Bullying Prevention
- children in 6th grade through tenth grade 3.2 million get bullied. While 3.7 million are the ones bullying.
- there are programs that have been created that can reduce bullying by 50%
- Bullying is defined as purposefully hurting someone physically or mentally
- The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is a program that prevents new bullying problems, reduces existing problems, and helps peers have better relationships.
- 160,000 students don't go to school everyday just because they are
afraid of getting attacked by other students.
- cyberbullying is defined as using information and technology to intentionally harm others.
- 53% of students have said something hurtful on the internet to another.
- 35% of students in students have been threatened online.
- in order to prevent cyberbullying you should not give out any of your personal information.
- you can delete messages from people who you don't know.
- you shouldn't email when you are angry.
http://435digital.com/social-media/3549/cyberbullying-how-parents-can-prevent-it-and-stop-it/ |
- Parents can help prevent cyberbullying
- They can help by undertstanding the technology their kids use.
- They should talk to kids about cyberbullying
- They can set privacy setting to new tech
- They should archive all videos, text, etc.
- If their child does commit cyberbullying, parents should take away all privileges
- Parents should work with schools to help prevent cyberbullying
- Most of all, before parents can do anything, they have to start to care.
http://www.suite101.com/content/cyberbullying-as-a-factor-in-teen-suicide-a231507 |
- Cyberbullying can be so intense, it can lead to the victim commiting suicicde
- One example is Phoebe Prince who commited suicide after beiing cyberbullied on facebook. This happened Januaray of 2010.
- Out of 6,000 students, 33% had been a vicitm of cyberbullying. That means around 1,980 of those students had, or stil lare victims of cyberbullying
- Most importantly, 1,320 of those students felt pressusred to do suicide.
- In general, cyberbullying is becoming more of a problem than it was a few years ago
http://www.wikihow.com/Deal-With-Cyber-Bullying-As-a-Child-or-Teen |
- There are many ways, pre-teens and teens can deal with cyberbullying although it is very hurtful
- Save every message that you are sent by the bully because they can be useful when you report him/her.
- Do not feed into the bully. If a bully sends you a hurtful message, just leave it because replying will only make the situation worse.
- Report the bully when things get too severe. Many people fear rpeorting bullies but it really helps a lot if you do. You can eventually give yourself peace.
- Formspring.me allows users to ask anonymous questions to others.
- Because of the anonymity, formspring.me has become a popular place for gossip and banter.
- Mary Kate Cary, a former speechwriter for former president George Bush. the author of the article feels that nothing good can come from formspring.me
- Formspring.me is under the radar for many parents and school officials
- Many people criticize formspring.me as a bad website and not beneficial to young teens
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/05/us/05bully.html |
- Marie, a medicial technologist who lives in Massachuesets, had a son who, after a month in 9th grade, withdrew from it. Why?
- A bully made a facebook profile in Marie's son's name and used it to say hurtful comments about other people.
- Marie went to the school but they couldn't do anything
- When schools are confronted with cyberbullying problems, they do nothing
- Also when parents talk to eahc other about their child's behavior, it is very awkward
School crime
http://www.nssc1.org/what-is-school-violence.html |
- School crime is violent or any activites that cause harm in school grounds.
- There are different types of school crimes; bullying, verbal abuse, shooting, etc.
- One reason for school crimes, mainly bullying, is because of kids whoi want to be dominant in school and make kids feel intimidating by them.
- Parents infleunce in schools will really help prevent many school crimes.
- Equally, teacher influence will help lower school crimes even more.
- Friends will also help. If kids have a good circle of friends, they wil lgrow in a healthy enviroment and that will prevent them from being arrogant.
School crime
http://www.indiana.edu/~safeschl/facts.html |
- Through school crimes, homocides have become the second leading cause of death between the age group of 15-24.
- It is also the leading cause of death of African-Americans.
- From 1985-1994, arrest rates for weapon possesions for people under 18 rose 104%
- Although, less than 1% of homocides are done in school
- But even if that's true, some schools are still unsafe.
