Organic Chemistry Flashcards
- 1st exam - 22 cards
- 212 - Chemistry - Exam I(a) - 17 cards
- Acid-Base - 7 cards
- Acid-Base - 7 cards
- Acidity of Compounds and Their pKa Values - 9 cards
- acidity - 20 cards
- Activator / Deactivator Strengths - 11 cards
- Addition Reactions for Alkenes and Alkynes - 7 cards
- alcohols - 69 cards
- Aldehydes and Ketones - 56 cards
- Alkanes Naming - 10 cards
- Alkene Reactions - 8 cards
- alkenes - 15 cards
- alkyl halides - 30 cards
- Alkyne Reactions - 10 cards
- alkynes - 8 cards
- All rxn Reagents - 69 cards
- Amines and Amides - 19 cards
- Amino Acid Structures - 20 cards
- Amino Acids - 60 cards
- Amino Acids - 20 cards
- Amino Acids - 20 cards
- Amino Acids - 20 cards
- Aromatic Compounds - 13 cards
- aromatic compunds - 13 cards
- Bases and Nucleophiles; Weak and Strong - 4 cards
- Benzene Derivatives - 8 cards
- Benzene Derivatives - 12 cards
- Benzene Substitute Reactivity - 21 cards
- Bolecules - 18 cards
- Bonding and Molecular Structure - 41 cards
- Brief Organic Chemistry final - 12 cards
- Brown and Poon Chapter 3 True/False - 32 cards
- Brown and Poon Chapter 4 True/False - 13 cards
- Brown and Poon Chapter 5 True/False - 32 cards
- Brown and Poon O-Chem chapter 1 True False - 46 cards
- Brown and Poon O-Chem chapter 2 True False - 31 cards
- C13 NMR Chemical Shifts - 16 cards
- Carbohydrates - 9 cards
- Carbonyl reactions - 5 cards
- Carboxylic acid derivatives - 25 cards
- Carboxylic acids - 12 cards
- Carboxylic Acids - 17 cards
- Ch.11:RxnsofAlkylHalides:N'philicSubstitutions&Eliminations - 364 cards
- Ch 6 and 7 Reactions and Mechanisms - 20 cards
- Ch1: Introduction and Review - 35 cards
- Ch. 2 Organic Structure - 9 cards
- CH. 23 AMINES - 5 cards
- Ch2: Structure and Properties of Organic Molecules - 38 cards
- Ch. 5: Stereochem at Tetrahedral Centers - 51 cards
- Ch. 6: An Overview of Organic Reactions - 93 cards
- Ch. 7: Alkenes: Structure and Reactivity - 50 cards
- Chapter 1 Glossary Terms - 38 cards
- Chapter 1 Vocabulary - 7 cards
- Chapter 10 - 17 cards
- Chapter 10: Organohalides - 92 cards
- Chapter 10: Structure and Synthesis of Alcohols - 118 cards
- Chapter 1 - 66 cards
- Chapter 11 - 19 cards
- Chapter 11 - Alcohols - 34 cards
- Chapter 11: Reactions of Alcohols - 205 cards
- Chapter 12 - 54 cards
- Chapter 13 - 31 cards
- Chapter 14 - 42 cards
- Chapter 14: Conjugated Dienes and UV Spectroscopy - 89 cards
- Chapter 14: Ethers, Epoxides, and Thioethers - 146 cards
- Chapter 15 - 28 cards
- Chapter 16 - 21 cards
- Chapter 16: Aromatic Compounds - 97 cards
- Chapter 17 - 41 cards
- Chapter 17: Reactions of Aromatic Compounds - 221 cards
- Chapter 18 - 32 cards
- Chapter 18: Ketones and Aldehydes - 20 cards
- Chapter 19-21 - 19 cards
- Chapter 19 - 12 cards
- Chapter 1: Structure and Bonding - 242 cards
- Chapter 20 - 25 cards
- Chapter 2 - 119 cards
- Chapter 2: Polar Covalent Bonds; Acids and Bases - 158 cards
- Chapter 3 - 22 cards
- Chapter 3: Organic Compounds: Alkanes and Their Stereochem - 225 cards
- Chapter 4 - 18 cards
- Chapter 4: Organic Compounds: Cycloalkanes and Their Stereoc - 94 cards
- Chapter 5,6,7 - 21 cards
- Chapter 5 - Stereochemistry - 61 cards
- Chapter 5 - 39 cards
- Chapter 6 - Alkyl Halides - 125 cards
- Chapter 6 - 46 cards
- Chapter 7-10 - Alkene Synthesis by Dehydration of Alcohols - 6 cards
