sweet, cool, sl bitter,
tonify yin, moisten Lu and stop cough for dry cough due to Lu Yin xu and chronic cough w blood in sputum, dry throat, hoarse voice, moisten exterior for dry/itch skin, nourish St yin and generate fluids
CI: in cases w coughing due to WC, or Sp cold from deficiency
Incompatible w Li Lu |
sweet, sl bitter, sl cold
Ht, Lu, St
nourish Lu yin, nourish St and generate fluids, nourish Ht yin (eliminate irritibility), clears fire, moisten intestines
Tian Men Dong very cold
CI: in cases w diarrhea due to cold from deficiency, and congested fluid |
sweet, bitter, very cold, Kd, Lu
nourish Kd yin ( also for constipation due to dry intestines) and clear Lu heat (moisten Lu yin for dry cough)
Mai Men Dong (sl cold)
CI: in cases w diarrhea due to deficient cold and in cases of congested fluids |
sweet, sl salty, bland, cold, Kd, St
#1 for nourishing St yin xu and generate fluids, nourish Lv and Kd to brighten eyes (night blindness), strengthen sinews and bones
sweet, sl bitter, sl cold Ht, Lu
tonify Ht yin, moisten Lu, clear Ht and calm spirit
CI in cases of cough due to WC or phlegm, or diarrhea due to MJ deficiency |
sour, sl warm, Kd, Lv
nourish Lv and Kd, for Lv and Kd xu
Nourishes the Lv and Kd, stabilizes and binds the Kd, retains essence, stabilize the menses and stop bleeding, stop excessive sweating
CI in cases of damp heat or other types of excess patterns |
sweet, neutral, Lv, Lu, Kd
tonifies the Kd and augments the essence, tonifies the Lv and brightens the eyes, enriches the Yin and moistens the Lu (for chronic coughing due to yin xu, Xiao Ke syndrome)
CI in cases of exterior heat pattern, Sp xu w dampness and loose stools |
bitter, sweet, neutral, Kd, Lv
nourishes the Lv and Kd yin, for premature greying of hair, clear heat from deficiency, improve vision
CI in cases of yang xu or diarrhea due to deficient cold
sweet, cold, Ht, Lv, Kd
nourish yin, tonify blood, generate fluids and stop thirst, moisten intestine and unblock bowels
CI in cases of Sp/St deficient cold w diarrhea |
sweet, neutral, Kd, Lv, Li
tonify Lv and Kd yin, nourish blood and extinguish wind, for premature greying of hair, moisten intestines for constipation due to blood xu, helps patients recover from severe illness, increase lactation
CI in cases w loose stools
salty, sweet, cold, Ht, Kd, Lv
nourish yin, anchor yang for yin xu w internal heat, augment Lv and strengthen bone (retarded skeletal development in children or failure of fontanel to close), stabilize the menses and stop bleeding, nourish blood and tonify Ht, also for non healing ulcerations
CI in cases w damp cold or diarrhea due to yang xu |
salty, sl cold, Lv, Sp
anchor Yang, nourish yin for Yin xu w internal heat, moves blood and promotes menses, disperses nodules (palpable masses) and softens clumping (in children)
CI during pregnancy and SP/St xu w reduced appetite, diarrhea, internal dampness |