Shared Flashcard Set


Worst Foods
Example for Lesson 1- What is a Macro-Nutrient
12th Grade

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 What is easily regarded as the worst food in America?



Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing

- This monstrosity almost breaks the 3,000 calorie barrier.  Nothing of benefit in this 'appetizer'.

What is the worst 'healthy' burger from a restaurant?


Ruby Tuesday Bella Turkey Burger

-What is unfortunate about this 'healthy' burger is its name.  Somebody may be duped into thinking this is a smart entree choice based on the name alone. Yet, it is not, coming in with about 71 grams of fat...and thats not the good kind of fat.

Are carbohydrates bad for you?

-Yes and No


-Portion size: a common theme. In this case, the type is a large issue as well. Carbs get a bad rap because of how they are made and most commonly consumed. A great source of fuel and energy for your body that it needs and craves.  Some great examples: Foods high in fiber, beans, lentils, pears, apples with skin, oats.

What is the worst restaurant dessert? Because who doesn't love dessert?


Chili's Chocolate Chip Paradise Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream

-It is okay to have dessert once in awhile, but it may be a better idea to share this dessert with 3-4 people, having the calorie equivalent of 3 Big-Mac's!

What is one drink that should be consumed sparingly, if at all?


Drinking soda is a horrible way to get fluids. They are full of sugar or artificial sweeteners and often contain caffeine, artificial colors and flavors. Even the diet or "zero calorie" drinks ellicit the same type of glucose response in your body, so your body thinks it is still consuming sugar. Substitute homemade soda by mixing sparkling water with fresh, 100 percent juice.

What is one type of fat your should stay away from as much as possible?


-This "partially hydrogenated oil" is used to make fats more solid at room temperature and prolong shelf life of foods.  These fats raise your LDL cholesterol levels and lower your HDL cholesterol levels.  They can be found in many fried and baked goods: doughnuts, pies, cookies, french fries, pizza dough, stick margerine and shortening.


What is the worst "healthy" drink?



Glaceau VitaminWater

(20 Oz Bottle)


-Believe it or not, this healthy drink packs almost as much sugar and calories as a Coke. Definitely watch the serving size on the back of the bottle.

What is the worst 'tea' that you can drink?

Sobe Zen Tea

(20 Oz Bottle)


-Tea has many health benefits, but when the minimal healthy supplements and anti-oxidants are outweighed by the sugar and corn syrup, these empty calories are doing much more harm then good. Again, look at serving sizes!

What is the recommended serving size for a piece of chicken, fish or meat?

About the size a woman's palm

(3 Oz)


-With the enormous portions served in restaurants these days, it is no wonder where this serving misconception comes from. Here is a great website with several other examples:

Is peanut butter bad for you?

Yes and no


-Like anything else, moderation is key and peanut butter is very dense.  It is loaded with calories and mono-saturated fats. Also, depending on which type you buy, you can be comsuming added sugars and unwanted preservatives.

-However, it is a great source of Vitamin E, fiber and protein, which all equal a great snack that will keep your energy up and make you feel fuller longer. Go for the all natural type, it tastes even better!

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