1. Feathers are the result of evolutionary process as birds evolved from (reptiles mammals). |
Please fill in the appropriate blank with either genetics, diet, neither :
Feather color - flamingos _______________
Feather color – broiler chickens ____________
Feather length – male and female broiler chickens at hatch ______________
Feather length – broiler chickens at 50 days of age ______________
Feather color – commercial and heritage strains turkeys ________________ |
Feather color - flamingos-- Diet
Feather color – broiler chickens--Genetics
Feather length – male and female broiler chickens at hatch Neither
Feather length – broiler chickens at 50 days of age Neither
Feather color – commercial and heritage strains turkeys Genetics |
Feather length in broilers is potentially important for (sexing-day old chicks welfare both). |
List three unique aspects of the avian respiratory system when compared with mammals:
1. The respiratory system is an (important unimportant) component of a bird’s ability to fly. The breast muscles are the largest muscles in (pelicans broiler chickens both) because of their importance to the overall process of flight (True False). |
1. The respiratory system is an (important unimportant) component of a bird’s ability to fly. The breast muscles are the largest muscles in (pelicans broiler chickens both) because of their importance to the overall process of flight (True False). |
The crop in (chickens turkeys pigeons all) is an essential anatomical feature because of its involvement in the early nutrition of hatchlings. Some commercial (broilers turkeys both) can exhibit a condition called (pendulous crop recessed crop fermentative crop). |
The crop in (chickens turkeys pigeons all) is an essential anatomical feature because of its involvement in the early nutrition of hatchlings. Some commercial (broilers turkeys both) can exhibit a condition called (pendulous crop recessed crop fermentative crop). |
The proventriculus in poultry is analogous to the (esophagus stomach) in mammals. |
1. The gizzard is primarily a (grinding mixing) GI organ in avians that would be more important to birds consuming (whole grains pelleted feed mash feed). Supplemental (grit scratch grains) are popular with backyard flock owners to enhance the function of the gizzard. |
1. The gizzard is primarily a (grinding mixing) GI organ in avians that would be more important to birds consuming (whole grains pelleted feed mash feed). Supplemental (grit scratch grains) are popular with backyard flock owners to enhance the function of the gizzard. |
High levels of mycotoxins in poultry feeds can often be diagnosed by visual examination of the (oral cavitity lining of the gizzard both |
Coccidiosis is a (bacterial parasitic viral) disease that only effects poultry (True False).
It is most noticeable in the (small intestine ceca both) and can result in
(blood in the excreta mortality reduced body weight All). The control of coccidiosis can be accomplished by (medications in the feed immunity both). |
Coccidiosis is a (bacterial parasitic viral) disease that only effects poultry (True False).
It is most noticeable in the (small intestine ceca both) and can result in
(blood in the excreta mortality reduced body weight All). The control of coccidiosis can be accomplished by (medications in the feed immunity both). |
1. The excretion of excess dietary nitrogen by (poultry robins both) is in the form of
(uric acid urea) which is similar to mammals (True False).
(uric acid urea) which is similar to mammals (True False). |
The stimulatory effects of changes in the daily photoperiod are mediated via signals through the (optic vagal) nerve to the avian (ovary brain both). |
The stimulatory effects of changes in the daily photoperiod are mediated via signals through the (optic vagal) nerve to the avian (ovary brain both). |
1. Ovarian development of yellow follicles in poultry occurs through the (daily weekly) deposition of lipid synthesized by the liver (True False). In young hens in the early stages of production, excessive lipid deposition in developing follicles can result in the production of eggs with (single double both) yolks. |
1. Ovarian development of yellow follicles in poultry occurs through the (daily weekly) deposition of lipid synthesized by the liver (True False). In young hens in the early stages of production, excessive lipid deposition in developing follicles can result in the production of eggs with (single double both) yolks. |
1. The testes in male (chickens ducks turkeys all) are located (inside outside) the body cavity and therefore are exposed to consistently (higher lower) temperatures than what would occur in mammals. |
1. The testes in male (chickens ducks turkeys all) are located (inside outside) the body cavity and therefore are exposed to consistently (higher lower) temperatures than what would occur in mammals. |
1. Ducks and chickens are similar in that sperm is deposited near the opening of the vagina and not via penetration of the penis (True False). |
1. Ducks and chickens are similar in that sperm is deposited near the opening of the vagina and not via penetration of the penis (True False). |
All eggs contain approximately the same quantity of egg shell (True False) so as the size of an egg (increases stays the same) as a hen ages, egg shell quality normally declines (True False). |
All eggs contain approximately the same quantity of egg shell (True False) so as the size of an egg (increases stays the same) as a hen ages, egg shell quality normally declines (True False). |
Under the influence of estrogen, a specific type of bone is formed that contains a highly (soluble insoluble) form of calcium. This type of bone is specific to birds/poultry and developed after birds evolved from dinosaurs (True False). |
Under the influence of estrogen, a specific type of bone is formed that contains a highly (soluble insoluble) form of calcium. This type of bone is specific to birds/poultry and developed after birds evolved from dinosaurs (True False). |