Shared Flashcard Set


Weight Management
Chapter 10
Undergraduate 2

Additional Nutrition Flashcards




What's the difference between positive energy balance and negative energy balance?
• Positive
o Weight gain- energy (calories) in greater than energy (calories) out
• Negative
o Weight loss- energy (calories) in less than energy (calories) out
What amount of calorie restriction (deficit) is needed to promote roughly 1 pound weight loss per week?
• It takes a deficit (negative energy balance) of 2700-3500 calories to lose 1 pound
• Averages out to 500 calories/day= 1 pound of weight loss weekly
o Must be 500 cals below maintenance needs
What's the difference between hunger and appetite?
o Physiological (internal) drive to eat
o Controlled by internal body cues
 Cues that tells to eat and to stop eating due to fullness (satiety)
 May be as many as 25 or more chemical messengers (hormones, neurotransmitters, etc.) that govern hunger
• Genetics can influence
• Appetite
o Psychological (external) drive to eat (craving)
o Controlled by external or environmental cues
What is leptin and what affect do high and low levels of leptin have on appetite?
• A hormone produced by the adipose tissue that decreases desire to eat
o Essentially fat cells communicating with the brain
o The more body fat the higher the levels of leptin
o Obese may still have low levels of leptin (genetically) so they never feel full
 Leptin may become a treatment for obesity
Is hunger or appetite most likely to cause overeating?
What are the three components of total energy expenditure (energy out)?
• Physical activities
• Basal metabolism
• Thermic effect of food
What is basal metabolism and what percentage of overall calories burned each day does it represent?
• The energy (calories) burned to maintain all involuntary processes to keep the body alive
• Roughly 60-70% of the total calories burned each day
What is thermogenesis and what are examples? Why do fat burners claim to be beneficial for bodyfat loss?
• Calories consumed that are lost as heat (versus stored as fat)
• Involuntary body heat production from:
o Keeping body temp at 98.6
o Cold environment
o Shiviering
o Fidgeting
o Maintenance of muscle tone
o Posture
• Fat Burners claim: weight loss, (especially bodyfat) because more calories are lost as heat instead of stored as fat. May also inhibit appetite
o Results in a calorie deficit
o Often referred to as “thermogenicss”
o Some have caused serious side effects
What factors increase basal metabolic rate (BMR)? Which lower BMR?
• Increase
o Tall thin people
o Children and pregnant women
o More lean tissue
o Fevers
o Stresses
o Heat and cold environments
o Hormones (premenstrual hormones slightly up)
o Smoking
o Caffeine
• Lower
o Age
o Fatter tissue
o Fasting/starving
o Malnutrition
o Some hormones
o Sleeping
When is the BMR at its lowest?
What is the thermic effect of food and what percentage of overall calorie needs does it represent?
• Calories used to digest, absorb, and metabolize food nutrients
• Roughly 5-10% above the total basal energy used
How many calories/kg are recommended for moderately active person? Know how to calculate this.
• 30 calories/kg for moderate activity
• 165 pounds divided by 2.2= 75 kg
o 75 kg x 30 = 2250 calories/day (moderate activity)
How do you calculate a healthy weight based on gender and height?
• Men
o 106 pounds for the first 5 feet + 6 pounds per each inch over five feet
• Women
o 100 pounds for the first 5 feet + 5 pounds per each inch over five feet
What are BMI's and what is the limitation of the BMI?
• Formula based on weight-for-height
• Limitation: still doesn’t take into account muscle tissue vs. fat
At what BMI does health risk increase?
• Risk increases as BMI declines or rises
What is the BMI for someone who is classified as overweight and obese?
• Greater than or equal to 30 BMI
What factors should be considered when setting a healthy weight goal?
• Weight history and family weight history (genetics)
o Don’t have to be a perfect weight to be fit and healthy
• Current health status
• How do your clothes fit
• Energy levels
Does a person have to be at the perfect weight to be healthy and fit?
Name the 5 methods of assessing body fat.
• Fat fold
• Underwater weighing
• Bioelectric impedance
• Bod pod
What's the difference between android obesity and gynecoid obesity and which is associated with health problems?
• Android
o Upper body
o Associated with more heart disease, HTN, type II diabetes
o Abdominal fat is released right into the liver
o Fat affects liver’s ability to clear insulin and lipoprotein
o Encouraged by testosterone and excessive alcohol intake
o Defined as waist measurement of >40” in men and >35” in women
• Gynecoid
o Lower body
o Encouraged by estrogen and progesterone
o After menopause, upper-body obesity appears
o Less health risk than upper-body obesity
What is the Set Point theory?
• No matter how hard a person tries their body resists weight change and when they do lose weight it always returns
o Genes affect hunger
o Genes affect metabolism
What are the chances a child will be obese as an adult if one parent is obese? If both are obese?
• One
o 40% chance
• Both
o 80% chance
Why don't extreme diets generally work? What are the physiologic reasons?
• Obesity is a chronic disease
o Treatement requires long-term lifestyle changes
o Extremes are short term fixes that most will not be able to maintain
• Dieters are misdirected
o More concerned about weight loss than healthy lifestyle
o Unrealistic weight expectations
• Physiologic reasons
o Body defends itself against weight loss, if calories are too low for too long (more than 8-12 weeks) eventually metabolism is automatically lowered due to:
 Drop in thyroid hormone concentrations
 Muscle loss
• Also; activity of fat storage enzyme (lipoprotein lipase) increases making the body more efficient at taking up fat for storage
What are the characteristics of a sound weight loss diet?
• Meets nutritional needs, except for kcal
o Contains enough kcal to minimize hunger, fatigue and drop in metabolism
o That’s generally no less than 1500 cals for women and 1800 cals for men
• Slow and steady weight loss and improves overall health
• Adapted to individuals habits and tastes
• Contains common foods
• Fit into any social situation
• Permanent change with eating problems/habit
Give examples of the following behavior modification techniques
• chain breaking
o breaking the link between two behaviors
o these links can lead to excessive intake
• cognitive restructuring
o Changing your frame of mind regarding eating/physical activity
• contingency management
o forming a plan of action in response to a situation
o rehearse in advance appropriate responses to pressure of eating at properties
• self-monitoring
o What am I eating? Am I looking at portion sizes? Have I increased my physical activity?
o Helps you understand your eating habits and know what needs addressed/changed
o There are many tools available to use in monitoring yourself;
 Pedometers, food records, computer programs that track food and exercise
What is the recommendation for amount of regular physical activity for weight loss and why is important for weight loss?
• 1 hour most days of the week
• Important because it not only increases calories burned, especially fat, but it preserves muscle
o Preserving muscle prevents a drop in metabolism
What is the purpose of bariatric surgery?
What is the purpose of bariatric surgery?
• Procedure performed on people who are dangerously obese, for the purpose of losing weight by reduction the size of the stomach and/or causing malabsorption
o With an implanted band (lap band)
o Bypassing of a portion of the stomach (gastric bypass)
• Reducing the stomach from 4 cups to a few ounces (size of an egg) which limits how many calories can be consumed and promotes fullness earlier
• Overeating with result in rapid vomiting or diarrhea
What are the criteria to qualify for bariatric surgery?
• BMI >35
• BMI >30 with other health issues (diabetes, hypertension)
• Psychological evaluation
• Pregnancy (not planned for ~year post-op)
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