1) T_-T__ supply skin and muscle of the abdominal wall as does the subcostal nerve T12. 2) T_ and T_ supply upper external oblique 3) Skin and muscle in the inguinal and supra pubic regions are innervated by L__
1)Name the Lumbar Verte brate that: *Midway between the jugular notch and the pubic symphysis *9th costal cartilage *Crosses through the body of the pancreas *Approximates the position of the hila of the kidneys |
Name those Abdominal arteries 1) ______branches from the abdominal aorta at L1 supplies foregut 2) _______ _____from the abdominal aorta lower border of L1 supplies midgut 3)______ _______ from the abdominal aorta at L3 and supplies the hindgut |
1)Celiac 2)Superior mesenteric 3) Inferior mesenteric |
1) Blood from the abdomen and the GI system and spleen pass through the liver (before or after??) returning to the heart. 2) Venous blood from the digestive tract pancreas, gallbladder an spleen enters the inferior surface of the liver via the ____ _____ _____. 3)HTN resultingin blockage of HPV can lead to _____ ____ |
1)before 2)hepatic portal vein 3) “Caput Medusae” |
Innervation of abdominal Viscera: 1) Sympathetic T__-L__ 2) Parasympathetic components are from the _____ and ___to ___ |
Abdominal Wall: Name em 1) Superficial layer Contains fat and varies in thickness 2) Deeper layer Thin and membranous and contains little or no fat ... fuses with the fascia lata of the thigh |
1) (Camper’s fascia) 2) (Scarpa’s fascia) |
Ligaments: 1) The lower border of the ____ ____ forms the inguinal ligament 2) The ______ _____ is a crescent shaped extension of fibers at the medial end of the inguinal ligament that pass backward to attach to the pectin pubis 3) Fibers extend from the lacunar ligament along the pectin pubis of the pelvic brim to form the _____ or Cooper’s ligament |
1) external oblique 2) lacunar ligament 3) pectineal |
1) Deep to the extraperitoneal fascia is the _____. Thin serous membrane lines the walls of the abdominal cavity. 2) The deepest layer of the rectus sheath is the _____ _____ 3) Which part of rectus sheath has more fascia? (upper 3/4 or lower 1/4) |
1) peritoneum 2) transverse fascia 3) Upper 3/4 |
1) Contents of the inguinal canal are the _____ _____ in men and the ____ ____ of the uterus in women 2) |
1) spermatic cord, 2) round ligament |
Anterior Wall of Inguinal Canal: 1) Formed by the aponeurosis of the ___ ___ . It is reinforced laterally by the medial fibers of the ______ _____ muscle. 2) Posterior Wall: Formed by the _____ _____. Reinforced by the conjoint tendon. This tendon is the combined insertion of the transversus abdominis and the internal oblique muscles into the pubic crest |
1) external oblique, internal oblique 2) transversalis fascia |
Clinical Inguinal Canal: _______ _____ the cremaster muscle and fascia form the middle or second covering of the spermatic cord. Supplied by the genitofemoral nerve L1and L2 Contraction of this muscle is stimulated by a reflex arc. Gentle touch around the skin of the medial aspect of the superior part of the thigh stimulates the sensory fibers. Pulls up the scrotum and testis on the side stroked. |
Hernias: 1) ______ inguinal hernias go through the deep inguinal ring 2) ______ inguinal hernias go through the posterior wall of the inguinal canal. It is usually acquired because it develops when abdominal musculature has been weakened and is seen in older men. The bulging occurs medial to the inferior epigastric vessels in the inguinal triangle (Hesselbach’s) |
Omenta: 1)______ _____ derived from the dorsal mesentery. Large apron like peritoneal fold that attaches to the greater curvature of the stomach. Drapes over the transverse colon. 2) _____ ____ derived from the ventral mesentery extends form the lesser curvature of the stomach and the first part of the duodenum to the inferior surface of the liver |
1) Greater Omentum ... Site for metastatic tumor spread 2) Lesser omentum |
1) Retroperitoneal Name em' (9) Sigmoid and Transverse included? |
1) Suprrenal Glands Aorta Duodenum Pancreas Ureter Colon (only ascending and descending) Kidneys Esophagus Rectum ....2) NO! |
1) LIVER: Liver is the largest visceral organ in the body located in the ______ _____ and _____ _____. It extends into the left upper quadrant 2) 2 surfaces of Liver; name em surface 3) _______ ligament divides the liver into right and left 4) ________ SYSTEM…cleans blood from Kidneys
1) right hypochondrium and epigastric regions 2) Diaphragmatic and visceral surfaces 3) Falciform 4) Hepatoportal |
Ligaments of Liver: 1) connects -stomach to liver 2) duodenum to liver 3) Name 4 that connect liver to diaphram 4) How many Lobes does liver have? 5) name em' 6) Where is Gallbladder located? |