- Chapter 7-11 - Alkene Synthesis by High-Temperature Industri - 6 cards
- Chapter 7-1 - Introduction - 8 cards
- Chapter 7-2 - The Orbital Description of the Alkene Double B - 9 cards
- Chapter 7-3 - Elements of Unsaturation - 5 cards
- Chapter 7-4 - Nomenclature of Alkenes - 6 cards
- Chapter 7-5 - Nomenclature of Cis-Trans Isomers - 9 cards
- Chapter 7-6 - Commercial Importance of Alkenes - 8 cards
- Chapter 7-7 - Stability of Alkenes - 26 cards
- Chapter 7-8 - Physical Properties of Alkenes - 9 cards
- Chapter 7-9 - Alkene Synthesis by Elimination of Alkyl Halid - 22 cards
- Chapter 7 - Structure and Synthesis of Alkenes - 93 cards
- Chapter 7 - 14 cards
- Chapter 7 - 51 cards
- Chapter 8-10 - Catalytic Hydrogenation of Alkenes - 8 cards
- Chapter 8-11 - Addition of Carbenes to Alkenes - 8 cards
- Chapter 8-14 - Syn Hydroxylation of Alkenes - 7 cards
- Chapter 8-1 - Reactivity of the Carbon-Carbon Double Bond - 9 cards
- Chapter 8-2 - Electrophilic Addition to Alkenes - 5 cards
- Chapter 8-3 - Addition of Hydrogen Halides to Alkenes - 17 cards
- Chapter 8-4 - Addition of Water: Hydration of Alkenes - 13 cards
- Chapter 8-5 - Hydration by Oxymercuration-Demercuration - 10 cards
- Chapter 8-7 - Hydroboration of Alkenes - 14 cards
- Chapter 8-8 - Addition of Halogens to Alkenes - 10 cards
- Chapter 8-9 - Formation of Halohydrins - 8 cards
- Chapter 8 reactions - 21 cards
- Chapter 8 - Reactions of Alkenes - 145 cards
- Chapter 8 - 35 cards
- Chapter 8: Alkenes: Reactions and Synthesis - 274 cards
- Chapter 9-1 - Introduction - 6 cards
- Chapter 9-3 - Physical Properties of Alkynes - 5 cards
- Chapter 9-4 - Commercial Importance of Alkynes - 12 cards
- Chapter 9-6 - Acidity of Alkynes; Formation of Acetylide Ion - 9 cards
- Chapter 9-7 - Synthesis of Alkynes from Acetylides - 9 cards
- Chapter 9-8 - Synthesis of Alkynes by Elimination Reactions - 5 cards
- Chapter 9-9 - Addition Reactions of Alkynes - 33 cards
- Chapter 9-2 - Nomenclature of Alkynes - 4 cards
- Chapter 9 - 30 cards
- Chapter 9-5 - Electronic Structure of Alkynes - 4 cards
- Chapter 9: Alkynes: An Intro to Organic Synthesis - 106 cards
- Chapter six elemental table - 24 cards
- Chem 131 Exam 1 - 18 cards
- Chem 131 Exam 2 - 37 cards
- Chem 131 Final Exam - 20 cards
- Chem 23 - 8 cards
- CHEM 2445 Final Reactions - 16 cards
- CHEM 2445 Questions - 36 cards
- Chem 311 - 84 cards
- CHEM 341 Reactions - 36 cards
- CHEM 8B: Quiz 3_Lievens - 89 cards
- CHEM pka values - 18 cards
- CHEM Topic 3 - 18 cards
- CHEM2402 Reactions - 34 cards
- CHEM251 Exam 1 - 128 cards
- Chemical Lab tests - 8 cards
- Chemistry flashcards - 26 cards
- Chemistry Quiz #1 - 59 cards
- CHM 322 Lab Final - 114 cards
- CHM2200 - 13 cards
- Chpater 8-12 - Epoxidation of Alkenes - 10 cards
- Classes of Organic Compounds - 30 cards
- Coenzymes in group-transferring rxns - 12 cards
- Common Names - 18 cards
- Conformations - 11 cards
- Coupling Constants - 11 cards
- Covalent Bonds and Molecular Shapes - 36 cards
- DAT Functional Group Chemistry - 35 cards
- Organic Chem Addn Rxns - 54 cards
- PT-Organic Chem FC - 36 cards
- PT-Orgo Practice test 1,2 Review - 19 cards
- PT- Orgo Practice test #5 and 6 - 23 cards
- Diels-Alder Reaction - 17 cards
- Digestion - 18 cards
- Directing groups - 25 cards
- EAS of Benzene - 9 cards
