Story about generals asked to summarize how they managed their affairs in 25 words or less (pg. 74) |
No one could answer this prompt, except a woman general who had been wounded. She said "I make a list of priorities, one, two, three, so on, and then I cross out everything from three on down" |
List two experiments that show the Zeignarik effect (pg. 82-83) |
1. some people were told to thing about the tests they had to study for and the others were asked to think about how they would study. In ambiguous sentences, the ones who hadn't made plans completed them more with words about studying
2. Reading comprehension. Those who wrote out their unfinished errands scored worse on a reading comprehension exam than those who had made a plan as to how to accomplish the tasks that they wrote down. |
List two studies that demonstrate decision fatigue (pg. 91) |
1. people who were asked to only rate things in pairwise comparisons could keep their hands in cold water longer than those who had to decide which one they were to be given by the experimenters 2. Using dell.com, Vohs found that people who had to actually make decisions about what to buy gave up solving anagrams quicker than those who just prepared to make a decision - fact finding does not cost willpower |
study that shows that hot women make men think short term |
people who could choose between a check now and a bigger check later chose the earlier check much more often when shown pictures of attractive women |
Willingness to commit to taboo actions while masturbating |
men claim they would never do things like rape someone, or have sex with a 12 year old, but while masturbating, they are more likely to say they would do these things |
Yaacov Trope found out what about high level thoughts and willpower, what was his measurements |
those who were pushed to think abstractly (a singer is an example of what) were more able to do self control tasks like holding a handgrip or taking a future reward |
Relationship between willpower and religion |
Religious people are more self controlled in a variety of ways. Religion also increases monitoring and trains people in rituals. People subliminally exposed to words like "god" were slower to recognize words like "premarital sex" and "drugs" |
What is hyperbolic discounting? (pg. 184) |
when you change your discount rate depending on the distance the two time periods are from you. You might take 100 dollars in 1 year over 50 dollars now, but you would not take 200 dollars in 5 years over 100 dollars in 4 years. |
Nathan DeWall's study about song lyrics |
lyrics between 1980-2007, researcher from University of Kentucky found that there are more "me"s and less "us" |
James Flynn shows the threshold for white people to be in certain professions is 110 but its only 103 for asians |
Weight loss and self-control, what is the relationship |
self-control did not matter as much for weight loss. Joyce Ehrlinger, Will Crescioni, and others at FSU (florida state U) showed that the body reacts with countermeasures to dieting |
counter-regulatory effect as seen in dieting |
This is when dieters who are forced to break their diet, they eat much more than a similarly hungry, non-dieting person. So if a hungry dieting person is given two milkshakes, they will eat more later than someone only given one smaller milkshake |
Two studies showing that the zeignarik effect does not operate on indulging in tasty foods (pg. 235-236) |
Nicole Mead and Vanessa Patrick did two studies. Participants were randomly assigned to either imagine eating a dessert, imagine not eating it, or imagine eating it, but later. The people who said to not eat the dessert, were most troubled when asked later. People delayed did better. This was replicated in a study of actual eating. People who said they would delay eating M&Ms did not eat as many when a bowl that was left out. |
what are the four main ways the research tradition uses to monitor willpower |
hand in cold water, hand on a hand grap, taking future rewards, anagrams |
Nonconscious goal pursuit, name a good study explaining how it works. |
Bargh and Gollwitzer show that people who play a word game that primes cooperation share about as much fish as people who are told explicitly to cooperate. Remember also Gollwitzer's paper about how we can find ourselves pursuing a goal for no reason. We are left in an explanatory vacuum with regard to our own actions |