapy changed
Name the medications most prone to error |
Precautions taken in prescribing controlled substances |
- prescription will contain
- pt name and address
- prescriber name, signature, and DEA number
- prescription orders for controlled substances are valid no longer than six months after originally prescribed date
- maximum of 5 refills allowed in six month period