- EAS Substituent Effects - 6 cards
- EK orgo lecture 1 - 20 cards
- EK orgo lecture 2 - 14 cards
- EK orgo lecture 3 - 18 cards
- Electronegativity Values - 19 cards
- Enolate Anions and Enamines - 22 cards
- Esters introduction information - 15 cards
- Ether Information - 10 cards
- Exam 1 - 11 cards
- Exam 1 - 49 cards
- exam 1 - 36 cards
- Exam 1 (chs 1-3) - 52 cards
- Exam 1 (Last year) - 56 cards
- Exam 2 - 44 cards
- exam 2 - 32 cards
- exam 2 - 19 cards
- Exam 2 - 15 cards
- EXAM 2 - 16 cards
- exam 3 - 36 cards
- exam 3 - 13 cards
- exam 3 - 20 cards
- Exam I - 34 cards
- Exam I - 24 cards
- Exam I - 41 cards
- Families of Carbon Compounds - 59 cards
- Fatty Acid Constituents - 13 cards
- fenoles y eteres - 5 cards
- Fill in the Blank - 194 cards
- final chapters - 22 cards
- final exam 1 - 80 cards
- FINAL EXAM - 74 cards
- Final - 135 cards
- Free radical Halogenation - 4 cards
- Friedel-Crafts Reaction - 12 cards
- Functional Group Nomenclature Endings - 13 cards
- Functional Group - 16 cards
- Functional Group and Naming Cards - 9 cards
- Functional Group Defining Features - 13 cards
- Functional groups - 21 cards
- Functional Groups - 5 cards
- Functional Groups - 13 cards
- Functional Groups - 16 cards
- Functional Groups - 21 cards
- Functional Groups - 16 cards
- Functional Groups - 41 cards
- Functional Groups - 36 cards
- Functional Groups - 15 cards
- Functional Groups - 9 cards
- Functional Groups - 18 cards
- Functional Groups - 23 cards
- functional groups - 17 cards
- Functional Groups - 15 cards
- Functional Groups - 15 cards
- Functional Groups - 17 cards
- Functional Groups - 16 cards
- Functional Groups IR Spec - 14 cards
- H1 NMR Chemical Shifts - 17 cards
- Heterocycles - 15 cards
- Heterocyclic amines and Amides. - 17 cards
- hybridization - 23 cards
- IME Organic Chemistry - 9 cards
- Infared Spectroscopy - 18 cards
- IR Absorption - 12 cards
- Ir Sepctroscopy - 12 cards
- IR Spec Chemical Shifts - 12 cards
- IR Spec - 20 cards
- IR Spectra - 12 cards
- IR spectra values - 11 cards
- IR Spectroscopy - 29 cards
- IR Spectroscopy - 27 cards
- IR Spectroscopy Functional Groups - 16 cards
- IR Specturm - 11 cards
- IR Stretching Frequencies - 29 cards
- IR - 19 cards
- IR, Mass Spectrum, NMR Numbers to remember - 11 cards
- Isomerization of Carvone - 15 cards
- Isomers of propyl and butyl - 6 cards
- IUPAC nomenclature - 9 cards
- IUPAC nomenclature and Conformations of Alkanes - 34 cards
- Kaplan DAT O-chem - 95 cards
- lab quiz 1 - 34 cards
- lab quiz 2 - 53 cards
- Lecture 1 - 64 cards
- Lecture 2 - 45 cards
- Lecture 3 - 27 cards
- Lid, Lashes and Lacrimal System - 16 cards
- line-angle structures - 15 cards
- Lipids - 21 cards
- Lipids - 26 cards
- Mass Spectrometry - 13 cards
- MCAT Functional Groups - 21 cards
- MCAT Hydrocarbon Properties - 30 cards
- MCAT Isomers - 10 cards
- mcat OC - 21 cards
- MCAT Organic Chemistry - 23 cards
- MCAT Organic Chemistry - 16 cards
- MCAT Orgo Functional Groups - 25 cards
- Med Chem Functional Groups - 23 cards
- Med Chem Functional Groups 2 - 31 cards
- med surge 1, exam 3 - 115 cards
- midterm 2 reagent set chem 51c - 32 cards
- Midterm One - 48 cards
- Midterm #3- Synthesis - 37 cards
- Molecules - 11 cards
- Naming and properties of Amines - 25 cards
- Naming Rules for Alkanes - 33 cards
- NEU Organic Chem 1 Fall 2010 Warner Exam 3 - 5 cards
