sirocco - noun
no other forms
1. a hot wind that blows from the desert of North Africa across to southern Europe
2. any wind like this
Syn.: sandstorm, khamsin Ant.: zephyr
As Matt was walking through the Sahara Desert, there was a sirocco that was blew his hat off.
sirocco:sandstorm cause:effect |
highhanded - adjective
high-handedly, high-handedness
1. using your authority in an unreasonable way, withought considering other people's fellings or opinions
2. not having or showing any interest in the rights, opinions, or feelings of other people
Syn.: imperious, arrogant Ant.: modest, democratic
The highhanded owner of the company always took vacations, where his clients were not allowed to do that.
highhanded:bully category:example |
recur - verb
recurred, recurring, recurrent
1. if something, especially something bad, recurs, it happens again or happens several times
2. if a number or numbers after a decimal point recur, they are repeated forever in the same order
Syn.: repeat, return Ant.: halt, stop
When Sally had her cancer surgery, the doctors said that the cancer might recur and she may have to come to the hospital again.
repeat:recur synonyms |
larder - noun
no other forms
1. a pantry
2. a room or large cupboard for storing food
Syn.: storage, stock Ant.: none
At the time of the food shortage, Sam went to the larder everyday to get food for the family
cook:larder tool user:tool |
fervent - adjective
fervently, ferventness, fervor
1. having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc; ardent
2. hot; burning; glowing
Syn.: passionate, intense Ant.: apathetic
When Tom recovered from his surgery, his mother made a fervent prayer at church, to thank God for keeping Tom well.
fervent:ecstatic synonyms |
elicit - verb
elicitation, elicitor
1. evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to one's own actions or questions
2. draw forth (something that is latent or potentional) into existence
Syn.: extract, provoke Ant.: give, placate
The bully elicited the answers to the test, by beating Sam up. |
aureole - noun
1. a circle of light or brightness surrounding something, especially as depicted in art around the head or body of a person represented as holy
2. the luminous area surrounding the sun or other bright light when seen through thin cloud or mistt
3. a ring-shaped zone around an igneous intrusion
Syn.: coil, corona, halo Ant.: mist, cloudy
Buddha, a religious figure, especially in Buddhism, is often portrayed with an aureole or the sun around his body. |
steadfast - adjective
steadfastly, steadfastness
1. resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering
2. fixed in direction; steadily directed
Syn.: loyal, reliable Ant.: capricious, irresolute
My steadfast friend was always there for me, whenever I was teased or bullied. |
authorize - verb
authorizer, authorizable
1. give official permission for or approval to (an undertaking or agent)
2. to give authority or official power to; empower
3. to give authority for; formally sanction (an act or proceeding)
Syn.: sanction, permit Ant.: forbid, unofficial
I could tell that the president authorized the tobacco law, because the next day, there weren't any smokers outside the building. |
abyss - noun
1. a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm
2. anything profound, unfathomable, or infinite
3. a wide or profound difference between people; gulf
Syn.: fissure, canyon Ant.: completion, closure
There is a huge abyss between the poor and the rich because the poor would help the rich, but the rich wouldn't help the poor. |
profound - adjective
profoundly, profoundness, profundity
1. (of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense
2. (of a person or statement) having or showing great knowledge or insight
3. (noun) the vast depth of the ocean or of the mind
Syn.: heartfelt, intelligent, deep Ant.: mild, superficial, simple
The profound king was able to manage his spendings and he was able to calculate the numbers in his head. |
siphon - noun, verb
siphonal, siphonic
1. a tube used to convery liquid upwards from a reservoir and then down to a lower level of its own accord. Once the liquid has been forced into the tube, typically by suction or immersion, flow continues unaided
2. draw off or convey (liquid) by means of a siphon
Syn.: drain, pump, funnel Ant.: hold, keep
The orange juice siphoned from the cup to Sally's mouth with a straw. |