- School crime is percieved to look bad because of rare cases but in reality, it's not that bad.
School crime
http://www.teach-nology.com/edleadership/school_violence/ |
- Despite popular belief, school crime has declined since 1994.
- In 1992, there had been a total of 42 suicides in U.S schools. But in 2009, there was only 1 on school grounds.
- Vilent acts in school have reduced from 3,284 to 1,011 in 15 years.
- Weapons are still being brought to school to by a small number of students and other students are being hurt by them.
- Teachers need to be more attentive to student behaviors.
School Crime
http://kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/bullying/school_violence.html |
- No matter how old you are, you can always be a victim of school crimes
- Cases like the Virginia Tech and Columbine High shootings are very rare.
- It's safer to be in a school than in a car
- There is no straight reason why scholl crimes happen. but it is usually because of a child's behavior and the enviroment they live in.
- Kids should always talk to adults if they feel unsafe at schools.
- If kids are showing a violent personality, they will probably commit a violent act on school grounds.
School Crime
http://hubpages.com/hub/Why-Are-Our-Teens-Shooting-Up-Their-Highschools |
- Since 1996, there have been 58 major school shootings.
- Schools are too overcrowded for teachers, counslers and students to have a one-on-one time.
- Smaller classrooms benefit not only the student, but the teacher. This goes towards preventing school crimes.
- Less interaction with students means more chances of teen murders in schools.
- The enviorment is a main factor in a teenager's attitude.
School Crime
http://www.nssc1.org/how-can-parents-help-in-preventing-school-violence.html |
- One way parents can prevent this is by spending time with their child and talking out difficulties.
- Parents should show more affection so that their child will not go violent.
- If their child is having diificulties, they should not leave them by themselves. they can become depreesed which can lead to violence.
- Parents need to keep an eye on their children just in case they are doing something suspicious.
- Do not compare your child to others. this makes them feel dissatiesfied.
School Crime
http://www.nssc1.org/how-can-parents-help-in-preventing-school-violence.html |
- Parents should know who thier kids friends are. Children learn most things from their friends.
- Have a friend-like relationship with your child, this will help them share their problems easier with you.
- If there areweapons in the house then you should keep them awayfrom your children.
- Parents should try not to show favoritism to the child's siblings b/c that might make them fell jealous and result to violent activities.
School Crime
- School violence images on the tv and on the internet are the main causes for school violence.
- When kids see this, they feel like they need to protect themselves so they arm themselves with guns and knives to bring to school.
- Also people who were school violence victims do not want to see pics of school violenc. It gets them more aggresive.
- But we can't always point to the media like it is theri fault. They are only doing their job and their job is to report.
School Crime
http://www.nssc1.org/school-violence-problem.html |
- Most kids who commit school violence are doing it b/c of the people aroung them.
- Another cause is that sometimes both parents of the child are out working. The child is left alone so if he/she has a problem they have to solve it on their own.
- Most teachers are also concerned with making money. they think of the students as clients, they don't care about them.
- A child goes violent because there is no one there to help them with their problem.
School Crime
http://www.nssc1.org/behavioural-and-attitude-traits-of-a-shooter-in-school.html |
These sre the atttitudes of a school shooter:
- They curse in school
- They have usual aggressive attitudes
- They have a short-temper and snaps easily
- They bring deadly objects to school (guns, knives, etc.)
- They usually have charges pressed aainst them
- They have taken drugs on school grounds.
School Crime
http://www.nssc1.org/behavioural-and-attitude-traits-of-a-shooter-in-school.html |
Attitudes of a school shooter:
- They are cruel to animals
- They are usually stressed or sad
- They abuse others for no reason
- They like to watch violent movies or tv shows
- They write about violent stuff in school assignments
- Their friengs are bullies or in a gang
- They like books on violent topics
School Crime
- Movies are a main cause of school violence
- Movies with alot of violence in it are the ones that attract the children the most
- They will think that hurting others and killing is fun
- By watching these movies the children will want to hurt more than focus on a career
- Schools should try to do something about school violence but they aren't
- Teachers should also do lectures on violent acts
- Parents should put resrictions on the shows that kids watch on the tv
School Crime
http://www.nssc1.org/severity-of-school-violence-problem.html |
- People who bully, bully others so much that the victims don't even want to go to school
- One incident was at Columbine High School in Colorado. Two of the students Dylan and Eric killed a teacher. They also killed 12 students and injured 23 students. After that they killed themselves. This was in 1999.