1) Hepatogastric 2)Hepatoduodenal 3)ight and left triangular ligaments and anterior and posterior coronary ligaments connect liver to diaphragm 4) 3 5) Right, left, middle (caudate and quadrate) 6) Between right lobe and quadrate lobe on inferior surface. |
1) what is Gallbladder's fct? Pancreas: 2) Junction ofbile and pancreaticducts inserting into the Duodenum called the? 3) fcts of pancreas? |
1) Store and secrete bile into duodenum 2) hepatopancreatic ampulla 3) secretes buffer bicarb, secreates proteinases, endocrine/exocrine gland, and secretes nucleases. |
If the ventral bud becomes bifid the segments may encircle the duodenum and constrict it. After birth the child may fail to thrive and vomit due to poor gastric emptying. The obstruction of the duodenum may prevent the fetus from swallowing enough amniotic fluid which may increase the overall volume of the fluid and cause ________
Gallstones 1) Referred pain is where? 2) regional pain where? 3) 3 F's name em 4) _____ ____ is the entry point for the splenic vessels |
1) in Upper Right Shoulder 2) Epigastric Region Pain 3) Female, Fat, and Forty 4) Splenic hilum |
Jaundice types: 1) _____ _____inability to conjugate fat soluble into water soluble bilirubin (biliburden to bilirubin?) 2) _____ ____: Obstruction of the bile ducts common causes are gallstones or a tumor at the head of the pancreas (Pancreatic CANCER IS VERY VERY VERY DEADLY) 3) Excessive breakdown of red blood cells |
1)Hepatic jaundice: 2) Post hepatic 3) Pre-hepatic: |
1) The Spleen lies between ribs __ and ___ 2) ______ artery supplies the Spleen and Pancrease and is a branch of the Celiac Trunk |
Name that Artery: 1) _____ ____ supplies esophagus, stomach, duodenum superior to the major papilla, liver, spleen, pancreases and gall bladder 2) The _____ _____supplies the duodenum inferior to the major duodenal papilla, jejunum, ileum, cecum appendix, ascending colon and right 2/3 of the transverse colon. 3) _____ ____ supplies the hindgut includes the left 1/3 of the transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum and upper anal canal.
1) Celiac trunk (HUGE and supplies Foregut) 2) superior mesenteric 3) The inferior mesenteric |
More on Arteries:Name the original artery this branch is from 1) left colic artery 2) Jejunal 3)inferior pancreaticoduodenal 4)Sigmoid artery 5)Spleenic Common Hepatic 6)Superior Rectal Artery 7) Ilieal 8) left gastric Art |
1)Inferior Mes Art 2)Superior Mes Art 3)Superior Mes Art 4)Inferior Mes Art 5) Celiac 6)Inferior Mes Art 7) Supeior Mes Art 8) Celiac |
1) Venous drainage of the spleen, pancreas, gallbladder and the abdominal part of the GI tract except the inferior rectum is through the _____ ___ of veins 2) Major Metabolisms of Liver are (name the 3) 3)Fats are _____ and stored as HDL or LDL for later use as energy |
1) portal system of veins 2) Lipid, Protein, and Carbohydrate 3) Oxidized |
Hepatitis Types: 1) virus through (SALIVA/BodilyFluids) 2) Fecal Oral aquisition VIRUS 3)Virus... Drug Users 4) Like Hep A..fecal oral VIRUS 5) which one(s) cause Chronic infection and are leading chief reason for liver transplants in ADULTS? 6)Type found only as coinfection of Hep B |
1) Hep B 2) Hep A 3) Hep C 4) Hep E 5) Hep B,C,D 6)Hep D |
Sympathetic Gangion.... Extend from Cervical to Sacral spinal cord 1)__ ganglion in cervical region 2) __ in Thoracic 3)__ in Lumbar 4)__ in Sacral |
Splanchnic Nerves: 1) Thoracic, lumbar, and sacral splanchnic nerves carry preganglionic ______ fibers from the sympathetic trunk to ganglia in the prevertebral plexus and visceral afferent fibers. 2) The pelvic splanchnic nerves carry preganglionic ________ fibers from the S2-S4 spinal nerves to the inferior hypogastric or pelvic plexus Which of these 2 supply innervation of distal 1/3 of trans, descending, and sigmoid colon? |
1) sympathetic 2) parasympathetic 3)Pelvic Splnachnic Nerve (PARASYMPATHETIC) |
Ureter the 3 layers: 1) layer that protects organ from urine....slimmy 2) Muscular layer has 2 types of muscle name 'em 3) Layer that uses connnective tissue to anchor ureter in place (also contains lymphatics and vascular portions) |
1) Mucosal 2)Smooth and longitudinal (distal 1/3 has additionallongitudinal) 3) Adventitia Layer |
Adrenal Glands: 1) Portion that produces androgenes, testosterone, and mineral corticoids 2) Portion that produces epinephrine & norepinephrine Gut: 3) ______ system is the major transporter system of absorbed fats from the Gut. |
1)Cortex 2) Medulla 3) Lymphatic (Cancers easily spread here...do chemo):::Ultimatel drain to thoracic and right lymphatic Trunk.. |