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Principles of Design
Eight Definitions of Principles of Design
8th Grade

Additional Art/Design Flashcards




Principles of Design
The rules artist use when creating art.
Harmony is achieved through the sensitive balance of variety and unity. Color harmony may be achieved using complementary or analogous colors. Harmony in design is similarity of components or objects looking like these belong together. Harmony may be visually pleasing and harmony is when some of the objects like drapes and couches share a common trait. A common trait between objects could be: color(s), shape(s), texture, pattern(s), material, theme, style, size, or functionality.
Contrast is the occurrence of differing elements, such as color, value, size, etc. It creates interest and pulls the attention toward the focal point.
Repetition (rhythm, pattern)
Repetition (rhythm, pattern)
The recurrence of elements within a piece: colors, lines, shapes, values, etc. Any element that occurs is generally echoed, often with some variation to maintain interest. Rhythm in interior design also may be used to reduce randomness
Variety (alternation
The use of dissimilar elements, which creates interest and uniqueness. Variety like a painting or some reflective wood panels added on a plain wall may be used to reduce monotony.
Emphasis (dominance or focal point)
Emphasis or dominance of an object can be increased by making the object larger, more sophisticated, more ornate, by placing it in the foreground, or standout visually more than other objects in a project. The primary focus point or area receives the largest emphasis in a room.
Proportion (scale)
Proportion involves the relationship of size between objects. Proportion is also relative sizes of surface areas of different colors.
A design must have good functionality. Proper functionality is simply the best possible design and best possible location of this design that the occupant(s) requires.
Proximity is the placing of similar objects closer together physically, and unlike objects further apart. This aids in creating unity.
Color theory
Color theory in interior design includes the color wheel. Color theory involves the idea of how color affects human thoughts and emotions. Color harmony is a pleasing combinations of colors and the amount of these colors in a design like a room decor. Color harmony could also be a visually pleasing color combination that enhances the style and character of a design like a home interior design.
Decluttering, organization and harmonization of accessories
Neatness or tidyness, clean rooms, construction precision and organization in architecture and home appliances is important
Lighting coloration
Light coloration is important to setting the mood in a photograph or work of visual art. Using various types of lights can denote specific mood changes. For example, a red-light may be used to denote an alert of some sort in the form of a beacon. Differences in lighting can affect the mood as well. Halogen lamps and fluorescents can give a cooler feel to visual design works
Design methods
Despite the design rules and guidelines, the designer still has to make an attractive design, and perhaps using some of these methods. Design by experimentation: experimenting with different shapes, materials, sizes of shapes to optimize functionality and aesthetics of design. Design by modification: modifying an existing design to improve the aesthetics and functionality of a design. Design by chance: for example scribbling some lines and curves randomly with a pencil on a piece of paper then choose a shape outline seen in it that may be used as a wood table top. Design by sketching: sketches and drawings can be easily modified. Design using a mood board: photographs of lamps and couches, paint swatches, wood samples, textile samples, and room sketches can be placed on the mood board to help visualize a room design. Design in the mind: visualize pleasing designs of rooms and houses in the mind. Design with "direct" method: direct is abbreviation for describe, investigate, record, evaluate, construct, and try. This involves describing design requirements, investigating design requirements and feasibility, recording design progress and plans, evaluating the design to see if design requirements were met, constructing the design, and then trying or testing the home design and problem solving.
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