- Parents should make their child grow up in a healthy envirnment so that they don't result to violent ways.
School Crime
http://www.nssc1.org/school-violence-leads-to-violent-crime.html |
- Now, almost all school violence activites have deadly weapons involved (guns knives, etc.)
- Parents need to show love and affection but don't spoil.
- Schools should have programs like mediation and stress-management.
- Parents should make sure their kid does not feel isolated
- Parents should keep their child away from the wrong crowd
- Teachers need to be involved with their students
- Parents and teachers can not put the child under too much of a stress
School Crime
http://www.arsafeschools.com/Files/SchoolCrimeStatistics.pdf |
- School crime did decrease from 1993 to 1994
- But more than 2.7 million school crimes were committed in 1998
- Mostly 58% of school crimes are theft
- 9% are serious crimes i.e sexual assault, murder, and rape
- 33% were simple assault
- In 2001 to 2002, there were 22 school associated deaths.
- In 1999 to 2000, there were 33 school associated deaths
- In 1998 to 1999 there were also 31 school associated deaths.
School Crime
http://www.arsafeschools.com/Files/IncidencesofBullying.pdf |
- In 6th to 7th grade, 12% of males admitted to being a victim of school crime
- In 6th to 7th grade,7% of females admitted to being a victim of school crime
- In 6th to 7th grade, 10% of boys and girls in total admitted to being a victim of school crime.
- In 8th to 9th grade, 5% of males admitted to being a victim of school crime
- In 8th to 9th grade, 5% of females admitted to being a victim of school crime
- In 10th to 12th grade, 2% of males admitted to being a victim of school crime
- In 10th to 12th grade, 3% of females admitted to being a victim of school crime
School Crime
http://www.arsafeschools.com/Files/WarningSigns.pdf |
Someone is going to be violent when:
They give theats of violence
They have a very enthusiastic interest in weapons
They are often isolated
They can not get along with others
They have uncontrolable anger
They just broke up with someone
They use alcohol and take drugs
They don't like people who are different
They are associated with a gang
They write or draw violent things
They are not involved in school
School Crime
http://www.arsafeschools.com/Files/HateCrimes.pdf |
- A hate crime is a crime you commit to someone just because of race, sexual orientation or other reasons like that.
- In a college there were 137 hate crimes committed just because of someones race
- In a college there were 39 hate crimes committed just because of someones sexual orientation.
- In a college there were 22 hate crimes committed for other reasons
Verbal Bullying
http://www.whatisguide.net/0104-verbal-bullying.html |
- Verbal bullying is using cruel words to tease or taunt the victim.
- It can happen at anyplace, anytime, and in any age group.
- The bully harms the victim by hurting them in a public place.
- There are different types of bullies.
- One kind think that he is everything so he just insults others
- There are the ones with the low self-esteem and they want to improve themselves in status so they insult others
- Impulsive bullies do not want to be bullies, it is in reaction to their impulsiveness and they usually suffer from ADHD
Verbal Bullying
- Everyone is capable of being a victim of bullying. Although there are more so than others
- The first kind of victim is one with low self-esteem
- Another type of victim is on e who doesn't have self-defensiveness
- Another type is one who is foreign they are bullied b/c of their difference in language and culture
- Another type is a victim who has a special disorder
- The best way to make a verbal bully step back is to fight back
Verbal Bullying
http://www.ehow.com/how_7514698_stop-verbal-bullying.html |
- Don't let the bully keep attacking you. Tell an adult
- Keep the dates and times of the bullying incident
- Keep pictures and/or messages and text messages related to of from the bull, the can be used in court
- Always be in a group and never be alone, this reduces the bully's intention to attack
- When a verbal bully strikes, it is best to ignore.