- NEU Organic Chem 1 Warner Fall 2010 Ch 8 - 49 cards
- NEU Organic Chem 1 Warner Fall 2010 Exam 1 - 15 cards
- NEU Organic Chem 2 Spring 2011 Stenberg Exam 1 Review - 23 cards
- NEU Warner Fall 2010 Ch 1 - 15 cards
- NEU Warner Fall 2010 Ch 7 - 36 cards
- NEU Warner Fall 2010 Ch 9 - 40 cards
- NEU Warner Fall 2010 Chapter 2 - 47 cards
- NEU Warner Fall 2010 End Chapter 1 - 20 cards
- Nitration - 10 cards
- NMR C - 19 cards
- NMR H - 21 cards
- NMR - 28 cards
- nomanclayture - 6 cards
- nomenclature of alkanes - 25 cards
- nomenclature of alkanes & alkyl substituents - 14 cards
- Nomenclature practice - organic chemistry - 9 cards
- Nucleophiles (Lewis Bases vs. Lewis Acids) - 17 cards
- Nutrition Exam 1 - 28 cards
- O Chem Exam 3 - 8 cards
- O Chem Test 1 - 18 cards
- O Chem Test 2 - 46 cards
- O Chem Test 3 - 44 cards
- O Chem Exam 2 - 59 cards
- O-Chem Lab Quiz #2, 3/4 - 24 cards
- OceanFlashcards - 40 cards
- oceanography - 9 cards
- oceanography - 38 cards
- Ochem 1 - 162 cards
- ochem 112b - 16 cards
- OCHEM 2nd Language - 56 cards
- OCHEM 2 Test 4 - 299 cards
- ochem 51b - 17 cards
- OCHEM chapter 8 - 7 cards
- OChem chapter 8 triple bonds - 10 cards
- OChem II Midterm One Review - 31 cards
- OChem Lab - 12 cards
- OCHEM Quiz 1 - 23 cards
- OCHEM Test 1 - 675 cards
- OCHEM Test 2 - 280 cards
- OCHEM Test 3 - 606 cards
- OCHEM Test 4 - 189 cards
- ochem - 126 cards
- optcs - 37 cards
- Organ Systems BS - 102 cards
- Organic 2 Lab Identification Tests - 13 cards
- Organic Chapter 1-3 - 35 cards
- Organic chem 1 - 29 cards
- ORGANIC CHEM 1 - CH 2 - 27 cards
- ORGANIC CHEM 2- exam 1 - 8 cards
- Organic Chem II: Reactants - 36 cards
- Organic Chem, Ch 1 & 2 - 14 cards
- Organic Chem Exam 3 - 4 cards
- Organic Chemistry, addition reactions - 10 cards
- Organic Chemistry alkyne reactions - 8 cards
- organic chemistry ch 3 - 19 cards
- Organic Chemistry Chap. 3 &4 True and False - 35 cards
- Organic Chemistry Chap. 5 & 6 True and False - 50 cards
- Organic Chemistry Chap. 7 & 8 True and False - 19 cards
- Organic chemistry Exam 2 - 69 cards
- Organic chemistry lab 337 - 17 cards
- Organic Chemistry Lab Practical Test - 88 cards
- Organic Chemistry Molecules - 24 cards
- Organic Chemistry Molecules 2 - 15 cards
- Organic Chemistry Reactions - 18 cards
- Organic Chemistry - Stereocenters and related definitions - 9 cards
- Organic Chemistry Test 2 - 173 cards
- Organic Chemistry Test 3 - 77 cards
- Organic Chemistry 1 - 47 cards
- Organic Chemistry - 8 cards
- Organic Chemistry - 9 cards
- Organic Chemistry - 10 cards
- Organic Chemistry Basic Mechanims - 35 cards
- Organic Chem Benzene and Aromaticity - 16 cards
- Organic Chemistry Cards - 4 cards
- Organic Chemistry Ch. 12 - Separations and Purifications - 12 cards
- Organic Chemistry Ch. 1 - Nomenclature - 19 cards
- Organic Chemistry Ch. 2 - Isomers - 16 cards
- Organic Chemistry Ch. 4 - Analyzing Organic Reactions - 23 cards
- Organic Chemistry Ch. 5 - Alcohols - 7 cards
- Organic Chemistry Ch. 6 - Aldehydes and Ketons I - 7 cards
- Organic Chemistry Ch. 7 - Aldehydes and Ketones II - 8 cards
- Organic Chemistry Ch. 8 - Carboxylic Acids - 6 cards
- Organic Chemistry Ch. 9 - Carboxylic Acid Derivatives - 6 cards
- Organic Chemistry Exam 1 - 20 cards
- Organic Chemistry Exam 4 - 50 cards
- Organic Chemistry I Final - 5 cards