torchbearer - noun
no other forms
1. a person who carries a ceremonial torch
2. a person who leads or inspires others in working toward a valued goal
Syn.: inspiration, role model Ant.: discourage, dishearten
Bill Gates is an important torchbearer because he inspires people to help the poor and to use your money wisely. |
impassioned - adjective
impassionedly, impassionedness
1. filled with or showing great emotion
2. filled with passion or zeal; showing great warmth or intensity of feeling
Syn.: heartfelt, earnest, sincere Ant.: apathetic, peaceful
Bella made an impassioned argument during the debate, which convinced the judge to vote for her side. |
foment - verb
fomenter, unfomented
1. instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action)
2. bathe (a part of the body) with warm or medicated lotions
Syn.: provoke, agitate Ant.: deter, tranquilize
Many football players can get fomented for unnecessary contact or because of violent arguments. |
beeline - noun
no other forms
1. straight line between two places
2. a direct route traveled quickly
Syn.: shortcut, straightaway Ant.: devious, circuitous
Whenever I walk in the dark, I travel on a beeline, because I am scared of monsters and since I want to get out of the dark. |
pensive - adjective
pensively, pensiveness
1. engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought
2. expressing or revealing thoughtfulness, usually marked by some sadness
Syn.: contemplative, meditative Ant.: negligent, ignorant
During class, Ben had a pensive day-dream, and the teacher had to call his name multiple times, before he actually heard her. |
exult - verb
exultingly, exultant, exultation
1. show or feel elation or jubilation, especiallh as the result of success
2. to say (something) in a very excited and happy way
Syn.: rejoice, jubilate, celebrate Ant.: grieve, mourn
Alex exultingly threw his hands in the air, after winning the soccer championship.
cavil - verb, noun
caviler, cavilingly
1. to make petty or unnecessary objections
2. an objection seen as petty or unnecessary
Syn.: carp, criticize Ant.: praise, support
During the debate, Tom made a cavil, which somehow convinced the judge that his opponent was incorrect, even though there was no reason for this objection to be made by Tom. |
uproarious - adjective
uproariously uproariousness
1. characterized by or provoking loud noise or uproar
2. provoking loud laughter; very funny
Syn.: riotous, hilarious Ant.: quiet, solemn
There was such an uproarious party at Jack's house, that the neighbors had to come knocking on Jack's door to complain about the noise, but Jack couldn't hear the knock. |
brood - noun, verb, adjective
broodless, unbrooded
1. a family of young animals, especially of a bird, produced at one hatching or birth
2. think deeply about something that makes one unhappy
3. (of a bird) sit on (eggs) to hatch them
4. (of an animal) kept to be used for breeding
Syn.: offspring, fret, incubate Ant.: parent, child
Jill kept brooding over how she had to clean the house because the guests were coming in one hour.
hinterland - noun
no other forms
1. the often uncharted areas beyond a coastal district or a river's banks
2. an area lying beyond what is visible or known
Syn.: backwoods, backwater, wilderness Ant.: metropolis
Jamie peered over the bush and saw a huge hinterland of hills and trees and flowers, which she had never seen before. |
prim - adjective, verb
primly, primness
1. stiffly formal and respectable; feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper
2. purse (the mouth or lips) into a prim expression
Syn.: demure, formal Ant.: untidy, informal
The prim girl never smiled or laughed, but nodded disapprovingly, when someone chewed with their mouth open. |
trample - verb, noun
trampler, untrampled
1. tread on and crush
2. treat with contempt
3. an act or the sound of trampling
Syn.: encroach, stomp Ant.: aid, assist, uncompress
The old man trampled over the dirty lawn and ran to the door as fast as he could. |
sluice - noun verb
sluicelike, undersluice
1. a sliding gate or other device for controlling the flow of water, especially one in a lock gate
2. an act of rinsing or showering with water
3. to wash or rinse freely with a stream or shower of water
Syn.: cleanse, flow, gush Ant.: dam, barrier
John sluiced his hands with a lot of soap, because he just came back from the woods. |