- Don't ever get angry or fight back
Verbal bullying
http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/verbal-bullying.html |
- The role of verbal bullying is to demaen the victim.
- Verbal bullying is most common in girls
- Verbal Bullying can lead to depression and low self-esteem
- Verbal bullying sometimes become so bad that it laeds to drug abuse and suicide
- " " can lead to physical assault
- You know your child is being verbal bullied if he/she doesn't want to go to school
- They say that no one likes them, or their grades are dropping
Verbal Bullying
http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/verbal-bullying.html |
- It is very difficult dealing with a bully
- Like I said before, you can ignore them
- Tell someone
- Most likely, teachers are able to stop the bullying.
- Although it is hard to punich a verbal bully because since it is verbal, you don't have that much proof that the bullying is going on
- Do not act rude back to the bully, they just get more pleasure in hurting you.
- Always, always, always, surround yourself with a group of people as long as it is the right crowd.
Verbal bullying
http://www.articlesbase.com/parenting-articles/verbal-bullying-leaving-long-lasting-scars-on-its-victims-3367543.html |
- Words have alot of power. They can build you or destroy you
- Thousands of students in middle schools across America are bullies
- " " are victims of bullying.
- The thing about it is that the schools aren't doing anything about it. they do not see it as a big deal.
- Most research is proving that verbal bullying generates from the home.
- Verbal bullies just pour out words without even the slightest bit of compassion for the victim.
Verbal Bullying
http://www.bucinc.com/blog/?p=122 |
- Verbal Bullying creates emotional pain.
- Verbal bullying creates mental sadness
Verbal Bullying
http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-verbal-bullying.htm |
- One type of bully bullies b/c she/he wants to keep up his/her status i a group
- This is common for teenagers who give in easily to peer pressure
- Victims are sometimes evied by the bully just because of his/her achievements
- A victim can be bullied because he/she is fat
- A victim can be bullied because he/she is too thin
- Avictim can be bullied because he/she does not speak English
- Avictim can be bulllied because he/she is a certain race
- A victim can be bullied because he/she is a certain religion
Verbal Bullying
http://ezinearticles.com/?Girl-Bullying-Prevention:-Rumor-Spreading,-Verbal-Abuse-and-Isolation&id=5616267 |
- The most common form of girl bullying is when they spread rumors
- They usually go after other popular girls or new girls that they see as a threat to ruin their status
- They usually spread rumors over the internet
- They usually like to do their bullying in front of a crowd to prove their superiority
- Girls also use isolation as another form of bullying
- Being in social groups are important to girls, so when you tell them they can not be part of your group they feel really emotionally hurt.
Verbal Bullying
http://www.wikihow.com/Ignore-a-Verbal-Bully |
Ways to ignore bullies
Pretend they are not there
Walk away
Move over to friends
Laugh at them
"That's it?"
Ask them why are they talking to themselves
Physical Bullying
http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-physical-bullying.htm |
- Physical bullying has real body contact i.e hitting, kicking, punching
- Physical Bullying can happen anywhere
- " " lead to injury or maybe even death
- " " is menat to show the victim that the bully is superior
- There is alot of evidence of physical bullying on the victim
- Victims will end up feeling depressed
Physical Bullying
http://www.care2.com/greenliving/bullying-cyber-and-physical-equally-dangerous.html |
A survey conducted has these results:
69% of adults say that physical and cyberbullying are equal
69% of adults think that cyberbullying should be punishable
21% think that physical is worse than cyber
7% think that cyber is worse than physical
85% of adults are a little bit concerned about bullying in schools
57% are really concerned
3% are not concerned
50% think parents should deal with bullying
37% think the school should deal with bullying
5% think the police should deal with bullying problems
61% think that bullying is a worse problem now than it was before
Physical Bullying
http://jjie.org/grants-and-research/bullys-prefer-bully-others-real-life-than-online |
These are the results of a survey to 10-17 year olds:
21.6% have been physicaly bullied
19.7% have been emotionally bullied
7.9% admitted to being bullied online
Boys are more likely to be threatened physically and girls are more likely to be threatened online |
Physical Bullying
http://healthnewsdigest.com/news/Children_s_Health_200/Know_the_Signs_of_Physical_Bullying_printer.shtml |
Unknown of bruises or scratches
They don't want to go to school
Child coes home with ripped clothes
Complains about pain especially before school
Low self-esteem |
Physical Bullying
http://www.ehow.com/list_7595069_ways-stop-physical-bullying.html |
- You can prevent physical bullying by first making sure that you are not a target.