- Organic Chemistry II - 17 cards
- Organic Chemistry II: Naming Chemical Structures - 24 cards
- Organic Chemistry II: PKA's - 6 cards
- Organic Chemistry Kline Chs. 7,8,9 & 10 - 20 cards
- Organic Chemistry Reactions and Mechanisms - 29 cards
- Organic Chemistry Test - 14 cards
- Organic Chem Lab Final Review 2: StudyBlue - 100 cards
- Organic Chem Lab Final Review: StudyBlue - 205 cards
- Organic final - 24 cards
- Organic Reaction - 4 cards
- Organic Reactions - 36 cards
- Organic Test #3 - 35 cards
- Organic Unit Vocabulary - 14 cards
- Organometallic reactions - 15 cards
- Organometallics - 21 cards
- orgo 2 ASU - 42 cards
- Orgo 2 - 31 cards
- ORGO LAB FINAL - 23 cards
- Orgo MCAT - 17 cards
- Orgo pKa - 26 cards
- Orgo Reactions - 14 cards
- Orgo Review - 4 cards
- Ortho/Para or Meta directing - 14 cards
- oxidations and reductions - 9 cards
- Physical properties of aldehydes and ketones - 29 cards
- pKa memorizations - 15 cards
- pKa values - 12 cards
- pKa - 24 cards
- pka - 21 cards
- pKas for Exam 2 - 40 cards
- PKAs - 8 cards
- Polar Covalent Bonds: Acids and Bases - 40 cards
- Proteins CHEM 1152 - 16 cards
- Quiz 20 - 50 cards
- Reaction mechanisms - 24 cards
- Reactions of alcohols - 16 cards
- Reactions of alkenes and alkynes - 20 cards
- Reactions of hexanol - 23 cards
- Reactions of Alcohols and Thiols - 12 cards
- Reactions of Alkenes and Conjugated Dienes - 8 cards
- Reactions Semester 1 - 25 cards
- Reactions - 13 cards
- Reactions - 467 cards
- Reagent Study - 11 cards
- Reagents - 17 cards
- Reduction of Benzil - 13 cards
- reduction of carbonyl compounds - 4 cards
- resonance - 20 cards
- Review of Gen Chem - 14 cards
- rxn excel - 69 cards
- Safety Information: StudyBlue - 13 cards
- Sgt - 90 cards
- Sidechains and Functional Groups - 17 cards
- Simplified pKa Study Cards - 31 cards
- Six Functional Groups Commonly Attached to Carbon Atoms - 7 cards
- Sn and Elimination - 34 cards
- Solvents For Semester 1 Final - 37 cards
- Solvents - 21 cards
- Spectroscopy - 60 cards
- Starred Molecules - 32 cards
- Starting aldehyde/Ketone information - 12 cards
- stereochemistry - 23 cards
- Summary notes SN1 SN2 E1 E2 - 11 cards
- Test 1 - 6 cards
- test 1B - 36 cards
- Test 4 - 24 cards
- Unit I - 36 cards
- Unit II - 30 cards
- Unit III - 21 cards
- Unit IX and X - 8 cards
- Unit VI - 24 cards
- UW Ochem Lab 2 - 28 cards
- Vitamins & Minerals - 127 cards
- Vocab & Misc. (Ch.4-6) - 18 cards
- Water Referenced pKa's - 21 cards
- Week 1 - 8 cards
- z-Ch1 - 11 cards
- z-Ch. 12 IR Absorptions of Some Functional Groups - 17 cards
- z-Ch. 16 RXN - 13 cards
- z-Ch. 17 Alcohol Reactions - 25 cards
- z-Ch. 18 Ether RXNs - 11 cards
- z-Ch. 19 Aldehydes and Ketones - 39 cards
- z-Ch. 20 Carboxylic Acids and Nitriles - 14 cards
- z-Ch. 21 Carboxylic Acid Derivatives RXN's - 21 cards
- z-Ch. 21 Carboxylic Acid Derivatives Notes - 4 cards
- z-Ch. 22 Carbonyl Alpha-Substitution RXN's - 10 cards
- z-Ch. 24 Amines and Hetrocycles - 26 cards
- z-Ch. 25 Biomolecules: Carbohydrates - 12 cards
- z-Ch. 26 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins - 21 cards
- z-Ch. 27 Lipids - 5 cards
- z-Ch3 Functional Groups - 22 cards
- z-CH. 7 Organic reaction - 16 cards
- z-Nomeclature of Benzene - 8 cards
- z-Preview of Carbonyl Compounds - 14 cards
- z- Ch. 15 - 11 cards