- Then like I mentioned, stay in numbers.
- Also, you should feel confident about yourself.
- Bullies usually go after people with low self-esteem.
- Don't ever fight fire with fire.
- That only intensifires the situation more.
Physical Bullying
http://www.wikihow.com/Help-Prevent-Bullying |
- To prevent bullying at a new school, show evveryone that you are confident and that you don't mess with bullies.
- Don't get into physical fights with bullies.
- If a person tries to fught you, you should report it.
- If you have problems, you should talk to the counselor in your school.
- Do no show the bully you are hurt.
- Most likely ignore them.
Physical Bullying
http://www.scribd.com/doc/26405949/What-is-Physical-Bullying-Physical-Bullying-Is |
- Physical bullying only happens when two people have a msunderstanding.
- One person thinks the other is wrong.
- That is why it isn't good to argue.
- It will probably end up in a fight.
- Then that fight will escalate into one person bullying the other.
Bullying Prevention
http://stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov/kids/tips-for-kids.aspx |
Whenever you see somone getting bullied you should alsways get an adult. In order to prevent it from happening you should never fight fire with fire. You should tell the principal of your school. If they do not do anything then got to the sheriff of your town. |
Physical Bullying
http://www.buzzle.com/articles/identifying-the-most-common-types-of-bullying-and-what-to-do-about-it.html |
- Bullying affects everyone.
- No matter if you are 12 or 65.
- Everyone gets hurt a little inside when they get bullied.
- Physical bulying is the worst kind of bullying yet, from what I believe.
- Bullying used to be just child's play.
- But now it is serious. But people still see it as a part of growing up.
Physical Bullying
http://www.buzzle.com/articles/identifying-the-most-common-types-of-bullying-and-what-to-do-about-it.html |
- Bullying is used in order to intimidate the child.
- This involves kicking, punching, or chocking.
- Physical Bullying is mostly misunderstood for roughhousing.
- The victim can not deend themselves.
- You should report as soon as possible.
Physical Bullying
http://www.suite101.com/content/bullying-in-schools---how-to-help-a-child-deal-with-a-bully-a283235 |
- Almost all victims grads drop so you know they are a victim.
- They never hang out with freinds anymore.
- They are always depressed.
- Parents should always tell a childs teacher when they find out their child is being bullied.
- If it still goes on contact principle.
Physical Bullying
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preventing_bullying_in_the_classroom |
- 40% to 80% of childrenget bullied some point in their lives.
- 70% of middle schoolers get bullied.
- 70% of high schoolers get bulied.
- 7-12% of bullies are a real threat.
- 5-12% of children are bullied over and over
- 27% are bullied becuse they don't have sexual activity
Physical Bullying
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preventing_bullying_in_the_classroom |
Short-term effects:
Long-term effects:
Don't trust others
Seek revenge
Physical Bullying
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preventing_bullying_in_the_classroom |
Bullies are losers
Boys and girls both bully the same amount
Teachers should get involved at the first signs
Bullie bully out of habit |
Physical Bullying
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preventing_bullying_in_the_classroom |
To prevent bullying in the classroom:
Have a positive environment
Make class united
Enforce all the rules
Know where bullying occurs the most
Make anti-bullying programs |